Philippe ZARKA

Septembre 2024



1. Publications dans des revues ˆ comitŽ de lecture


[R1]          Zarka, P., and B. M. Pedersen, Statistical study of Saturn Electrostatic Discharges, J. Geophys. Res., 88, 9007-9018, 1983.

[R2]          Zarka, P., and F. Genova, Low frequency jovian emission and solar wind magnetic sector structure, Nature, 306, 767-768, 1983.


[R3]          Zarka, P., Directivity of Saturn Electrostatic Discharges and ionospheric implications, Icarus, 61, 508-520, 1985.

[R4]          Zarka, P., On detection of radio bursts associated with jovian and saturnian lightning, Astron. Astrophys., 146, L15-L18, 1985.


[R5]          Warwick, J. W. , D. R. Evans, J. H. Romig, C. B. Sawyer, M. D. Desch, M. L. Kaiser, J. K. Alexander, T. D. Carr, D. H. Staelin, S. Gulkis, R. L. Poynter, M. Aubier, A. Boischot, Y. Leblanc, A. Lecacheux, B. M. Pedersen, and P. Zarka, Radio observations of Uranus seen by Voyager 2, Science, 233, 102-106, 1986.

[R6]          Zarka, P., D. Le QuŽau, and F. Genova, The Maser Synchrotron Instability in an inhomogeneous medium : Determination of the spectral intensity of Auroral Kilometric Radiation, J. Geophys. Res., 91, 13542-13558, 1986.

[R7]          Zarka, P., and B. M. Pedersen, Radio detection of Uranian lightning by Voyager 2, Nature, 323, 605-608, 1986,


[R8]          Boischot, A., J. H. Sastri, and P. Zarka, Localization of Io and non-Io sources of jovian decametric emission, Astron. Astrophys., 175, 287-288, 1987.

[R9]          Genova, F., P. Zarka, and C. H. Barrow, Voyager and Nancay observations of the jovian radio emission at different frequencies : solar wind effect and source extent, Astron. Astrophys., 182, 159-162, 1987.

[R10]       Zarka, P., and A. Lecacheux, Beaming of Uranian Kilometric Radio emission and inferred source location, J. Geophys. Res., 92, 15177-15187, 1987.


[R11]       Galopeau, P., P. Zarka, and D. Le QuŽau, Theoretical model of Saturn's Kilometric Radiation spectrum, J. Geophys. Res., 94, 8739-8755, 1989.

[R12]       Warwick, J. W. , et al., Voyager Planetary Radio Astronomy at Neptune, Science, 246, 1498-1501, 1989.

[R13]       Zarka, P., L'apport des Missions Spatiales a la Physique des Plasmas, Bulletin de la SociŽtŽ Franaise de Physique, 73, 3-8, 1989.


[R14]       Galopeau, P., A. Ortega-Molina, and P. Zarka, Evidence of Saturn's Magnetic Field Anomaly from SKR high-frequency limit, J. Geophys. Res., 96, 14129-14140, 1991.

[R15]       Kaiser, M. L., P. Zarka, M. D. Desch, and W. M. Farrell, Restrictions on the characteristics of Neptunian lightning, J. Geophys. Res., 96, 19043-19047, 1991.

[R16]       Pedersen, B. M., N. Meyer-Vernet, M. G. Aubier, and P. Zarka, Dust distribution around Neptune : grain impacts near the ring plane measured by the Voyager planetary radio astronomy experiment, J. Geophys. Res., 96, 19187-19196, 1991.


[R17]       Galopeau, P., and P. Zarka, Reply to the Comment by J. E. P. Connerney and M. D. Desch on "Evidence of Saturn's Magnetic Field Anomaly from SKR high-frequency limit", J. Geophys. Res., 97, 12291-12297, 1992.

[R18]       Kaiser, M. L., M. D. Desch, W. M. Farrell, R. J. MacDowall, R. G. Stone, A. Lecacheux, B. M. Pedersen, and P. Zarka, Ulysses Observations of Escaping VLF Emissions from Jupiter, Geophys. Res. Lett., 19, 649-652, 1992.

[R19]       Lecacheux, A., B. M. Pedersen, P. Zarka, M. G. Aubier, M. D. Desch, W. M. Farrell, M. L. Kaiser, R. J. MacDowall, and R. G. Stone, In Ecliptic Observations of Jovian Radio Emissions by Ulysses : Comparison with Voyager Results, Geophys. Res. Lett., 19, 1307-1310, 1992.

[R20]       Pedersen, B. M., A. Lecacheux, P. Zarka, M. G. Aubier, M. L. Kaiser, and M. D. Desch, Phenomenology of Neptune's radio emissions observed by the Voyager planetary radio astronomy experiment, J. Geophys. Res., 97, 19201-19211, 1992.

[R21]       Stone, R. G., et al. (31 co-authors), The Unified Radio And Plasma wave investigation, Astron. Astrophys. Suppl. Ser., 92, 291-316, 1992.

[R22]       Stone, R. G., et al. (25 co-authors), Ulysses Radio and Plasma wave observations in the Jupiter environment, Science, 257, 1524-1531, 1992.

[R23]       Zarka, P., The auroral radio emissions from planetary magnetospheres : What do we know, what don't we know, what do we learn from them ?, Adv. Space Res., 12, (8)99-(8)115, 1992.


[R24]       Lecacheux, A., P. Zarka, M. D. Desch, and D. R. Evans, The sidereal rotation period of Neptune, Geophys. Res. Lett., 20, 2711-2714, 1993.

[R25]       PrangŽ, R., P. Zarka, G. E. Ballester, T. A. Livengood, L. Denis, T. D. Carr, F. Reyes, S. J. Bame, and H. W. Moos, Correlated variations of UV and Radio emissions during an outstanding jovian auroral event, J. Geophys. Res. -Planets, 98, 18779-18791, 1993.

[R26]       Reiner, M. J., J. Fainberg, R. G. Stone, M. L. Kaiser, M. D. Desch, R. Manning, P. Zarka, and B. M. Pedersen, Source Characteristics of Jovian Narrow-band Kilometric radio emissions, J. Geophys. Res. -Planets, 98, 13163-13176, 1993.

[R27]       Zarka, P., B. M. Pedersen, R. PrangŽ, P. Ferrando, S. Hoang, P. Canu, Quelques rŽsultats marquants de la rencontre Ulysse-Jupiter, Bulletin de la SociŽtŽ Franaise de Physique, 90, 3-9, 1993.


[R28]       Barrow, C. H., P. Zarka, and M. G. Aubier, Fine structures in solar radio emission at decametre wavelengths, Astron. Astrophys., 286, 597-606, 1994.

[R29]       Ladreiter, H. P., P. Zarka, and A. Lecacheux, Direction-finding study of Jovian Hectometric and broadband Kilometric radio emissions : evidence for their auroral origin, Planet. Space Sci., 42, 919-931, 1994.


[R30]       Galopeau, P., P. Zarka, and D. Le QuŽau, Source location of SKR : the Kelvin-Helmholtz instability hypothesis, J. Geophys. Res. -Planets, 100, 26397-26410, 1995.

[R31]       Ladreiter, H. P., P. Zarka, A. Lecacheux, W. Macher, H. O. Rucker, R. Manning, D. A. Gurnett, and W. S. Kurth, Analysis of electromagnetic wave direction-finding performed by spaceborne antennas using singular value decomposition techniques, Radio Science, 30, 1699-1712, 1995.


[R32]       PrangŽ, R., D. Rego, D. Southwood, P. Zarka, S. Miller, and W. Ip, Rapid energy dissipation and variability of the Io-Jupiter electrodynamic circuit, Nature, 379, 323-325, 1996.

[R33]       Zarka, P., T. Farges, B. P. Ryabov, M. Abada-Simon, and L. Denis, A scenario for jovian S-bursts, Geophys. Res. Lett., 23, 125-128, 1996.

[R34]       Zarka, P., Les sursauts "S" de Jupiter, Images de la Physique 95-96, CNRS, Paris, 118-127, 5/1996.


[R35]       Gopalswamy, N., M. R. Kundu, P. K. Manoharan, A. Raoult, N. Nitta, and P. Zarka, X-ray and Radio studies of a coronal eruption : shock wave, plasmoid and coronal mass ejection, Astrophys. J., 486, 1036-1044, 1997.


[R36]       Bougeret, J.-L., P. Zarka, C. Caroubalos, M. Karlicky, Y. Leblanc, D. Maroulis, A. Hillaris, X. Moussas, C. E. Alissandrakis, G. Dumas, and C. Perche, A shock associated (SA) radio event and related phenomena observed from the base of the solar corona to 1 AU, Geophys. Res. Lett., 25, (14), 2513-2516, 1998.

[R37]       Bougeret, J.-L., P. Zarka, C. Caroubalos, M. Karlicky, Y. Leblanc, D. Maroulis, A. Hillaris, X. Moussas, C. E. Alissandrakis, G. Dumas, and C. Perche, Correction to ÒA shock associated (SA) radio event and related phenomena observed from the base of the solar corona to 1 AUÓ, Geophys. Res. Lett., 25, 4103, 1998.

[R38]       PrangŽ, R., D. Rego, L. Pallier, J. E. P. Connerney, P. Zarka, and J. Queinnec, Detailed study of FUV Jovian auroral features with the post-COSTAR Hubble Faint Object Camera, J. Geophys. Res., 103, 20195-20215, 1998.

[R39]       Queinnec, J., and P. Zarka, Io-Controlled Decameter Arcs and Io-Jupiter Interaction, J. Geophys. Res., 103, 26649-26666, 1998.

[R40]       Zarka, P., Auroral radio emissions at the outer planets : observations and theories, J. Geophys. Res., 103, 20159-20194, 1998.


[R41]       Farrell, W. M., M. D. Desch, and P. Zarka, On the possibility of coherent cyclotron emission from extrasolar planets, J. Geophys. Res., 104, 14025-14032, 1999.


[R42]       Kaiser, M. L., P. Zarka, W. S. Kurth, G. B. Hospodarsky, and D. A. Gurnett, Cassini and Wind stereoscopic observations of Jovian non-thermal radio emissions : measurements of beamwidths, J. Geophys. Res., 105, 16053-16062, 2000.


[R43]       Bhardwaj, A., G. R. Gladstone, and P. Zarka, An overview of Io flux tube footprints in Jupiter's auroral ionosphere, Adv. Space Res., 27(11), 1915-1922, 2001.

[R44]       Gurnett, D. A., P. Zarka, R. Manning, W. S. Kurth, G. B. Hospodarsky, T. F. Averkamp, M. L. Kaiser, and W. M. Farrell, Non-detection at Venus of high-frequency radio signals characteristic of terrestrial lightning, Nature, 409, 313-315, 2001.

[R45]       Kurth, W. S., G. B. Hospodarsky, D. A. Gurnett, M. L. Kaiser, J. -E. Wahlund, A. Roux, P. Canu, P. Zarka, and Y. Tokarev, An overview of observations by the Cassini Radio and Plasma Wave investigation at Earth, J. Geophys. Res., 106, 30239-30252, 2001.

[R46]       Queinnec, J., and P. Zarka, Flux, power, energy and polarization of Jovian S-bursts, Planet. Space Sci., 49, 365-376, 2001.

[R47]       Zarka, P., J. Queinnec, and F. Crary, Low-frequency limit of Jovian radio emissions and implications on source locations and Io plasma wake, Planet. Space Sci., 49, 1137-1149, 2001.

[R48]       Zarka, P., R. A. Treumann, B. P. Ryabov, and V. B. Ryabov, Magnetically-driven planetary radio emissions and applications to extrasolar planets, Astrophys. Space Sci., 277, 293-300, 2001.


[R49]       Blanc, M., S. Bolton, J. Bradley, M. Burton, T. E. Cravens, I. Dandouras, M. Dougherty, J. Feynman, R. E. Johnson, T. G. Gombosi, P. L. Liewer, B. H. Mauk, S. Maurice, D. Mitchell, F. M. Neubauer, J. D. Richardson, E. C. Sittler, B. T. Tsurutani, P. Zarka, L. W. Esposito, E. GrŸn, D. A. Gurnett, A. J. Kliore, S. M. Krimigis, D. Southwood, J. H. Waite, and D. T. Young, Magnetospheric and Plasma Science with Cassini-Huygens, Space Sci. Rev., 104, 253-346, 2002.

[R50]       Gurnett, D. A., W. S. Kurth, G. B. Hospodarsky, A. M. Persoon, P. Zarka, A. Lecacheux, S. J. Bolton, M. D. Desch, W. M. Farrell, M. L. Kaiser, H. P. Ladreiter, H. O. Rucker, P. Galopeau, P. Louarn, D. T. Young, W. R. Pryor, M. K. Dougherty, Control of Jupiter's radio emission and aurorae by the solar wind, Nature, 415, 985-987, 2002.


[R51]       Menietti, J. D., D. A. Gurnett, G. B. Hospodarsky, C. A. Higgins, W. S. Kurth, and P. Zarka, Modeling radio emission attenuation lanes observed by the Galileo and Cassini spacecraft, Planet. Space Sci., 51, 533-540, 2003.


[R52]       Farrell, W. M., T. J. Lazio, P. Zarka, T. Bastian, M. D. Desch, and B. P. Ryabov, The Radio Search for Extrasolar Planets with LOFAR, Planet. Space Sci., 52, 1469-1478, 2004.

[R53]       Gurnett, D. A., W. S. Kurth, D. L. Kirchner, G. B. Hospodarsky, T. F. Averkamp, P. Zarka, A. Lecacheux, R. Manning, A. Roux, P. Canu, N. Cornilleau-Wehrlin, P. Galopeau, A. Meyer, R. Bostrom, G. Gustafsson, J. -E. Wahlund, L. Ahlen, H. O. Rucker, H. P. Ladreiter, W. Macher, L. J. C. Woolliscroft, H. Alleyne, M. L. Kaiser, M. D. Desch, W. M. Farrell, C. C. Harvey, P. Louarn, P. J. Kellogg, K. Goetz, and A. Pedersen, The Cassini Radio and Plasma Wave Investigation, Space Sci. Rev., 114, 395-463, 2004.

[R54]       Hospodarsky, G. B., W. S. Kurth, B. Cecconi, D. A. Gurnett, M. L. Kaiser, M. D. Desch, and P. Zarka, Simultaneous Observations of Jovian Quasi-Periodic Radio Emissions by the Galileo and Cassini Spacecraft, J. Geophys. Res., 109, A09S07, 10.1029/2003JA010263, 2004.

[R55]       Ryabov, V. B., P. Zarka, and B. P. Ryabov, Search of exoplanetary radio signals in the presence of strong interference : Enhancing sensitivity by data accumulation, Planet. Space Sci., 52, 1479-1491, 2004.

[R56]       Steinberg, J.-L., C. Lacombe, P. Zarka, S. Hoang, and C. Perche, Terrestrial Low Frequency bursts : escape paths of radio waves through the bow shock, Planet. Space Sci., 52, 643-660, 2004.

[R57]       Vogl, D. F., B. Cecconi, W. Macher, P. Zarka, H. P. Ladreiter, P. FŽdou, A. Lecacheux, T. Averkamp, G. Fischer, H. O. Rucker, D. A. Gurnett, W. S. Kurth, and G. Hospodarsky, Calibration of Cassini-RPWS Antenna System for Direction-Finding and Polarization Measurements, J. Geophys. Res., 109, A09S17, 2004.

[R58]       Zarka, P., Radio and plasma waves at the outer planets, Adv. Space Res., 33 (11), 2045-2060, 2004.

[R59]       Zarka, P., B. Cecconi, and W. S. Kurth, Jupiter's low frequency radio spectrum from Cassini/RPWS absolute flux density measurements, J. Geophys. Res., 109, A09S15, 2004.

[R60]       Zarka, P., W. M. Farrell, M. L. Kaiser, E. Blanc, and W. S. Kurth, Study of solar system planetary lightning with LOFAR, Planet. Space Sci., 52, 1435-1447, 2004.

[R61]       Zarka, P., Fast radio imaging of Jupiter's magnetosphere at low frequencies with LOFAR, Planet. Space Sci., 52, 1455-1467, 2004.


[R62]       Cecconi, B., and P. Zarka, Direction finding and antenna calibration through analytical inversion of radio measurements performed using a system of two or three electric dipole antennas on a three-axis stabilized spacecraft, Radio Sci., 40, RS3003, 2005.

[R63]       Cecconi, B., and P. Zarka, Model of a variable radio period for Saturn, J. Geophys. Res., 110, A12203, 2005.

[R64]       Farrell, W. M., M. D. Desch, M. L. Kaiser, A. Lecacheux, W. S. Kurth, D. A. Gurnett, B. Cecconi, and P. Zarka, A nightside source of SaturnÕs kilometric radiation: Evidence for an inner magnetosphere energy driver, Geophys. Res. Lett., 32, L18107, 2005.

[R65]       Gurnett, D. A., W. S. Kurth, G. B. Hospodarsky, A. M. Persoon, T. F. Averkamp, B. Cecconi, A. Lecacheux, P. Zarka, and 19 co-authors, Radio and Plasma Wave Observations at Saturn from CassiniÕs approach and first orbit, Science, 307, 1255-1259, 2005.

[R66]       Jackman, C. M., N. Achilleos, E. J. Bunce, B. Cecconi, J. T. Clarke, S. W. H. Cowley, W. S. Kurth, and P. Zarka, Interplanetary conditions and magnetospheric dynamics during the Cassini orbit insertion fly-through of SaturnÕs magnetosphere, J. Geophys. Res., 110, A10212, 2005.

[R67]       Kurth, W. S., G. B. Hospodarsky, D. A. Gurnett, B. Cecconi, P. Louarn, A. Lecacheux, P. Zarka, H. O. Rucker, M. Boudjada, and M. L. Kaiser, High Spectral and Temporal Resolution Observations of Saturn Kilometric Radiation, Geophys. Res. Lett., 32, L20S07, 2005.

[R68]       Kurth, W. S., D. A. Gurnett, J. T. Clarke, P. Zarka, M. D. Desch, M. L. Kaiser, B. Cecconi, A. Lecacheux, W. M. Farrell, P. Galopeau, J.-C. GŽrard, D. Grodent, R. PrangŽ, M. K. Dougherty, and F. J. Crary, An Earth-like correspondence between Saturn's auroral features and radio emission, Nature, 433, 722-725, 2005.

[R69]       Mitchell, D. G., P. C. Brandt, E. C. Roelof, J. Dandouras, S. M. Krimigis, B. H. Mauk, C. P. Paranicas, N. Krupp, D. C. Hamilton, W. S. Kurth, P. Zarka, M. K. Dougherty, E. J. Bunce, and D. E. Shemansky, Energetic ion acceleration in Saturn's magnetotail: Substorms at Saturn ?, Geophys. Res. Lett., 32, 20-23, L20S01, 2005.

[R70]       Weber, R., C. Viou, A. Coffre, L. Denis, P. Zarka, and A. Lecacheux, DSP-enabled Radio Astronomy : Towards IIIZW35 reconquest, J . Appl. Signal Proc., 16, 2686-2693, 2005.

[R71]       Zarka, P., and W. S. Kurth, Radio wave emission from the Outer Planets before Cassini, in ÒThe Outer Planets and their MoonsÓ, T. Encrenaz, R. Kallenbach, T. C. Owen, and C. Sotin eds., ISSI Space Science Series (reprinted from Space Sci. Rev., 116, 1-2), pp. 371-397, Springer, The Netherlands, 2005.


[R72]       Fischer, G., M. D. Desch, P. Zarka, M. L. Kaiser, D. A. Gurnett, W. S. Kurth, W. Macher, H. O. Rucker, A. Lecacheux, W. Farrell, and B. Cecconi, Saturn lightning recorded by Cassini/RPWS in 2004, Icarus, 183, 135-152, 2006.

[R73]       Fischer, G., W. Macher, D. A. Gurnett, M. D. Desch, A. Lecacheux, P. Zarka, W. S. Kurth, and M. L. Kaiser, Discrimination between Jovian radio emissions and Saturn electrostatic discharges, Geophys. Res. Lett., 33, L21201, 2006.

[R74]       Moncuquet, M., H. Matsumoto, J.-L. Bougeret, L. Blomberg, K. Issautier, Y. Kasaba, H. Kojima, M. Maksimovic, N. Meyer-Vernet, and P. Zarka, The Radio Waves & Thermal Electrostatic Noise Spectroscopy (SORBET) Experiment on BEPICOLOMBO/MMO/PWI: Scientific Objectives and Performance, Adv. Space Res., 38, 680-685, 2006.

[R75]       Taubenschuss, U., H. O. Rucker, W. S. Kurth, B. Cecconi, P. Zarka, M. K. Dougherty, and J. T. Steinberg, Linear prediction studies for the solar wind and Saturn Kilometric Radiation, Ann. Geophys., 24, 3139-3150, 2006.


[R76]       Farrell, W. M., M. L. Kaiser, G. Fischer, P. Zarka, W. S. Kurth, and D. A. Gurnett, Are Saturnian Electrostatic Discharges Really Superbolts? A Temporal Dilemma, Geophys. Res. Lett., 34, L06202, 2007.

[R77]       Fischer, G., W. S. Kurth, U. A. Dyudina, M. L. Kaiser, P. Zarka, A. Lecacheux, A. P. Ingersoll, and D. A. Gurnett, Analysis of a Giant Lightning Storm on Saturn, Icarus, 190, 528-544, 2007.

[R78]       Fischer, G., D. A. Gurnett, W. S. Kurth, W. M. Farrell, M. L. Kaiser, and P. Zarka, Non-detection of Titan Lightning radio emissions with Cassini/RPWS after 35 close Titan flybys, Geophys. Res. Lett., 34, L22104, 2007.

[R79]       Grie§meier, J.-M., P. Zarka and H. Spreeuw, Predicting low-frequency radio fluxes of known extrasolar planets, Astron. Astrophys., 475, 359-368, 2007. + VizieR Online Data Catalog, J/A+A/475/359, 2007.

[R80]       Hess, S., P. Zarka, and F. Mottez, Io-Jupiter interaction, millisecond bursts and field aligned potentials, Planet. Space Sci., 55, 89-99, 2007.

[R81]       Hess, S., F. Mottez, and P. Zarka, Jovian S-bursts generation by AlfvŽn waves, J. Geophys. Res., 112, A11212, 2007.

[R82]       Louarn, P., W. S. Kurth, D. A. Gurnett, G. B. Hospodarsky, A. M. Persoon, B. Cecconi, A. Lecacheux, P. Zarka, P. Canu, A. Roux, H. O. Rucker, W. M. Farrell, M. L. Kaiser, N. AndrŽ, C. C. Harvey, and M. Blanc, Observation of similar radio signatures at Saturn and Jupiter: implications for the magnetospheric dynamics, Geophys. Res. Lett., 34 (20), CiteID L20113, 2007.

[R83]       Menietti, J. D., J. B. Groene, T. F. Averkamp, G. B. Hospodarsky, W. S. Kurth, D. A. Gurnett, and P. Zarka, Influence of Saturnian moons on Saturn kilometric radiation, J. Geophys. Res., 112, A08211, 2007.

[R84]       Nigl, A., P. Zarka, J. Kuijpers, H. Falcke, L. B‰hren, and L. Denis, VLBI observations of Jupiter with the Initial Test Station of LOFAR and the Nanay Decametric Array, Astron. Astrophys., 471, 1099–1104, 2007.

[R85]       Ryabov, V. B., B. P. Ryabov, D. M. Vavriv, P. Zarka, R. Kozhin, V. V. Vinogradov, and V. A. Shevchenko, Jupiter S-bursts: narrow-band origin of microsecond subpulses, J. Geophys. Res., 112, A09206, 2007.

[R86]       Zarka, P., Plasma interactions of exoplanets with their parent star and associated radio emissions, Planet. Space Sci., 55, 598-617, 2007.

[R87]       Zarka, P., L. Lamy, B. Cecconi, R. PrangŽ & H. O. Rucker, Modulation of SaturnÕs radio clock by solar wind speed, Nature, 450, 265-267, 8/11/2007.

[R88]       Zarka, P., InterfŽromŽtrie dŽcamŽtrique ˆ longue base entre Nanay et LOFAR, in "Mesures en ŽlectromagnŽtisme", Revue Ç Instrumentation, Mesure, MŽtrologie È (I2M), Vol. 7, n¡ 1-4/2007, Lavoisier, Paris, pp. 119-133, 2007.


[R89]       Badman S.V., S.W.H. Cowley, L. Lamy, B. Cecconi, and P. Zarka, Relationship between solar wind corotating interaction region compressions and the phasing and intensity of Saturn kilometric radiation bursts, Ann. Geophys., 26, 3641-3651, 2008.

[R90]       Bougeret, J.-L., K. Goetz, M.L. Kaiser, S.D. Bale, P.J. Kellogg, M. Maksimovic, N. Monge, S.J. Monson, P.L. Astier, S. Davy, M. Dekkali, J.J. Hinze, R.E. Manning, E. Aguilar-Rodriguez, X. Bonnin, C. Briand, I.H. Cairns, C.A. Cattell, B. Cecconi, J. Eastwood, R.E. Ergun, J.Fainberg, S. Hoang, K.E.J. Huttenen, S. Krucker, A. Lecacheux, R.J. MacDowall, W. Macher, A.Mangeney, C.A. Meetre, X. Moussas, Q.N. Nguyen, T.H. Oswald, M. Pulupa, M.J. Reiner, P.A. Robinson, H. Rucker, C. Salem, O. Santolik, J.M. Silvis, R. Ullrich, P. Zarka, I. Zouganelis : S/WAVES: The Radio and Plasma Wave Investigation on the STEREO Mission, Space Sci. Rev., 136(1-4), 487-528, 2008.

[R91]       Briand, C., A. Zasvlasky, M. Maksimovic, P. Zarka, A. Lecacheux, H.O. Rucker, A.A Konovalenko, E.P. Abranin, V.V. Dorovsky, A.A.Stanislavsky, V.N. Melnik, Faint solar structures from decametric radio observations, Astron. Astrophys., 490, 339-344, 2008.

[R92]       Cecconi, B., X. Bonnin, S. Hoang, M. Maksimovic, S. D. Bale, J.-L. Bougeret, K. Goetz, A. Lecacheux, M. J. Reiner, H. O. Rucker, and P. Zarka, STEREO/Waves Goniopolarimetry, Space Sci. Rev., 136, 1-4, 549-563, 2008.

[R93]       Fischer, G., D. A. Gurnett, W. S. Kurth, F. Akalin, P. Zarka, U. A. Dyudina, W. M. Farrell, and M. L. Kaiser, Atmospheric Electricity at Saturn, in Ç Atmospheric Planetary Electricity È, ISSI / Space Sci. Rev., 137 (1-4), 271-285, 2008.

[R94]       Hess, S., F. Mottez, P. Zarka, and T. Chust, Generation of the Jovian radio decametric arcs from the Io flux tube, J. Geophys. Res., 113, A03209, 2008.

[R95]       Hess, S., B. Cecconi, and P. Zarka, Modeling of Io-Jupiter Decameter Arcs, Emission Beaming and Energy Source, Geophys. Res. Lett., 35, L13107, 2008.

[R96]       Lamy, L., P. Zarka, B. Cecconi, S. Hess, and R. PrangŽ, Modeling of Saturn kilometric radiation arcs and equatorial shadow zone, J. Geophys. Res., 113, A10213, 2008.

[R97]       Lamy, L., P. Zarka, B. Cecconi, R. PrangŽ, W. S. Kurth, and D. A. Gurnett, Saturn Kilometric Radiation : average and statistical properties, J. Geophys. Res., 113, A07201, 2008.

[R98]       Rucker, H. O., M. Panchenko, K. C. Hansen, U. Taubenschuss, M. Y. Boudjada, W. S. Kurth, M. Dougherty, J. T. Steinberg, P. Zarka, P. H. M. Galopeau, D. J. McComas, C. H. Barrow, and A. J. Lazarus, Saturn Kilometric Radiation as a monitor for the solar wind ?, Adv. Space Res., 42(1), 40-47, 2008.

[R99]       Yair Y., G. Fischer, F. Sim›es, N. Renno, and P. Zarka, Updated review of planetary atmospheric electricity, in Ç Atmospheric Planetary Electricity È, ISSI / Space Sci. Rev., 137 (1-4), 29-49, 2008.

[R100]    Zarka, P., W. Farrell, G. Fischer, A. Konovalenko, Ground-based and Space-based Radio Observations of Planetary Lightning, in Ç Atmospheric Planetary Electricity È, ISSI / Space Sci. Rev., 137 (1-4), 257-269, 2008.


[R101]    Cecconi, B., L. Lamy, P. Zarka, R. PrangŽ, W. S. Kurth, and P. Louarn, Goniopolarimetric study of the Rev 29 perikrone using the Cassini/RPWS/HFR radio receiver, J. Geophys. Res., 114, A03215, 2009.

[R102]    Clarke, J. T., J. Nichols, J.-C. GŽrard, D. Grodent, K.C. Hansen, W. Kurth, G.R. Gladstone, J. Duval, S. Wannawichian, E. Bunce, S.W.H. Cowley, F. Crary, M. Dougherty, L. Lamy, D. Mitchell, W. Pryor, K. Retherford, T. Stallard, B. Zieger, P. Zarka, and B. Cecconi, The Response of JupiterÕs and SaturnÕs Auroral Activity to the Solar Wind, J. Geophys. Res., 114, A05210, 2009.

[R103]    Fischer, G., B. Cecconi, L. Lamy, S. Ye, U. Taubenschuss, W. Macher, P. Zarka, W.S. Kurth, and D. A. Gurnett, Elliptical polarization of Saturn Kilometric Radiation observed from high latitudes, J. Geophys. Res., 114, A08216, 2009.

[R104]    Gurnett, D. A., A. Lecacheux, W. S. Kurth, A. M. Persoon, J. B. Groene, L. Lamy, P. Zarka and J. F. Carbary, Discovery of a north-south asymmetry in SaturnÕs radio rotation period, Geophys. Res. Lett., 36, L16102, 2009.

[R105]    Hess, S., P. Zarka, F. Mottez, and V. B. Ryabov, Electric potential jumps in the Io-Jupiter Flux tube, Planet. Space Sci., 57, 23–33, 2009.

[R106]    Hess, S., F. Mottez, and P. Zarka, Effect of electric potential structures on Jovian S-burst morphology, Geophys. Res. Lett., 36, L14101, 2009.

[R107]    Jackman, C. M., M. K. Dougherty, L. Lamy, P. Zarka, B. Cecconi, M. P. Freeman, W. S. Kurth, and S. W. H. Cowley, On the Character and Distribution of Lower-Frequency Radio Emissions at Saturn, and their Relationship to Substorm-like Events, J. Geophys. Res., 114, A08211, 2009.

[R108]    Lamy, L., B. Cecconi, R. PrangŽ, P. Zarka, J. Nichols, and J. Clarke, An auroral oval at the footprint of SaturnÕs radiosources, colocated with the UV one, J. Geophys. Res., 114, A10212, 2009.

[R109]    Lamy, L., B. Cecconi, R. PrangŽ, P. Zarka, J. Nichols, and J. Clarke, Correction to Ç An auroral oval at the footprint of SaturnÕs radiosources, colocated with the UV one È, J. Geophys. Res., 114, A12299, 2009.

[R110]    Lecavelier des Etangs, A., S. K. Sirothia, Gopal-Krishna, and P. Zarka, GMRT radio observations of the transiting extrasolar planet HD189733 b at 244 and 614 MHz, Astron. Astrophys., 500, L51–L54, 2009.

[R111]    Marty B., Guillot T., Coustenis Athena, Achilleos N., Alibert Y., Asmar S., Atkinson David, Atreya S., Babasides G., Baines K., Balint T., Banfield D., Barber S., BŽzard Bruno, Bjoraker G. L., Blanc M., Bolton S., Chanover N., Charnoz S., Chassefire E., Colwell J. E., Deangelis E., Dougherty M., Drossart Pierre, Flasar F. M., Fouchet Thierry, Frampton R., Franchi I., Gautier Daniel, Gurvits L., Hueso R., Kazeminejad B., Krimigis T., Jambon A., Jones G., Langevin Y., Leese M., Lellouch Emmanuel, Lunine J., Milillo A., Mahaffy P., Mauk B., Morse A., Moreira M., Moussas X., Murray C., Mueller-Wodarg I., Owen T. C., Pogrebenko S., PrangŽ RenŽe, Read P., S‡nchez-Lavega A., Sarda P., Stam D., Tinetti G., Zarka P., and Zarnecki J., Kronos: exploring the depths of Saturn with probes and remote sensing through an international mission, Experimental Astronomy, 23, 3, 947-976, 2009.

[R112]    Marty B., É Zarka P., Zarnecki J., Schmidt, J. and Salo, H., Erratum: Kronos: exploring the depths of Saturn with probes and remote sensing through an international mission, Experimental Astronomy, 23, 3, 977-980, 2009.

[R113]    Panchenko, M., M. L. Khodachenko, A. G. Kislyakov, H. O. Rucker, J. Hanasz, M. L. Kaiser,P. Zarka, and L. Lamy, Daily variations of Auroral Kilometric Radiation observed by STEREO, Geophys. Res. Let., 36, L06102, 2009.

[R114]    Ye, S., D. A. Gurnett, G. Fischer, J. D. Menietti, W. S. Kurth, Z. Wang, G. B. Hospodarsky, B. Cecconi, P. Zarka and A. Lecacheux, Source Location of Narrowband Radio Emissions Detected at Saturn, J. Geophys. Res., 114, A06219, 2009.


[R115]    Andrews, D.J., A. J. Coates, S. W. H. Cowley, M. K. Dougherty, L. Lamy, G. Provan, and P. Zarka, Magnetospheric period oscillations at Saturn: Comparison of equatorial and high-latitude magnetic field periods with north and south SKR periods, J. Geophys. Res., 115, A12252, 2010.

[R116]    Bunce, E.J., S.W.H. Cowley, D.L. Talboys, M.K. Dougherty, L. Lamy, W.S. Kurth, P. Schippers, B. Cecconi, P. Zarka, C.S. Arridge, and A.J. Coates, Extraordinary field-aligned current signatures in SaturnÕs high-latitude magnetosphere: Analysis of Cassini data during Revolution 89,  J. Geophys. Res., 115, A10238, 2010.

[R117]    Echer, E., P. Zarka, W. Gonzalez, A. Morioka, and L. Denis, Solar wind effects on Jupiter non-Io DAM emissions during Ulysses distant encounter (2003-2004), Astron. Astrophys, 519, A84, 2010.

[R118]    Fars, R. J.-F. Donati, C. Moutou, M.M. Jardine, J.-M. Grie§meier, P. Zarka, E. Shkolnik, D. Bohlender, C. Catala, A.C. Cameron, and G.A.H. Walker, Searching for Star-Planet interactions within the magnetosphere of HD 189733, Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc., 406, 409–419, 2010.

[R119]    Hess, S., A. PŽtin, P. Zarka, B. Bonfond, and B. Cecconi, Lead angles and emitting electron energies of Io-controlled decameter radio arcs, Planet. Space Sci., 58, 1188-1198, 2010.

[R120]    Lamy, L., P. Schippers, P. Zarka, B. Cecconi, C. Arridge, M.K. Dougherty, P. Louarn, N. AndrŽ, W.S. Kurth, R. L. Mutel, D. A. Gurnett, and A.J. Coates, Properties of Saturn Kilometric Radiation measured within its source region, Geophys. Res. Lett., 37, L12104, 2010.

[R121]    Lamy, L., P. Schippers, P. Zarka, B. Cecconi, C. Arridge, M.K. Dougherty, P. Louarn, N. AndrŽ, W.S. Kurth, R. L. Mutel, D. A. Gurnett, and A.J. Coates, Auxiliary material for Ç Properties of Saturn Kilometric Radiation measured within its source region, È, Geophys. Res. Lett., 37, L12104, 2010.

[R122]    Lamy, L., P. Zarka, B. Cecconi, and R. PrangŽ, AKR diurnal, semi-diurnal and shorter term modulations disentangled by Cassini/RPWS observations, J. Geophys. Res., 115, A09221, 2010.

[R123]    Mottez, F., S. L. G. Hess, and P. Zarka, Explanation of dominant oblique radio emission at Jupiter and comparison to the Terrestrial case, Planet. Space Sci., 58, 1414-1422, 2010.

[R124]    Nichols, J.D., B. Cecconi, J.T. Clarke, S.W.H. Cowley, J.-C. GŽrard, A. Grocott, D. Grodent, L. Lamy, and P. Zarka, Variation of SaturnÕs UV aurora with SKR phase, Geophys. Res. Lett., 37, L15102, 2010.

[R125]    Nichols, J.D., B. Cecconi, J.T. Clarke, S.W.H. Cowley, J.-C. GŽrard, A. Grocott, D. Grodent, L. Lamy, and P. Zarka, Comments on the determination of the SKR phase, Geophys. Res. Lett., 37, L15102, 2010.

[R126]    Ryabov, V. B., D. M. Vavriv, P. Zarka, B. P. Ryabov, R. Kozhin, V. V. Vinogradov, and L. Denis, A low-noise, high dynamic range digital receiver for radio astronomy applications: an efficient solution for observing radio-bursts from Jupiter, the Sun, pulsars and other astrophysical plasmas below 30 MHz, Astron. Astrophys., 510, A16, 2010.


[R127]    Andrews, D. J., B. Cecconi, S. W. H. Cowley, M. K. Dougherty, L. Lamy, G. Provan, and P. Zarka, Planetary period oscillations at Saturn: Evidence in magnetic field phase data for rotational modulation of Saturn kilometric radiation emissions, J. Geophys. Res., 116, A09206, 2011.

[R128]    Fischer, G., D. A. Gurnett, P. Zarka, L. Moore, and U. A. Dyudina, Peak electron densities in SaturnÕs ionosphere derived from the low–frequency cutoff of Saturn lightning, J. Geophys. Res., 116, A04315, 2011.

[R129]    Fischer, G., W.S. Kurth, D.A. Gurnett, P. Zarka, U.A. Dyudina, A.P. Ingersoll, S.P. Ewald, C. C. Porco, A. Wesley, C. Go, and M. Delcroix, A giant thunderstorm on Saturn, Nature, 475(7354), 75-77, 2011.

[R130]    Grie§meier, J.-M., P. Zarka, and J. Girard, Observation of planetary radio emissions using large arrays, Radio Science, 46, RS0F09, 2011.

[R131]    Hess, S. L. G., B. Bonfond, P. Zarka, and D. Grodent, Model of the Jovian magnetic Þeld topology constrained by the Io auroral emissions, J. Geophys. Res., 116, A05217, 2011.

[R132]    Hess, S. L. G., and P. Zarka, Modeling the radio signature of the orbital parameters, rotation, and magnetic Þeld of exoplanets, Astron. Astrophys., 531, A29, 2011.

[R133]    Lamy, L., B. Cecconi, P. Zarka, P. Canu, P. Schippers, W. S. Kurth, R. L. Mutel, D. A. Gurnett, J. D. Menietti, and P. Louarn, Emission and propagation of Saturn Kilometric Radiation : magneto-ionic modes, beaming pattern and polarization state, J. Geophys. Res., 116, A04212, 2011.

[R134]    Lecavelier des Etangs, A., S. K. Sirothia, Gopal-Krishna, and P. Zarka, GMRT search for 150 MHz radio emission from the transiting extrasolar planets HD189733 b and HD209458 b, Astron. Astrophys., 533, A50, 2011.

[R135]    Provan, G, D. J. Andrews, B. Cecconi, S. W. H. Cowley, M. K. Dougherty, L. Lamy, and P. Zarka, Magnetospheric period magnetic field oscillations at Saturn: Equatorial phase ÔjitterÕ produced by superposition of southern- and northern-period oscillations, J. Geophys. Res., 116, A04225, 2011.

[R136]    Stappers, B. W., J. Hessels, A. Alexov, K. Anderson, T. Coenen, T. Hassall, A. Karastergiou, V. Kondratiev, M. Kramer, J. van Leeuwen, J.-D. Mol, A. Noutsos, J. Romein, P. Weltevrede, R. Fender, R.A.M.J. Wijers, L. BŠhren, M. E. Bell, J. Broderick, E. J. Daw, V. S. Dhillon, J. Eislšffel, H. Falcke, J.-M. Grie§meier, C. Law, S. Markoff, J.C.A. Miller-Jones, B. Scheers, H. Spreeuw, J. Swinbank, S. Ter Veen, M. Wise, O. Wucknitz, P. Zarka, J. Anderson, A. Asgekar, I. M. Avruch, R. Beck, P. Bennema, M.J. Bentum, P. Best, J. Bregman, M. Brentjens, R. H. van de Brink, P. C. Broekema, W. N. Brouw, M. BrŸggen, A. G. de Bruyn, H. R. Butcher, B. Ciardi, J. Conway, R.-J. Dettmar, A. van Duin, J. van Enst, M. Garrett, M. Gerbers, T. Grit, A. Gunst, M. P. van Haarlem, J. P. Hamaker, G. Heald, M. Hoeft, H. Holties, A. Horneffer, L. V. E. Koopmans, G. Kuper, M. Loose, P. Maat, D. McKay-Bukowski, J. P. McKean, G. Miley, R. Morganti, R. Nijboer, J. E. Noordam, M. Norden, H. Olofsson, M. Pandey-Pommier, A. Polatidis, W. Reich, H. Ršttgering, A. Schoenmakers, J. Sluman, O. Smirnov, M. Steinmetz, C. G. M. Sterks, M. Tagger, Y. Tang, R. Vermeulen, N. Vermaas, C. Vogt, M. de Vos, S. J. Wijnholds, S. Yatawatta, A. Zensus, Observing Pulsars and Fast Transients with LOFAR, Astron. Astrophys., 530, A80, 2011.

[R137]    Zakharenko, V. V., Mylostna, K. Y., Fischer, G., Konovalenko, Alexandr A., Zarka, P., Griebmeier, J.-M., Ryabov, B. P., Vavriv, Dmitry M., Ryabov, V. B., Rucker, H. O., Ravier, P., Sidorchuk, M. A., Cecconi, B., Coffre, A., Denis, L., Fabrice, C., Kozhyn, R. V., Mukha, D. V., Pallier, L., Schneider, J., Shevchenko, V. A., Vinogradov, V. V., Weber, R., Nikolaenko, V. S., Identification of Saturn Lightnings Recorded by the UTR-2 Radio Telescope and Cassini Spacecraft, Radio Physics and Radio Astronomy, vol. 2, issue 2, pp. 93-98, 2011.


[R138]    Arridge, C.S., C.B. Agnor, N. AndrŽ, K.H. Baines, L.N. Fletcher, D. Gautier, M.D. Hofstadter, G.H. Jones, L. Lamy, Y. Langevin, O. Mousis, N. Nettelmann, C.T. Russell, T. Stallard, M. Tiscareno, G. Tobie, A. Bacon, C. Chaloner, M. Guest, S. Kemble, L. Peacocke, N. Achilleos, T. Andert, D. Banfield, S. Barabash, M. Barthelemy, C. Bertucci, B. Cecconi, S. Chakrabarti, A. Cheng, U. Christensen, A. Christou, A. Coates, G. Collinson, J. Cooper, R. Courtin, M.K. Dougherty, R.W. Ebert, M. Entradas, J. Fortney, M. Hedman, R. Helled, P. Henri, S. Hess, R. Holme, O. Karatekin, N. Krupp, J. Leisner, J. Martin-Torres, A. Masters, H. Melin, S. Miller, I. MŸller-Wodarg, B. Noyelles, C. Paranicas, I. de Pater, M. PŠtzold, E. QuŽmerais, E. Roussos, A.M. Rymer, A. Sanchez, J. Saur, K. Sayanagi, P. Schenk, G. Schubert, N. Sergis, F. Sohl, E.C. Sittler, N.A. Teanby, S. Tellmann, E. Turtle, S. Vinatier, J.-E. Wahlund, P. Zarka, Uranus Pathfinder: Exploring the Origins and Evolution of Ice Giant Planets, Experimental Astronomy, 33(2-3), 753-791, 2012.

[R139]    Berthomier, A. Fazakerley, N. Alexandrova, A. Anastasiadis, A. Aruliah, P.-L. Blelly, C. Briand, R. Bruno, P. Canu, B. Cecconi, T. Chust, I. Daglis, J. Davies, M. Dunlop, D. Fontaine, C. Forsyth, M. Freeman, V. GŽnot, B. Gustavsson, G. Haerendel, M. Hamrin, M. Hapgood, S. Hess, D. Kataria, K. Kauristie, S. Kemble, Y. Khotyaintsev, H. Koskinen, L. Lamy, B. Lanchester, P. Louarn, E. Lucek, R. Lundin, M. Maksimovic, J. Manninen, A. Marchaudon, O. Marghitu, G. Marklund, S. Milan, J. Moen, F. Mottez, H. Nilsson, N. Ostgaard, C. J. Owen, M. Parrot, T. Passot, A. Pedersen, C. Perry, J.-L. Pinon, F. Pitout, R. Pottelette, T. Pulkkinen, J. Rae, L. Rezeau, A. Roux, I. Sandahl, I. Sandberg, E. Turunen, J. Vogt, A. Walsh, C. Watt, J. Wild, M. Yamauchi, P. Zarka, I. Zouganelis, Alfven: magnetosphere-ionosphere connection explorers, Experimental Astronomy, 33(2-3), 445-489, 2012.

[R140]    Cecconi, B., S. Hess, A. HŽrique, M.R. Santovito, D. Santos-Costa, P. Zarka, G. Alberti, D. Blankenship, J.-L. Bougeret, L. Bruzzone, and W. Kofman, Natural radio emission of Jupiter as interferences for radar investigations of the icy satellites of Jupiter, Planet. Space Sci., 61, 32-45, 2012.

[R141]    de Gasperin, F., E. Orru, M. Murgia, A. Merloni, H. Falcke, R. Beck, R. Beswick, L. B”rzan, A. Bonafede, M. Bruggen, G. Brunetti, K. Chyzy, J. Conway, J.H. Croston, T. En§lin, C. Ferrari, G. Heald, S. Heidenreich, N. Jackson, G. Macario, J.P. McKean, G. Miley, R. Morganti, A. R. Offringa, R. Pizzo, D. Rafferty, H. Rottgering, A. Shulevski, M. Steinmetz, C. Tasse, S. van der Tol, W. van Driel, R. J. van Weeren, J. E. van Zwieten, A. Alexov, J. Anderson, A. Asgekar, M. Avruch, M. Bell, M. R. Bell, M. Bentum, G. Bernardi, P. Best, F. Breitling, J. W. Broderick, A. Butcher, B. Ciardi, R. J. Dettmar, J. Eisloeffel, W. Frieswijk, H. Gankema, M. Garrett, M. Gerbers, J. M. Grie§meier, A. W. Gunst, T. E. Hassall, J. Hessels, M. Hoeft, A. Horneffer, A. Karastergiou, J. Kohler, Y. Koopman, M. Kuniyoshi, G. Kuper, P. Maat, G. Mann, M. Mevius, D. D. Mulcahy, H. Munk, R. Nijboer, J. Noordam, H. Paas, M. Pandey, V. N. Pandey, A. Polatidis, W. Reich, A. P. Schoenmakers, J. Sluman, O. Smirnov, C. Sobey, B. Stappers, J. Swinbank, M. Tagger, Y. Tang, I. van Bemmel, W. van Cappellen, A. P. van Duin, M. van Haarlem, J. van Leeuwen, R. Vermeulen, C. Vocks, S. White, M. Wise, O. Wucknitz, P. Zarka, M87 at metre wavelengths: the LOFAR picture, Astron. Astrophys., 547, A56, 2012.

[R142]    Girard, J. N., P. Zarka, M. Tagger, L. Denis, D. Charrier, A. A. Konovalenko, F. Boone, Antenna design and distribution of the LOFAR Super Station, C.R. Phys. 13, Ç Les radiotŽlescopes du futur È, p. 33-37, 2012.

[R143]    Grie§meier, J.-M., P. Zarka, M. Tagger, on behalf of the LOFAR collaboration, Radioastronomy with LOFAR, C.R. Phys. 13, Ç Les radiotŽlescopes du futur È, p. 23-27, 2012.

[R144]    Hassall, T. E., Stappers, B. W., Hessels, J. W. T., Kramer, M., Alexov, A., Anderson, K., Coenen, T., Karastergiou, A., Keane, E. F., Kondratiev, V. I., Lazaridis, K., van Leeuwen, J., Noutsos, A., Serylak, M., Sobey, C., Verbiest, J. P. W., Weltevrede, P., Zagkouris, K., Fender, R., Wijers, R. A. M. J., Bahren, L., Bell, M. E., Broderick, J. W., Corbel, S., Daw, E. J., Dhillon, V. S., Eisloffel, J., Falcke, H., Grie§meier, J.-M., Jonker, P., Law, C., Markoff, S., Miller-Jones, J. C. A., Osten, R., Rol, E., Scaife, A. M. M., Scheers, B., Schellart, P., Spreeuw, H., Swinbank, J., ter Veen, S., Wise, M. W., Wijnands, R., Wucknitz, O., Zarka, P., Asgekar, A., Bell, M. R., Bentum, M. J., Bernardi, G., Best, P., Bonafede, A., Boonstra, A. J., Brentjens, M., Brouw, W. N., Bruggen, M., Butcher, H. R., Ciardi, B., Garrett, M. A., Gerbers, M., Gunst, A. W., van Haarlem, M. P., Heald, G., Hoeft, M., Holties, H., de Jong, A., Koopmans, L. V. E., Kuniyoshi, M., Kuper, G., Loose, G. M., Maat, P., Masters, J., McKean, J. P., Meulman, H., Mevius, M., Munk, H., Noordam, J. E., Orru, E., Paas, H., Pandey-Pommier, M., Pandey, V. N., Pizzo, R., Polatidis, A., Reich, W., Rottgering, H., Sluman, J., Steinmetz, M., Sterks, C. G. M., Tagger, M., Tang, Y., Tasse, C., Vermeulen, R., van Weeren, R. J., Wijnholds, S. J., Yatawatta, S., Wide-band Simultaneous Observations of Pulsars: Disentangling Dispersion Measure and Profile Variations, Astron. Astrophys., 543, A66, 2012.

[R145]    Hess, S. L. G., E. Echer, and P. Zarka, Solar wind pressure effects on Jupiter decametric radio emissions independent of Io, Planet. Space Sci., 70(1), 114-125, 2012.

[R146]    Kimura, T., B. Cecconi, P. Zarka, Y. Kasaba, F. Tsuchiya, H. Misawa, and A. Morioka, Polarization and direction of arrival of Jovian Quasi-Periodic bursts observed by Cassini, J. Geophys. Res., 117, A11209, 2012.

[R147]    Klein-Wolt, M., A. Aminaei, P. Zarka, J.-R. Schrader, A.-J. Boonstra, H. Falcke, Radio astronomy with the Lunar Lander: opening up the last unexplored frequency regime, Planet. Space Sci., 74, 167-178, 2012.

[R148]    Lamy L., PrangŽ R., Hansen K. C., Clarke J. T., Zarka P., Cecconi B., Aboudarham J., AndrŽ N., Branduardi-Raymont G., Gladstone R., BarthŽlemy M., Achilleos N., Guio P., Dougherty M. K., Melin Henrik, Cowley S. W. H., Stallard T. S., Nichols J. D., Ballester G., Earth-based detection of UranusÕ aurorae, Geophys. Res. Lett, 39(7), L07105, 2012. + Auxiliary material for ÒEarth-based detection of UranusÕ auroraeÓ, DOI :10.1029/2012GL051312, 2012.

[R149]    Mimoun, D., M. Wieczorek. L. Alkalai, B. Banerdt, D. Baratoux, S. Bouley, J.-L. Bougeret, B. Cecconi, J. Flohrer, R. Grimm, M. Grott, L. Gurvits, R. Jaumann, M. Knapmeyer, A. Konovalenko, M. Le Feuvre, P. LognonnŽ, C. Neal, J. Oberst, N. Olsen, H. Ršttgering, T. Spohn, S. Vennerstr¿m, and P. Zarka, The Farside Explorer Mission: Unique Science from the Farside of the Moon, Experimental Astronomy, 33(2-3), 529-585, DOI 10.1007/s10686-011-9252-3, 2012.

[R150]    Zakharenko, V., C. Mylostna, A. Konovalenko,  P. Zarka, G. Fischer, J.−M. Grie§meier, G. Litvinenko, H. Rucker, M. Sidorchuk, B. Ryabov, D. Vavriv, V. Ryabov, B. Cecconi, A. Coffre, L. Denis, C. Fabrice,  L. Pallier, J. Schneider, R. Kozhyn, V. Vinogradov, D. Mukha, R. Weber, V. Shevchenko, and V. Nikolaenko, Ground-based and spacecraft observations of lightning activity on Saturn, Planet. Space Sci., 61, 53-59, 2012.

[R151]    Zarka, P., J.-L. Bougeret, C. Briand, B. Cecconi, H. Falcke, J. Girard, J.-M. Grie§meier, S. Hess, M. Klein-Wolt, A. Konovalenko, L. Lamy, D. Mimoun, and A. Aminaei,  Planetary and Exoplanetary Low Frequency Radio Observations from the Moon, Planet. Space Sci., 74, 156-166, 2012.

[R152]    Zarka, P., S. L. G. Hess, and F. Mottez, Comment on ÒJovian slow-drift shadow eventsÓ by T. Koshida et al.,  J. Geophys. Res., 117, A10203, 2012.


[R153]    Asgekar, A., J. B. R. Oonk, S. Yatawatta, R. J. van Weeren, J. P. McKean, G. White, N. Jackson, J. Anderson, I. M. Avruch, F. Batejat, R. Beck, M. E. Bell, M. R. Bell, I. van Bemmel, M. J. Bentum, G. Bernardi, P. Best, L. Bîrzan, A. Bonafede, R. Braun, F. Breitling, R. H. van de Brink, J. Broderick, W. N. Brouw, M. BrŸggen, H. R. Butcher, W. van Cappellen, B. Ciardi, J. E. Conway, F. de Gasperin, E. de Geus, A. de Jong, M. de Vos, S. Duscha, J. Eislšffel, H. Falcke, R. A. Fallows, C. Ferrari, W. Frieswijk, M. A. Garrett, J.-M. Grie§meier, T. Grit, A. W. Gunst, T. E. Hassall, G. Heald, J. W. T. Hessels, M. Hoeft, M. Iacobelli, H. Intema, E. Juette, A. Karastergiou, J. Kohler, V. I. Kondratiev, M. Kuniyoshi, G. Kuper, C. Law, J. van Leeuwen, P. Maat, G. Macario, G. Mann, S. Markoff, D. McKay-Bukowski, M. Mevius, J. C. A. Miller-Jones, J. D. Mol, R. Morganti, D. D. Mulcahy, H. Munk, M. J. Norden, E. Orru, H. Paas, M. Pandey-Pommier, V. N. Pandey, R. Pizzo, A. G. Polatidis, W. Reich, H. Ršttgering, B. Scheers, A. Schoenmakers, J. Sluman, O. Smirnov, C. Sobey, M. Steinmetz, M. Tagger, Y. Tang, C. Tasse, R. Vermeulen, C. Vocks, R. A. M. J. Wijers, M. W. Wise, O. Wucknitz, P. Zarka, LOFAR Detections of Low-frequency Radio Recombination Lines towards Cassiopeia A, Astron. Astrophys., 551, L11, 2013.

[R154]    Branduardi-Raymont, G., P. Ford, K. C. Hansen, L. Lamy, A. Masters, B. Cecconi, A. J. Coates, M. K. Dougherty, G. R. Gladstone, and P. Zarka, Search for SaturnÕs X-ray aurorae at the arrival of a solar wind shock, J. Geophys. Res., 118, 2145-2156, 2013.

[R155]    Hassall, T. E., Stappers, B. W., Weltevrede, P., Hessels, J. W. T., Alexov, A., Coenen, T., Karastergiou, A., Kramer, M., Keane, E. F., Kondratiev, V. I., van Leeuwen, J., Noutsos, A., Pilia, M., Serylak, M., Sobey, C., Zagkouris, K., Fender, R., Bell, M. E., Broderick, J., Eisloffel, J., Falcke, H., Grie§meier, J.-M., Kuniyoshi, M., Miller-Jones, J. C. A., Wise, M. W., Wucknitz, O., Zarka, P., Asgekar, A., Batejat, F., Bentum, M. J., Bernardi, G., Best, P., Bonafede, A., Breitling, F., Bruggen, M., Butcher, H. R., Ciardi, B., de Gasperin, F., de Reijer, J.-P., Duscha, S., Fallows, R. A., Ferrari, C., Frieswijk, W., Garrett, M. A., Gunst, A. W., Heald, G., Hoeft, M., Juette, E., Maat, P., McKean, J. P., Norden, M. J., Pandey-Pommier, M., Pizzo, R., Polatidis, A. G., Reich, W., Rottgering, H., Sluman, J., Tang, Y., Tasse, C., Vermeulen, R., van Weeren, R. J., Wijnholds, S. J., Yatawatta, S., Differential Frequency-dependent Delay from the Pulsar Magnetosphere, Astron. Astrophys., 552, A61, 2013.

[R156]    Hermsen, W., J.W.T. Hessels, L. Kuiper, J. van Leeuwen, D. Mitra, J. de Plaa, J. M. Rankin, B. W. Stappers, G.A.E. Wright, R. Basu, A. Alexov, T. Coenen, J.-M. Grie§meier, T.E. Hassall, A. Karastergiou, E. Keane, V.I. Kondratiev, M. Kramer, M. Kuniyoshi, A. Noutsos, M. Serylak, M. Pilia, C. Sobey, P. Weltevrede, K. Zagkouris, A. Asgekar, I.M. Avruch, F. Batejat, M.E. Bell, M.R. Bell, M.J. Bentum, G. Bernardi, P. Best, L. Birzan, A. Bonafede, F. Breitling, J. Broderick, M. Bruggen, H.R. Butcher, B. Ciardi, S. Duscha, J. Eisloffel, H. Falcke, R. Fender, C. Ferrari, W. Frieswijk, M.A. Garrett, F. de Gasperin, E. de Geus, A.W. Gunst, G. Heald, M. Hoeft, A. Horneffer, M. Iacobelli, G. Kuper, P. Maat, G. Macario, S. Markoff, J.P. McKean, M. Mevius, J.C.A. Miller-Jones, R. Morganti, H. Munk, E. Orrú, H. Paas, M. Pandey-Pommier, V.N. Pandey, R. Pizzo, A.G. Polatidis, S. Rawlings, W. Reich, H. Rottgering, A.M.M. Scaife, A. Schoenmakers, A. Shulevski, J. Sluman, M. Steinmetz, M. Tagger, Y. Tang, C. Tasse, S. ter Veen, R. Vermeulen, R.H. van de Brink, R.J. van Weeren, R.A.M.J. Wijers, M.W. Wise, O. Wucknitz , S. Yatawatta, P. Zarka, Synchronous X-ray and Radio Mode Switches: a Rapid Global Transformation of the Pulsar Magnetosphere, Science, 339, 436-439, 2013.

[R157]    Iacobelli, M., Haverkorn, M., Orrœ, E., Pizzo, R. F., Anderson, J., Beck, R., Bell, M. R., Bonafede, A., Chyzy, K., Dettmar, R.-J., En§lin, T. A., Heald, G., Horellou, C., Horneffer, A., Jurusik, W., Junklewitz, H., Kuniyoshi, M., Mulcahy, D. D., Paladino, R., Reich, W., Scaife, A., Sobey, C., Sotomayor-Beltran, C., Alexov, A., Asgekar, A., Avruch, I. M., Bell, M. E., van Bemmel, I., Bentum, M. J., Bernardi, G., Best, P., Birzan, L., Breitling, F., Broderick, J., Brouw, W. N., Bruggen, M., Butcher, H. R., Ciardi, B., Conway, J. E., de Gasperin, F., de Geus, E., Duscha, S., Eisloffel, J., Engels, D., Falcke, H., Fallows, R. A., Ferrari, C., Frieswijk, W., Garrett, M. A., Grie§meier, J., Gunst, A. W., Hamaker, J. P., Hassall, T. E., Hessels, J. W. T., Hoeft, M., Horandel, J., Jelic, V., Karastergiou, A., Kondratiev, V. I., Koopmans, L. V. E., Kramer, M., Kuper, G., van Leeuwen, J., Macario, G., Mann, G., McKean, J. P., Munk, H., Pandey-Pommier, M., Polatidis, A. G., Ršttgering, H., Schwarz, D., Sluman, J., Smirnov, O., Stappers, B. W., Steinmetz, M., Tagger, M., Tang, Y., Tasse, C., Toribio, C., Vermeulen, R., Vocks, C., Vogt, C., van Weeren, R. J., Wise, M. W., Wucknitz, O., Yatawatta, S., Zarka, P., Zensus, A., Studying Galactic interstellar turbulence through fluctuations in synchrotron emission : First LOFAR Galactic foreground detection, Astron. Astrophys., 558, A72, 2013.

[R158]    Kimura, T., L. Lamy, C. Tao, S. V. Badman, S. Kasahara, B. Cecconi, P. Zarka, A. Morioka, Y. Miyoshi, D. Maruno, Y. Kasaba, M. Fujimoto, Long-term modulations of Saturns Auroral Radio Emissions by the Solar Wind and Seasonal variations controlled by the Solar Ultraviolet flux, J. Geophys. Res., 118, 7019-7035, doi: 1002/2013JA018833, 2013.

[R159]    Konovalenko, A. A., N.N. Kalinichenko, H.O. Rucker, A. Lecacheux, G. Fischer, P. Zarka, V.V. Zakharenko, K.Y. Mylostna, J.−M. Grie§meier, E.P. Abranin, I.S. Falkovich, K.M. Sidorchuk, W.S. Kurth, M.L. Kaiser, D.A. Gurnett, Earliest recorded ground-based decameter wavelength observations of SaturnÕs lightning during the giant E-storm detected by Cassini spacecraft in early 2006, Icarus, 224, 14-23, 2013.

[R160]    Konovalenko, A. A., A.A. Stanislavsky, H.O. Rucker, A. Lecacheux, G. Mann, J.-L. Bougeret, M.L. Kaiser, C. Briand, P. Zarka, E. P. Abranin, V. V. Dorovsky, A. A. Koval, V. N. MelÕnik, D. V. Mukha, and M. Panchenko, Synchronized observations by using the STEREO and the largest ground-based decametre radio telescope, Exp. Astron., 36, 137-154, 2013, DOI: 10.1007/s10686-012-9326-x.

[R161]    Lecavelier des Etangs, A., S. K. Sirothia, Gopal-Krishna, and P. Zarka, Hint of 150 MHz radio emission from the Neptune-mass extrasolar transiting planet HAT-P-11b, Astron. Astrophys., 552, A65, 2013.

[R162]    Mylostna, K., Zakharenko, V., Konovalenko, A., Kolyadin, V., Zarka, P., Griemeier, J.-M., Litvinenko, G., Sidorchuk, M., Rucker, H., Fischer, G., Cecconi, B., Coffre, A., Denis, L., Nikolaenko, V., Shevchenko, V., Study of Saturn Electrostatic Discharges in a Wide Range of Time Scales, Odessa Astronomical Publications, vol. 26, p. 251, 2013.

[R163]    Offringa, A. R., de Bruyn, A. G., Zaroubi, S., van Diepen, G., Martinez-Ruby, O., Labropoulos, P., Brentjens, M. A., Ciardi, B., Daiboo, S., Harker, G., Jelić, V., Kazemi, S., Koopmans, L. V. E., Mellema, G., Pandey, V. N., Pizzo, R. F., Schaye, J., Vedantham, H., Veligatla, V., Wijnholds, S. J., Yatawatta, S., Zarka, P., Alexov, A., Anderson, J., Asgekar, A., Avruch, M., Beck, R., Bell, M., Bell, M. R., Bentum, M., Bernardi, G., Best, P., Birzan, L., Bonafede, A., Breitling, F., Broderick, J. W., BrŸggen, M., Butcher, H., Conway, J., de Vos, M., Dettmar, R. J., Eisloeffel, J., Falcke, H., Fender, R., Frieswijk, W., Gerbers, M., Grie§meier, J. M., Gunst, A. W., Hassall, T. E., Heald, G., Hessels, J., Hoeft, M., Horneffer, A., Karastergiou, A., Kondratiev, V., Koopman, Y., Kuniyoshi, M., Kuper, G., Maat, P., Mann, G., McKean, J., Meulman, H., Mevius, M., Mol, J. D., Nijboer, R., Noordam, J., Norden, M., Paas, H., Pandey, M., Pizzo, R., Polatidis, A., Rafferty, D., Rawlings, S., Reich, W., Ršttgering, H. J. A., Schoenmakers, A. P., Sluman, J., Smirnov, O., Sobey, C., Stappers, B., Steinmetz, M., Swinbank, J., Tagger, M., Tang, Y., Tasse, C., van Ardenne, A., van Cappellen, W., van Duin, A. P., van Haarlem, M., van Leeuwen, J., van Weeren, R. J., Vermeulen, R., Vocks, C., Wijers, R. A. M. J., Wise, M., Wucknitz, O., The LOFAR radio environment, Astron. Astrophys., 549, A11, 2013.

[R164]    Offringa, A. R., de Bruyn, A. G., Zaroubi, S., Koopmans, L. V. E., Wijnholds, S. J., Abdalla, F. B., Brouw, W. N., Ciardi, B., Iliev, I. T., Harker, G. J. A., Mellema, G., Bernardi, G., Zarka, P., Ghosh, A., Alexov, A., Anderson, J., Asgekar, A., Avruch, I. M., Beck, R., Bell, M. E., Bell, M. R., Bentum, M. J., Best, P., B”rzan, L., Breitling, F., Broderick, J., BrŸggen, M., Butcher, H. R., de Gasperin, F., de Geus, E., de Vos, M., Duscha, S., Eislšffel, J., Fallows, R. A., Ferrari, C., Frieswijk, W., Garrett, M. A., Grie§meier, J., Hassall, T. E., Horneffer, A., Iacobelli, M., Juette, E., Karastergiou, A., Klijn, W., Kondratiev, V. I., Kuniyoshi, M., Kuper, G., van Leeuwen, J., Loose, M., Maat, P., Macario, G., Mann, G., McKean, J. P., Meulman, H., Norden, M. J., Orru, E., Paas, H., Pandey-Pommier, M., Pizzo, R., Polatidis, A. G., Rafferty, D., Reich, W., van Nieuwpoort, R., Ršttgering, H., Scaife, A. M. M., Sluman, J., Smirnov, O., Sobey, C., Tagger, M., Tang, Y., Tasse, C., Veen, S. ter, Toribio, C., Vermeulen, R., Vocks, C., van Weeren, R. J., Wise, M. W., Wucknitz, O., The brightness and spatial distributions of terrestrial radio sources, MNRAS, 435, 584-596, 2013.

[R165]    Schellart, P., A. Nelles, L. BŠhren, S. Buitink, A. Corstanje, J. E. Enriquez, H. Falcke, W. Frieswijk, J. R. Hšrandel, A. Horneffer, C. W. James, M. Krause, M. Mevius, O. Scholten, S. ter Veen, S. Thoudam, M. van den Akker, A. Alexov, J. Anderson, I. M. Avruch, L. BŠhren, R. Beck, M. E. Bell, P. Bennema, M. J. Bentum, G. Bernardi, P. Best, J. Bregman, F. Breitling, M. Brentjens, J. Broderick,, M. BrŸggen, B. Ciardi, A. Coolen, F. de Gasperin, E. de Geus, A. de Jong, M. de Vos, S. Duscha, J. Eislšffel, R. A. Fallows, C. Ferrari, M. A. Garrett, J.-M. Grie§meier, T. Grit, J. P. Hamaker, T. E. Hassall, G. Heald, J. W. T. Hessels, M. Hoeft, H. A. Holties, M. Iacobelli, E. Juette, A. Karastergiou, W. Klijn, J. Kohler, V. I. Kondratiev, M. Kramer, M. Kuniyoshi, G. Kuper, P. Maat, G. Macario, G. Mann, S. Markoff, D. McKay-Bukowski, J. P. McKean, J. C. A. Miller-Jones, J. D. Mol, D. D. Mulcahy, H. Munk, R. Nijboer, M. J. Norden, E. Orru, R. Overeem, H. Paas, M. Pandey-Pommier, R. Pizzo, A. G. Polatidis, A. Renting, J. W. Romein, H. Ršttgering, A. Schoenmakers, D. Schwarz, J. Sluman, O. Smirnov, C. Sobey, B. W. Stappers, M. Steinmetz, J. Swinbank, Y. Tang, C. Tasse, C. Toribio, J. van Leeuwen, R. van Nieuwpoort, R. J. van Weeren, N. Vermaas, R. Vermeulen, C. Vocks, C. Vogt, M. J. Wijers, S. J. Wijnholds, M. W. Wise, O. Wucknitz, S. Yatawatta, P. Zarka, and A. Zensus, Detecting Cosmic Rays with the LOFAR Radio Telescope, Astron. Astrophys., 560, A98, 2013.

[R166]    Sotomayor-Beltran, C., Sobey, C., Hessels, J. W. T., de Bruyn, G., Noutsos, A., Alexov, A., Anderson, J., Asgekar, A., Avruch, I. M., Beck, R., Bell, M. E., Bell, M. R., Bentum, M. J., Bernardi, G., Best, P., Birzan, L., Bonafede, A., Breitling, F., Broderick, J., Brouw, W. N., BrŸggen, M., Ciardi, B., de Gasperin, F., Dettmar, R.-J., van Duin, A., Duscha, S., Eislšffel, J., Falcke, H., Fallows, R. A., Fender, R., Ferrari, C., Frieswijk, W., Garrett, M. A., Grie§meier, J., Grit, T., Gunst, A. W., Hassall, T. E., Heald, G., Hoeft, M., Horneffer, A., Iacobelli, M., Juette, E., Karastergiou, A., Keane, E., Kohler, J., Kramer, M., Kondratiev, V. I., Koopmans, L. V. E., Kuniyoshi, M., Kuper, G., van Leeuwen, J., Maat, P., Macario, G., Markoff, S., McKean, J. P., Mulcahy, D. D., Munk, H., Orru, E., Paas, H., Pandey-Pommier, M., Pilia, M., Pizzo, R., Polatidis, A. G., Reich, W., Ršttgering, H., Serylak, M., Sluman, J., Stappers, B. W., Tagger, M., Tang, Y., Tasse, C., ter Veen, S., Vermeulen, R., van Weeren, R. J., Wijers, R. A. M. J., Wijnholds, S. J., Wise, M. W., Wucknitz, O., Yatawatta, S., Zarka, P., Calibrating high-precision Faraday rotation measurements for LOFAR and the next generation of low-frequency radio telescopes, Astron. Astrophys., 552, A58, 2013.

[R167]    van Haarlem, M. P., M. W. Wise, A. Gunst, G. Heald, J. P. McKean, J. W. T. Hessels, A. G. de Bruyn, R. Nijboer, J. Swinbank, R. Fallows, R. Beck, H. Falcke, R. Fender, J. Hšrandel, L. V. E. Koopmans, G. Mann, H. Ršttgering, B. W. Stappers, R. A. M. J. Wijers, S. Zaroubi, M. van den Akker, A. Alexov, J. Anderson, K. Anderson, A. van Ardenne, M. Arts, A. Asgekar, I. M. Avruch, L. BŠhren, M. E. Bell, M. R. Bell, I. van Bemmel, P. Bennema, M. J. Bentum, G. Bernardi, P. Best, L. Bõrzan, A. Bonafede, A.-J. Boonstra, R. Braun, J. Bregman, F. Breitling, M. Brentjens, R. H. van de Brink, J. Broderick, P. C. Broekema, W. N. Brouw, M. BrŸggen, H. R. Butcher, W. van Cappellen, B. Ciardi, T. Coenen, J. Conway, A. Coolen, A. Corstanje, S. Damstra, O. Davies, R.-J. Dettmar, G. van Diepen, K. Dijkstra, P. Donker, A. Doorduin, J. Dromer, M. Drost, A. van Duin, J. Eislšffel, J. van Enst, W. Frieswijk, H. Gankema, M. A. Garrett, F. de Gasparin, M. Gerbers, E. de Geus, J.-M. Grie§meier, T. Grit, P. Gruppen, J. P. Hamaker, T. Hassall, M. Hoeft, H. Holties, A. Horneffer, A. van Houwelingen, A. Huijgen, H. Intema, V. Jelic, A. de Jong, D. Kant, A. Karastergiou, A. Koers, H. Kollen, V. I. Kondratiev, E. Kooistra, Y. Koopman, A. Koster, M. Kuniyoshi, M. Kramer, G. Kuper, P. Lambropoulos, C. Law, J. van Leeuwen, J. Lemaitre, M. Loose, P. Maat, S. Markoff, J. Masters, D. McKay-Bukowski, H. Meijering, H. Meulman, M. Mevius, G. Miley, R. Millenaar, J. C. A. Miller-Jones, R. N. Mohan, J. D. Mol, J. Morawietz, R. Morganti, E. Mulder, H. Munk, L. Nieuwenhuis, J. E. Noordam, M. Norden, A. Noutsos, A. Offringa, H. Olofsson, A. Omar, E. Orru, R. Overeem, H. Paas, M. Pandey-Pommier, V. N. Pandey, R. Pizzo, A. Polatidis, D. Rafferty, S. Rawlings, W. Reich, J.-P. de Reijer, J. Reitsma, A. Renting, P. Riemers, E. Rol, J. W. Romein, J. Roosjen, M. Ruiter, A. Scaife, K. van der Schaaf, B. Scheers, P. Schellart, A. Schoenmakers, G. Schoonderbeek, J. Sluman, O. Smirnov, H. Spreeuw, M. Steinmetz, C. G. M. Sterks, H.-J. Stiepel, K. Stuurwold, M. Tagger, Y. Tang, C. Tasse, I. Thomas, B. van der Tol, O. Usov, M. van Veelen, A.-J. van der Veen, S. ter Veen, R. Vermeulen, N. Vermaas, C. Vocks, C. Vogt, M. de Vos, E. van der Wal, R. van Weeren, H. Weggemans, P. Weltevrede, S. White, S. J. Wijnholds, T. Wilhelmsson, O. Wucknitz, S. Yatawatta, P. Zarka, A. Zensus, and J. van Zwieten, LOFAR: The Low Frequency Array, Astron. Astrophys., 556, A2, 2013.

[R168]    Vasylieva, I. Y., Zakharenko, V. V., Zarka, P., Ulyanov, O. M., Shevtsova, A. I., Seredkina, A. A., Data Processing Pipeline for Decameter Pulsar/Transient Survey, Odessa Astronomical Publications, vol. 26, p. 159, 2013.

[R169]    Yatawatta, S., de Bruyn, A. G., Brentjens, M. A., Labropoulos, P., Pandey, V. N., Kazemi, S., Zaroubi, S., Koopmans, L. V. E., Offringa, A. R., Jelic, V., Martinez Rubi, O., Veligatla, V., Wijnholds, S. J., Brouw, W. N., Bernardi, G., Ciardi, B., Daiboo, S., Harker, G., Mellema, G., Schaye, J., Thomas, R., Vedantham, H., Chapman, E., Abdalla, F. B., Alexov, A., Anderson, J., Avruch, I. M., Batejat, F., Bell, M. E., Bell, M. R., Bentum, M., Best, P., Bonafede, A., Bregman, J., Breitling, F., van de Brink, R. H., Broderick, J. W., Bruggen, M., Conway, J., de Gasperin, F., de Geus, E., Duscha, S., Falcke, H., Fallows, R. A., Ferrari, C., Frieswijk, W., Garrett, M. A., Grie§meier, J. M., Gunst, A. W., Hassall, T. E., Hessels, J. W. T., Hoeft, M., Iacobelli, M., Juette, E., Karastergiou, A., Kondratiev, V. I., Kramer, M., Kuniyoshi, M., Kuper, G., van Leeuwen, J., Maat, P., Mann, G., McKean, J. P., Mevius, M., Mol, J. D., Munk, H., Nijboer, R., Noordam, J. E., Norden, M. J., Orru, E., Paas, H., Pandey-Pommier, M., Pizzo, R., Polatidis, A. G., Reich, W., Rottgering, H. J. A., Sluman, J., Smirnov, O., Stappers, B., Steinmetz, M., Tagger, M., Tang, Y., Tasse, C., ter Veen, S., Vermeulen, R., van Weeren, R. J., Wise, M., Wucknitz, O., P. Zarka, Initial deep LOFAR observations of Epoch of Reionization windows: I. The North Celestial Pole, Astron. Astrophys., 550, A136, 2013.

[R170]    Zakharenko, V, Vasylieva, I., Konovalenko, A., Ulyanov, O., Serylak, M., Zarka, P., Grie§meier, J.-M., Cognard, I., Nikolaenko, V., Detection of decameter wavelength pulsed radio emission of 40 known pulsars, MNRAS, 431, 3624-3641, 2013.


[R171]    Arridge, C.S., N. Achilleos, J. Agarwal, C.B. Agnor, R. Ambrosi, N. André, S.V. Badman, K. Baines, D. Banfield, M. Barthélémy, M. Bisi, J. Blum, T. Bocanegra-Bahamon, B. Bonfond, C. Bracken, P. Brandt, C. Briand, C. Briois, S. Brooks, J. Castillo-Rogez, T. Cavalié, B. Christophe, A.J. Coates, G. Collinson, J.F. Cooper, M. Costa-Sitja, R. Courtin, A. Daglis, I. de Pater, M. Desai, D. Dirkx, M.K. Dougherty, R. Ebert, G. Filacchione, L.N. Fletcher, J. Fortney, M. Galand, I. Gerth, D. Grassi, D. Grodent, E. GrŸn, J. Gustin, M. Hedman, R. Helled, P. Henri, S. Hess, J.K. Hillier, M. Hofstadter, R. Holme, M. Horányi, G. Hospodarsky, S. Hsu, P. Irwin, C.M. Jackman, O. Karatekin, S. Kempf, E. Khalisi, K. Konstantinidis, H. KrŸger, W.S. Kurth, C. Labrianidis, V. Lainey, L.L. Lamy, M. Laneuville, D. Lucchesi, A. Luntzer, J. MacArthur, A. Maier, A. Masters, S. McKenna-Lawlor, H. Melin, A. Milillo, G. Moragas-Klostermeyer, A. Morschhauser, J. Moses, O. Mousis, N. Nettelmann, F.M. Neubauer, T. Nordheim, B. Noyelles, G. Orton, M. Owens, R. Peron, F. Postberg, N. Rambaux, K. Retherford, S. Reynaud, E. Roussos, C.T. Russell, A.M. Rymer, R. Sallantin, A. Sánchez-Lavega, O. Santolik, J. Saur, K. Sayanagi, P. Schenk, J. Schubert, N. Sergis, E. Sittler, A. Smith, F. Spahn, R. Srama, T. Stallard, V. Sterken, Z. Sternovsky, M. Tiscareno, G. Tobie, F. Tosi, M. Trieloff, D. Turrini, E.P. Turtle, S. Vinatier, R. Wilson, P. Zarka, The science case for an orbital mission to Uranus: Exploring the origins and evolution of ice giant planets, Planet. Space Sci., 104, 122-140, 2014.

[R172]    Coenen, T., J. van Leeuwen, J. W. T. Hessels, B. W. Stappers, V. I. Kondratiev, A. Alexov, R. P. Breton, A. Bilous, S. Cooper, H. Falcke, R. A. Fallows, V. Gajjar, J.-M. Grie§meier, T. E. Hassall, A. Karastergiou, E. F. Keane, M. Kramer, M. Kuniyoshi, A. Noutsos, S. Osłowski, M. Pilia, M. Serylak, C. Schrijvers, C. Sobey, S. ter Veen, J. Verbiest, P. Weltevrede, S. Wijnholds, K. Zagkouris, A.S. van Amesfoort, J. Anderson, A. Asgekar, I. M. Avruch, M. E. Bell, M. J. Bentum, G. Bernardi, P. Best, A. Bonafede, F. Breitling, J. Broderick, M. Bruggen, H. R. Butcher, B. Ciardi, A. Corstanje, A. Deller, S. Duscha, J. Eisloffel, R. Fender, C. Ferrari, W. Frieswijk, M. A. Garrett, F. de Gasperin, E. de Geus, A. W. Gunst, J. P. Hamaker, G. Heald, M. Hoeft, A. van der Horst, E. Juette, G. Kuper, C. Law, G. Mann, R. McFadden, D. McKay-Bukowski, J. P. McKean, H. Munk, E. Orru, H. Paas, M. Pandey-Pommier, A. G. Polatidis, W. Reich, A. Renting, H. Rottgering, A. Rowlinson, A. M. M. Scaife, D. Schwarz, J. Sluman, O. Smirnov, J. Swinbank, M. Tagger, Y. Tang, C. Tasse, S. Thoudam, C. Toribio, R. Vermeulen, C. Vocks, R. J. van Weeren, O. Wucknitz, P. Zarka, and A. Zensus, The LOFAR Pilot Surveys for Pulsars and Fast Radio Transients, Astron. Astrophys., 570, A60, 2014.

[R173]    Hess, S. L. G., E. Echer, P. Zarka, L. Lamy, and P. A Delamere, Multi-instrument study of the Jovian radio emissions triggered by solar wind shocks and inferred magnetospheric subcorotation rates, Planet. Space Sci., 99, 136-148, 2014.

[R174]    Jelic, V., de Bruyn, A. G., Mevius, M., Abdalla, F. B., Asad, K. M. B., Bernardi, G., Brentjens, M. A., Bus, S., Chapman, E., Ciardi, B., Daiboo, S., Fernandez, E. R., Ghosh, A., Harker, G., Jensen, H., Kazemi, S., Koopmans, L. V. E., Labropoulos, P., Martinez-Rubi, O., Mellema, G., Offringa, A. R., Pandey, V. N., Patil, A. H., Thomas, R. M., Vedantham, H. K., Veligatla, V., Yatawatta, S., Zaroubi, S., Alexov, A., Anderson, J., Avruch, I. M., Beck, R., Bell, M. E., Bentum, M. J., Best, P., Bonafede, A., Bregman, J., Breitling, F., Broderick, J., Brouw, W. N., BrŸggen, M., Butcher, H. R., Conway, J. E., de Gasperin, F., de Geus, E., Deller, A., Dettmar, R.-J., Duscha, S., Eislšffel, J., Engels, D., Falcke, H., Fallows, R. A., Fender, R., Ferrari, C., Frieswijk, W., Garrett, M. A., Grie§meier, J., Gunst, A. W., Hamaker, J. P., Hassall, T. E., Haverkorn, M., Heald, G., Hessels, J. W. T., Hoeft, M., Hšrandel, J., Horneffer, A., van der Horst, A., Iacobelli, M., Juette, E., Karastergiou, A., Kondratiev, V. I., Kramer, M., Kuniyoshi, M., Kuper, G., van Leeuwen, J., Maat, P., Mann, G., McKay-Bukowski, D., McKean, J. P., Munk, H., Nelles, A., Norden, M. J., Paas, H., Pandey-Pommier, M., Pietka, G., Pizzo, R., Polatidis, A. G., Reich, W., Ršttgering, H., Rowlinson, A., Scaife, A. M. M., Schwarz, D., Serylak, M., Smirnov, O., Steinmetz, M., Stewart, A., Tagger, M., Tang, Y., Tasse, C., ter Veen, S., Thoudam, S., Toribio, C., Vermeulen, R., Vocks, C., van Weeren, R. J., Wijers, R. A. M. J., Wijnholds, S. J., Wucknitz, O., Zarka, P., Initial LOFAR observations of Epoch of Reionization windows: II. Diffuse polarized emission in the ELAIS-N1 field, Astron. Astrophys., Volume 568, id.A101, 12 pp., 2014.

[R175]    Morosan, D. E., P. T. Gallagher, P. Zucca, R. Fallows, E. P. Carley, G. Mann, M. M. Bisi, A. Kerdraon, A. A. Konovalenko, A. L. MacKinnon, H. O. Rucker, B. Thidé, J. Magdalenic ́, C. Vocks, H. Reid, J. Anderson, A. Asgekar, I. M. Avruch, M. J. Bentum, G. Bernardi, P. Best, A. Bonafede, J. Bregman, F. Breitling, J. Broderick, M. BrŸggen, H. R. Butcher, B. Ciardi, J. E. Conway, F. de Gasperin, E. de Geus, A. Deller, S. Duscha, J. Eisloffel, D. Engels, H. Falcke, C. Ferrari, W. Frieswijk, M. A. Garrett, J. Grie§meier, A. W. Gunst, T. E. Hassall, J. W. T. Hessels, M. Hoeft, J. Horandel, A. Horneffer, M. Iacobelli, E. Juette, A. Karastergiou, V. I. Kondratiev, M. Kramer, M. Kuniyoshi, G. Kuper, P. Maat, S. Markoff, J. P. McKean, D. D. Mulcahy, H. Munk, A. Nelles, M. J. Norden, E. Orru, H. Paas, M. Pandey-Pommier, V. N. Pandey, G. Pietka, R. Pizzo, A. G. Polatidis, W. Reich, H. Rottgering, A. M. M. Scaife, D. Schwarz, M. Serylak, O. Smirnov, B. W. Stappers, A. Stewart, M. Tagger, Y. Tang, C. Tasse, S. Thoudam, C. Toribio, R. Vermeulen, R. J. van Weeren, O. Wucknitz, S. Yatawatta, and P. Zarka, LOFAR Tied-array Imaging of Type III Solar Radio Bursts, Astron. Astrophys., 568, A67, 2014.

[R176]    Mottez, F., and P. Zarka, Radio emissions from pulsar companions : a refutable explanation for galactic transients and fast radio bursts, Astron. Astrophys., 569, A86, 2014.

[R177]    Oonk, J. B. R., R. J. van Weeren, F. Salgado, L. Morabito, A. G. G. M. Tielens, H. J. A Ršttgering, A. Asgekar, G. J. White, A. Alexov, J. Anderson, I. M. Avruch, F. Batejat, R. Beck, M. E. Bell, I. van Bemmel, M. J. Bentum, G. Bernardi, P. Best, A. Bonafede, F. Breitling, M. Brentjens, J. Broderick,, M. BrŸggen, H. R. Butcher, B. Ciardi, J. E. Conway, A. Corstanje, F. de Gasperin, E. de Geus, M. de Vos, S. Duscha, J. Eislšffel, D. Engels, J. van Enst, H. Falcke, R. A. Fallows, R. Fender, C. Ferrari, W. Frieswijk, M. A. Garrett, J.-M. Grie§meier, J. P. Hamaker, T. E. Hassall, G. Heald, J. W. T. Hessels, M. Hoeft, A. Hornheffer, A. van der Horst, M. Iacobelli, N. J. Jackson, E. Juette, A. Karastergiou, W. Klijn, J. Kohler, V. I. Kondratiev, M. Kramer, M. Kuniyoshi, G. Kuper, J. van Leeuwen, P. Maat, G. Macario, G. Mann, S. Markoff, J. P. McKean, M. Mevius, J. C. A. Miller-Jones, J. D. Mol, D. D. Mulcahy, H. Munk, M. J. Norden, E. Orru, H. Paas, M. Pandey-Pommier, V. N. Pandey, R. Pizzo, A. G. Polatidis, W. Reich, A. Scaife, A. Schoenmakers, D. Schwarz, A. Shulevski, J. Sluman, O. Smirnov, C. Sobey, B. W. Stappers, M. Steinmetz, J. Swinbank, M. Tagger, Y. Tang, C. Tasse, S. ter Veen, S. Thoudam, C. Totibio, R. van Nieuwpoort, R. Vermeulen, C. Vocks, C. Vogt, M. J. Wijers, M. W. Wise, O. Wucknitz, S. Yatawatta, P. Zarka, and A. Zensus, Discovery of carbon Radio Recombination Lines in absorption towards Cygnus A, Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc., 437, 3506–3515, 2014.

[R178]    Ryabov, V. B., P. Zarka, S. Hess, A. Konovalenko, G. Litvinenko, V. Zakharenko, V. A. Shevchenko, and B. Cecconi, Fast and slow frequency-drifting millisecond bursts in Jovian decametric radio emissions, Astron. Astrophys., 568, A53, 2014.

[R179]    van Weeren, R. J., Williams, W. L., Tasse, C., Ršttgering, H. J. A., Rafferty, D. A., van der Tol, S., Heald, G., White, G. J., Shulevski, A., Best, P., Intema, H. T., Bhatnagar, S., Reich, W., Steinmetz, M., van Velzen, S., En§lin, T. A., Prandoni, I., de Gasperin, F., Jamrozy, M., Brunetti, G., Jarvis, M. J., McKean, J. P., Wise, M. W., Ferrari, C., Harwood, J., Oonk, J. B. R., Hoeft, M., Kunert-Bajraszewska, M., Horellou, C., Wucknitz, O., Bonafede, A., Mohan, N. R., Scaife, A. M. M., Klšckner, H.-R., van Bemmel, I. M., Merloni, A., Chyzy, K. T., Engels, D., Falcke, H., Pandey-Pommier, M., Alexov, A., Anderson, J., Avruch, I. M., Beck, R., Bell, M. E., Bentum, M. J., Bernardi, G., Breitling, F., Broderick, J., Brouw, W. N., BrŸggen, M., Butcher, H. R., Ciardi, B., de Geus, E., de Vos, M., Deller, A., Duscha, S., Eislšffel, J., Fallows, R. A., Frieswijk, W., Garrett, M. A., Grie§meier, J., Gunst, A. W., Hamaker, J. P., Hassall, T. E., Hšrandel, J., van der Horst, A., Iacobelli, M., Jackson, N. J., Juette, E., Kondratiev, V. I., Kuniyoshi, M., Maat, P., Mann, G., McKay-Bukowski, D., Mevius, M., Morganti, R., Munk, H., Offringa, A. R., Orr, E., Paas, H., Pandey, V. N., Pietka, G., Pizzo, R., Polatidis, A. G., Renting, A., Rowlinson, A., Schwarz, D., Serylak, M., Sluman, J., Smirnov, O., Stappers, B. W., Stewart, A., Swinbank, J., Tagger, M., Tang, Y., Thoudam, S., Toribio, C., Vermeulen, R., Vocks, C.,  and P. Zarka, LOFAR Low-Band Antenna Observations of the 3C 295 and Bootes Fields: Source Counts and Ultra-Steep Spectrum Sources, Astrophys. J., 793(2), 82, 2014.


[R180]    Corstanje, A., Schellart, P., Nelles, A., Buitink, S., Enriquez, J. E., Falcke, H., Frieswijk, W., Hšrandel, J. R., Krause, M., Rachen, J. P., Scholten, O., ter Veen, S., Thoudam, S., Trinh, G., van den Akker, M., Alexov, A., Anderson, J., Avruch, I. M., Bell, M. E., Bentum, M. J., Bernardi, G., Best, P., Bonafede, A., Breitling, F., Broderick, J., Butcher, H. R., Ciardi, B., de Gasperin, F., de Geus, E., de Vos, M., Duscha, S., Eislšffel, J., Engels, D., Fallows, R. A., Ferrari, C., Garrett, M. A., Grie§meier, J., Gunst, A. W., Hamaker, J. P., Hoeft, M., Horneffer, A., Iacobelli, M., Juette, E., Karastergiou, A., Kohler, J., Kondratiev, V. I., Kuniyoshi, M., Kuper, G., Maat, P., Mann, G., McFadden, R., McKay-Bukowski, D., Mevius, M., Munk, H., Norden, M. J., Orru, E., Paas, H., Pandey-Pommier, M., Pandey, V. N., Pizzo, R., Polatidis, A. G., Reich, W., Ršttgering, H., Scaife, A. M. M., Schwarz, D., Smirnov, O., Stewart, A., Swinbank, J., Tagger, M., Tang, Y., Tasse, C., Toribio, C., Vermeulen, R., Vocks, C., van Weeren, R. J., Wijnholds, S. J., Wucknitz, O., Yatawatta, S., Zarka, P., The shape of the radio wavefront of extensive air showers as measured with LOFAR, Astroparticle Physics, 61, 22-31, 2015.

[R181]    Garsden, H., Girard, J. N., Starck, J. L., Corbel, S., Tasse, C., Woiselle, A., McKean, J. P., van Amesfoort, A. S., Anderson, J., Avruch, I. M., Beck, R., Bentum, M. J., Best, P., Breitling, F., Broderick, J., BrŸggen, M., Butcher, H. R., Ciardi, B., de Gasperin, F., de Geus, E., de Vos, M., Duscha, S., Eislšffel, J., Engels, D., Falcke, H., Fallows, R. A., Fender, R., Ferrari, C., Frieswijk, W., Garrett, M. A., Grie§meier, J., Gunst, A. W., Hassall, T. E., Heald, G., Hoeft, M., Hšrandel, J., van der Horst, A., Juette, E., Karastergiou, A., Kondratiev, V. I., Kramer, M., Kuniyoshi, M., Kuper, G., Mann, G., Markoff, S., McFadden, R., McKay-Bukowski, D., Mulcahy, D. D., Munk, H., Norden, M. J., Orru, E., Paas, H., Pandey-Pommier, M., Pandey, V. N., Pietka, G., Pizzo, R., Polatidis, A. G., Renting, A., Ršttgering, H., Rowlinson, A., Schwarz, D., Sluman, J., Smirnov, O., Stappers, B. W., Steinmetz, M., Stewart, A., Swinbank, J., Tagger, M., Tang, Y., Tasse, C., Thoudam, S., Toribio, C., Vermeulen, R., Vocks, C., van Weeren, R. J., Wijnholds, S. J., Wise, M. W., Wucknitz, O., Yatawatta, S., Zarka, P., Zensus, A., LOFAR sparse image reconstruction, Astron. Astrophys., 575, A90, 2015.

[R182]    Heald, G. H., R. F. Pizzo, E. Orrú, R. P. Breton, D. Carbone, C. Ferrari, M. J. Hardcastle, W. Jurusik, G. Macario, D. Mulcahy, D. Rafferty, A. Asgekar, M. Brentjens, R. A. Fallows, W. Frieswijk, M. C. Toribio, B. Adebahr, M. Arts, M. R. Bell, A. Bonafede, J. Bray, J. Broderick, T. Cantwell, P. Carroll, Y. Cendes, A. O. Clarke, J. Croston, S. Daiboo, F. de Gasperin, J. Gregson, J. Harwood, T. Hassall, V. Heesen, A. Horneffer, A. J. van der Horst, M. Iacobelli, V. Jelic, D. Jones, D. Kant, G. Kokotanekov, P. Martin, J. P. McKean, L. K. Morabito, B. Nikiel-Wroczynski, A. Offringa, V. N. Pandey, M. Pandey-Pommier, M. Pietka, L. Pratley, C. Riseley, A. Rowlinson, J. Sabater, A. M. M. Scaife, L. H. A. Scheers, K. Sendlinger, A. Shulevski, M. Sipior, C. Sobey, A. J. Stewart, A. Stroe, J. Swinbank, C. Tasse, J. Truestedt, E. Varenius, S. van Velzen, N. Vilchez, R. J. van Weeren, S. Wijnholds, W. L. Williams, A. G. de Bruyn, R. Nijboer, M. Wise, A. Alexov, J. Anderson, I. M. Avruch, R. Beck, M. E. Bell, I. van Bemmel, M. J. Bentum, G. Bernardi, P. Best, F. Breitling, W. N. Brouw, M. Bruggen, H. R. Butcher, B. Ciardi, J. E. Conway, E. de Geus, A. de Jong, M. de Vos, A. Deller, R.-J. Dettmar, S. Duscha, J. Eisloffel, D. Engels, H. Falcke, R. Fender, M. A. Garrett, J. Grie§meier, A. W. Gunst, J. P. Hamaker, J. W. T. Hessels, M. Hoeft, J. Horandel, H. A. Holties, H. Intema, N. J. Jackson, E. JŸtte, A. Karastergiou, W. F. A. Klijn, V. I. Kondratiev, L. V. E. Koopmans, M. Kuniyoshi, G. Kuper, C. Law, J. van Leeuwen, M. Loose, P. Maat, S. Markoff, R. McFadden, D. McKay-Bukowski, M. Mevius, J. C. A. Miller-Jones, R. Morganti, H. Munk, A. Nelles, J. E. Noordam, M. J. Norden, H. Paas, A. G. Polatidis, W. Reich, A. Renting, H. Ršttgering, A. Schoenmakers, D. Schwarz, J. Sluman, O. Smirnov, B. W. Stappers, M. Steinmetz, M. Tagger, Y. Tang, S. ter Veen, S. Thoudam, R. Vermeulen, C. Vocks, C. Vogt, R. A. M. J. Wijers, O. Wucknitz, S. Yatawatta, and P. Zarka, The LOFAR Multifrequency Snapshot Sky Survey (MSSS) I. Survey description and first results, Astron. Astrophys., 582, A123, 2015.

[R183]    Melnik, V.N., A.I. Brazhenko, A.A. Konovalenko, C. Briand, V.V. Dorovskyy, P. Zarka, A.V. Frantsuzenko, H.O. Rucker, B.P. Rutkevych, M. Panchenko, L. Denis, T. Zaqarashvili, B. Shergelashvili, Decameter Type III Bursts with changing Frequency Drift Rate Signs, Solar Physics, 290(1), 193-203, 2015.

[R184]    Moldón, J., A. T. Deller, O. Wucknitz, N. Jackson, A. Drabent, T. Carozzi, J. Conway, A. D. Kapinska, J. P. McKean, L. Morabito, E. Varenius, P. Zarka, J. Anderson, A. Asgekar, I. M. Avruch, M. E. Bell, M. J. Bentum, G. Bernardi, P. Best, L. Birzan, J. Bregman, F. Breitling, J. W. Broderick, M. Bruggen, H. R. Butcher, D. Carbone, B. Ciardi, F. de Gasperin, E. de Geus, S. Duscha, J. Eisloffel, D. Engels, H. Falcke, R. A. Fallows, R. Fender, C. Ferrari, W. Frieswijk, M. A. Garrett, J. Grie§meier, A. W. Gunst, J. P. Hamaker, T. E. Hassall, G. Heald, M. Hoeft, E. Juette, A. Karastergiou, V. I. Kondratiev, M. Kramer, M. Kuniyoshi, G. Kuper, P. Maat, G. Mann, S. Markoff, R. McFadden, D. McKay-Bukowski, R. Morganti, H. Munk, M. J. Norden, A. R. Offringa, E. Orru, H. Paas, M. Pandey-Pommier, R. Pizzo, A. G. Polatidis, W. Reich, H. Rottgering, A. Rowlinson, A. M. M. Scaife, D. Schwarz, J. Sluman, O. Smirnov, B. W. Stappers, M. Steinmetz, M. Tagger, Y. Tang, C. Tasse, S. Thoudam, M. C. Toribio, R. Vermeulen, C. Vocks, R. J. van Weeren, S. White, M. W. Wise, S. Yatawatta, and A. Zensus, The LOFAR long baseline snapshot calibrator survey, Astron. Astrophys., 574, A73, 2015. + VizieR On-line Data Catalog: J/A+A/574/A73.

[R185]    Morosan, D. E., P. T. Gallagher, P. Zucca, A. OÕFlannagain, R. Fallows, H. Reid, J. Magdalenic, G. Mann, M. M. Bisi, A. Kerdraon, A. A. Konovalenko, A. L. MacKinnon, H. O. Rucker, B. Thidé, C. Vocks, A. Alexov, J. Anderson, A. Asgekar, I. M. Avruch, M. J. Bentum, G. Bernardi, A. Bonafede, F. Breitling, J. W. Broderick, W. N. Brouw, H. R. Butcher, B. Ciardi, E. de Geus, J. Eisloffel, H. Falcke, W. Frieswijk, M. A. Garrett, J.-M. Grie§meier, A. W. Gunst, J. W. T. Hessels, M. Hoeft, A. Karastergiou, V. I. Kondratiev, G. Kuper, J. van Leeuwen, D. McKay-Bukowski, J. P. McKean, H. Munk, E. Orru, H. Paas, R. Pizzo, A. G. Polatidis, A. M. M. Scaife, J. Sluman, C. Tasse, M. C. Toribio, R. Vermeulen, and P. Zarka, LOFAR tied-array imaging and spectroscopy of solar S bursts, A&A, 580, A65, 2015.

[R186]    Nelles, A., Schellart, P., Buitink, S., Corstanje, A., de Vries, K. D., Enriquez, J. E., Falcke, H., Frieswijk, W., Hšrandel, J. R., Scholten, O., ter Veen, S., Thoudam, S., van den Akker, M., Anderson, J., Asgekar, A., Bell, M. E., Bentum, M. J., Bernardi, G., Best, P., Bregman, J., Breitling, F., Broderick, J., Brouw, W. N., BrŸggen, M., Butcher, H. R., Ciardi, B., Deller, A., Duscha, S., Eislšffel, J., Fallows, R. A., Garrett, M. A., Gunst, A. W., Hassall, T. E., Heald, G., Horneffer, A., Iacobelli, M., Juette, E., Karastergiou, A., Kondratiev, V. I., Kramer, M., Kuniyoshi, M., Kuper, G., Maat, P., Mann, G., Mevius, M., Norden, M. J., Paas, H., Pandey-Pommier, M., Pietka, G., Pizzo, R., Polatidis, A. G., Reich, W., Ršttgering, H., Scaife, A. M. M., Schwarz, D., Smirnov, O., Stappers, B. W., Steinmetz, M., Stewart, A., Tagger, M., Tang, Y., Tasse, C., Vermeulen, R., Vocks, C., van Weeren, R. J., Wijnholds, S. J., Wucknitz, O., Yatawatta, S., Zarka, P., Measuring a Cherenkov ring in the radio emission from air showers at 110-230 MHz with LOFAR, Astroparticle Physics, 65, 11-21, 2015.

[R187]    Nelles, A., Hšrandel, J. R., Karskens, T., Krause, M., Buitink, S., Corstanje, A., Enriquez, J. E., Erdmann, M., Falcke, H., Haungs, A., Hiller, R., Huege, T., Krause, R., Link, K., Norden, M. J., Rachen, J. P., Rossetto, L., Schellart, P., Scholten, O., Schršder, F. G., ter Veen, S., Thoudam, S., Trinh, T. N. G., Weidenhaupt, K., Wijnholds, S. J., Anderson, J., BŠhren, L., Bell, M. E., Bentum, M. J., Best, P., Bonafede, A., Bregman, J., Brouw, W. N., BrŸggen, M., Butcher, H. R., Carbone, D., Ciardi, B., de Gasperin, F., Duscha, S., Eislšffel, J., Fallows, R. A., Frieswijk, W., Garrett, M. A., van Haarlem, M. P., Heald, G., Hoeft, M., Horneffer, A., Iacobelli, M., Juette, E., Karastergiou, A., Kohler, J., Kondratiev, V. I., Kuniyoshi, M., Kuper, G., van Leeuwen, J., Maat, P., McFadden, R., McKay-Bukowski, D., Orru, E., Paas, H., Pandey-Pommier, M., Pandey, V. N., Pizzo, R., Polatidis, A. G., Reich, W., Ršttgering, H., Schwarz, D., Serylak, M., Sluman, J., Smirnov, O., Tasse, C., Toribio, M. C., Vermeulen, R., van Weeren, R. J., Wijers, R. A. M. J., Wucknitz, O., Zarka, P., Calibrating the absolute amplitude scale for air showers measured at LOFAR, Journal of Instrumentation, Volume 10, Issue 11, article id. P11005, 2015.

[R188]    Noutsos, A., C. Sobey, V. I. Kondratiev, P. Weltevrede, J. P. W. Verbiest, A. Karastergiou, M. Kramer, M. Kuniyoshi, A. Alexov, R. P. Breton, A. V. Bilous, S. Cooper, H. Falcke, J.-M. Grie§meier, T. E. Hassall, J. W. T. Hessels, E. F. Keane, S. Osłowski, M. Pilia, M. Serylak, B. W. Stappers, S. ter Veen, J. van Leeuwen, K. Zagkouris, K. Anderson, L. BŠhren, M. Bell, J. Broderick, D. Carbone, Y. Cendes, T. Coenen, S. Corbel, J. Eislšffel, R. Fender, H. Garsden, P. Jonker, C. Law, S. Markoff, J. Masters, J. Miller-Jones, G. Molenaar, R. Osten, M. Pietka, E. Rol, A. Rowlinson, B. Scheers, H. Spreeuw, T. Staley, A. Stewart, J. Swinbank, R. Wijers, R. Wijnands, M. Wise, P. Zarka, and A. van der Horst, Pulsar polarisation below 200 MHz: Average profiles and propagation effects, A&A, 576, A62, 2015.

[R189]    Schellart, P., T. N. G. Trinh, S. Buitink, A. Corstanje, J. E. Enriquez, H. Falcke, J. R. Hšrandel, A. Nelles, J. P. Rachen, L. Rossetto, O. Scholten, S. ter Veen, S. Thoudam, U. Ebert, C. Koehn, C. Rutjes, A. Alexov, J. M. Anderson, I. M. Avruch, M. J. Bentum, G. Bernardi, P. Best, A. Bonafede, F. Breitling, J. W. Broderick, M. BrŸggen, H. R. Butcher, B. Ciardi, E. de Geus, M. de Vos, S. Duscha, J. Eislšffel, R. A. Fallows, W. Frieswijk, M. A. Garrett, J. Grie§meier, A. W. Gunst, G. Heald, J. W. T. Hessels, M. Hoeft, H. A. Holties, E. Juette, V. I. Kondratiev, M. Kuniyoshi, G. Kuper, G. Mann, R. McFadden, D. McKay-Bukowski, J. P. McKean, M. Mevius, J. Moldon, M. J. Norden, E. Orru, H. Paas, M. Pandey-Pommier, R. Pizzo, A. G. Polatidis, W. Reich, H. Ršttgering, A. M. M. Scaife, D. J. Schwarz, M. Serylak, O. Smirnov, M. Steinmetz, J. Swinbank, M. Tagger, C. Tasse, M. C. Toribio, R. J. van Weeren, R. Vermeulen, C. Vocks, M. W. Wise, O. Wucknitz, and P. Zarka, Probing Atmospheric Electric Fields in Thunderstorms through Radio Emission from Cosmic-Ray-Induced Air Showers, Phys. Rev. Lett., 114, 165001, 2015.

[R190]    Seki, K., A. Nagy, C. Jackman, F. Crary, D. Fontaine, P. Zarka, P. Wurz, A. Milillo, J. A. Slavin, D. C. Delcourt, M. Wiltberger, R. Ilie, X. Jia, S. A. Ledvina, M. W. Liemohn, and R. W. Schunk, A review of General Processes related to Plasma Sources and Losses for Solar System Magnetospheres, in "Plasma Sources for Solar System Magnetospheres", Space Sci. Rev., 192, 27-89, 2015.

[R191]    Shulevski, A., R. Morganti, P. D. Barthel, M. Murgia, R. J. van Weeren, G. J. White, M. BrŸggen, M. Kunert-Bajraszewska, M. Jamrozy, P. N. Best, H. J. A. Ršttgering, K. T. Chyzy, F. de Gasperin, L. B”rzan, G. Brunetti, M. Brienza, D. A. Rafferty, J. Anderson, R. Beck, A. Deller, P. Zarka, D. Schwarz, E. Mahony, E. Orrœ, M. E. Bell, M. J. Bentum, G. Bernardi, A. Bonafede, F. Breitling, J. W. Broderick, H. R. Butcher, D. Carbone, B. Ciardi, E. de Geus, S. Duscha, J. Eislšffel, D. Engels, H. Falcke, R. A. Fallows, R. Fender, C. Ferrari, W. Frieswijk, M. A. Garrett, J. Grie§meier, A. W. Gunst, G. Heald, M. Hoeft, J. Hšrandel, A. Horneffer, A.J. van der Horst, H. Intema, E. Juette, A. Karastergiou, V. I. Kondratiev, M. Kramer, M. Kuniyoshi, G. Kuper, P. Maat, G. Mann, R. McFadden, D. McKay-Bukowski, J. P. McKean, H. Meulman, D. D. Mulcahy, H. Munk, M. J. Norden, H. Paas, M. Pandey-Pommier, R. Pizzo, A. G. Polatidis, W. Reich, A. Rowlinson, A. M. M. Scaife, M. Serylak, J. Sluman, O. Smirnov, M. Steinmetz, J. Swinbank, M. Tagger, Y. Tang, C. Tasse, S. Thoudam, M. C. Toribio, R. Vermeulen, C. Vocks, R. A. M. J. Wijers, M. W. Wise, O. Wucknitz, The peculiar radio galaxy 4C 35.06: a case for recurrent AGN activity ?, A&A, 579, A27, 2015.

[R192]    Sobey, C., N. J. Young, J. W. T. Hessels, P. Weltevrede, A. Noutsos, B. W. Stappers, M. Kramer, C. Bassa, A. G. Lyne, V. I. Kondratiev, T. E. Hassall, E. F. Keane, A. V. Bilous, R. P. Breton, J.-M. Grie§meier, A. Karastergiou, M. Pilia, M. Serylak, S. ter Veen, J. van Leeuwen, A. Alexov, J. Anderson, A. Asgekar, I. M. Avruch, M. E. Bell, M. J. Bentum, G. Bernardi, P. Best, L. B”rzan, A. Bonafede, F. Breitling, J. Broderick, M. BrŸggen, A. Corstanje, D. Carbone, E. de Geus, M. de Vos, A. van Duin, S. Duscha, J. Eislšffel, H. Falcke, R. A. Fallows, R. Fender, C. Ferrari, W. Frieswijk, M. A. Garrett, A. W. Gunst, J. P. Hamaker, G. Heald, M. Hoeft, J. Hšrandel, E. JŸtte, G. Kuper, P. Maat, G. Mann, S. Markoff, R. McFadden, D. McKay-Bukowski, J. P. McKean, D. D. Mulcahy, H. Munk, A. Nelles, M. J. Norden, E. Orr, H. Paas, M. Pandey-Pommier, V. N. Pandey, G. Pietka, R. Pizzo, A. G. Polatidis, D. Rafferty, A. Renting, H. Ršttgering, A. Rowlinson, A. M. M. Scaife, D. Schwarz, J. Sluman, O. Smirnov, M. Steinmetz, A. Stewart, J. Swinbank, M. Tagger, Y. Tang, C. Tasse, S. Thoudam, C. Toribio, R. Vermeulen, C. Vocks, R. J. van Weeren, R. A. M. J. Wijers, M. W. Wise, O. Wucknitz, S. Yatawatta, P. Zarka, LOFAR discovery of a quiet emission mode in PSR B0823+26, MNRAS, 451, 2493-2506, 2015.

[R193]    Sotomayor-Beltran, C., Sobey, C., Hessels, J. W. T., de Bruyn, G., Noutsos, A., Alexov, A., Anderson, J., Asgekar, A., Avruch, I. M., Beck, R., Bell, M. E., Bell, M. R., Bentum, M. J., Bernardi, G., Best, P., Birzan, L., Bonafede, A., Breitling, F., Broderick, J., Brouw, W. N., BrŸggen, M., Ciardi, B., de Gasperin, F., Dettmar, R.-J., van Duin, A., Duscha, S., Eislšffel, J., Falcke, H., Fallows, R. A., Fender, R., Ferrari, C., Frieswijk, W., Garrett, M. A., Grie§meier, J., Grit, T., Gunst, A. W., Hassall, T. E., Heald, G., Hoeft, M., Horneffer, A., Iacobelli, M., Juette, E., Karastergiou, A., Keane, E., Kohler, J., Kramer, M., Kondratiev, V. I., Koopmans, L. V. E., Kuniyoshi, M., Kuper, G., van Leeuwen, J., Maat, P., Macario, G., Markoff, S., McKean, J. P., Mulcahy, D. D., Munk, H., Orru, E., Paas, H., Pandey-Pommier, M., Pilia, M., Pizzo, R., Polatidis, A. G., Reich, W., Ršttgering, H., Serylak, M., Sluman, J., Stappers, B. W., Tagger, M., Tang, Y., Tasse, C., ter Veen, S., Vermeulen, R., van Weeren, R. J., Wijers, R. A. M. J., Wijnholds, S. J., Wise, M. W., Wucknitz, O., Yatawatta, S., Zarka, P., Calibrating high-precision Faraday rotation measurements for LOFAR and the next generation of low-frequency radio telescopes (corrigendum), Astron. Astrophys., 581, C4, 2015.

[R194]    Stanislavsky, A., A. Konovalenko, A. Koval, V. Dorovskyy, P. Zarka, H. Rucker, Coronal magnetic field strength from decameter zebra-pattern observations: complementarity with band-splitting measurements of associated type II burst, Solar Physics, 290(1), 205-218, 2015.

[R195]    Stanislavsky, A.A., A.A. Konovalenko, A.A. Koval, V.V. Dorovsky, P. Zarka, H.O. Rucker, What Can Be Interesting in the Analysis of Crowded Solar Bursts ?, Sun & Geosphere, 10, 17-20, 2015.

[R196]    Swinbank, J. D., T. D. Staley, G. J. Molenaar, E. Rol, A. Rowlinson, B. Scheers, H. Spreeuw, M. E. Bell, J. W. Broderick, D. Carbone, H. Garsden, A. J. van der Horst, C. J. Law, M. Wise, R. P. Breton, Y. Cendes, S. Corbel, J. Eislšffel, H. Falcke, R. Fender, J.-M. Grie§meier, J.W.T. Hessels, B. W. Stappers , A. J. Stewart, R.A.M.J. Wijers, R. Wijnands, P. Zarka, The LOFAR Transients Pipeline, Astronomy and Computing, 11, 2-48, 2015.

[R197]    Vedantham, H. K., L. V. E. Koopmans, A. G. de Bruyn, S. J. Wijnholds, M. Brentjens, F. B. Abdalla, K. M. B. Asad, G. Bernardi, S. Bus, E. Chapman, B. Ciardi, S. Daiboo, E. R. Fernandez, A. Ghosh, G. Harker, V. Jelic, H. Jensen, S. Kazemi, P. Lambropoulos, O. Martinez-Rubi, G. Mellema, M. Mevius, A. R. Offringa, V. N. Pandey, A. H. Patil, R. M. Thomas, V. Veligatla, S. Yatawatta, S. Zaroubi, J. Anderson, A. Asgekar, M. E. Bell, M. J. Bentum, P. Best, A. Bonafede, F. Breitling, J. Broderick, M. BrŸggen, H. R. Butcher, A. Corstanje, F. de Gasperin, E. de Geus, A. Deller, S. Duscha, J. Eislo ̈ffel, D. Engels, H. Falcke, R. A. Fallows, R. Fender, C. Ferrari, W. Frieswijk, M. A. Garrett, J. Grie§meier, A. W. Gunst, T. E. Hassall, G. Heald, M. Hoeft, J. Ho ̈randel, M. Iacobelli, E. Juette, V. I. Kondratiev, M. Kuniyoshi, G. Kuper, G. Mann, S. Markoff, R. McFadden, D. McKay-Bukowski, J. P. McKean, D. D. Mulcahy, H. Munk, A. Nelles, M. J. Norden, E. Orru, M. Pandey-Pommier, R. Pizzo, A. G. Polatidis, W. Reich, A. Renting, H. Ršttgering, D. Schwarz, A. Shulevski, O. Smirnov, B. W. Stappers, M. Steinmetz, J. Swinbank, M. Tagger, Y. Tang, C. Tasse, S. ter Veen, S. Thoudam, C. Toribio, C. Vocks, M. W. Wise, O. Wucknitz and P. Zarka, Lunar occultation of the diffuse radio sky: LOFAR measurements between 35 and 80 MHz, MNRAS 450, 2291–2305, 2015.

[R198]    Zakharenko, V. V., Kravtsov, I. P., Vasylieva, I. Y., Mykhailova, S. S., Ulyanov, O. M., Shevtsova, A. I., Skoryk, A. O., Zarka, P., Konovalenko, O. O., Decameter Pulsars and Transients Survey of the Northern Sky. Status, First Results, Multiparametric Pipeline for Candidate Selection, Odessa Astronomical Publications, vol. 28, p. 252, 2015.


[R199]    Arridge, C.S., J.P. Eastwood, C.M. Jackman, G.-K. Poh, J.A. Slavin, M.F. Thomsen, N. AndrŽ, X. Jia, A. Kidder, L. Lamy, A. Radioti, N. Sergis, M. Volwerk, A.P. Walsh, P. Zarka, A.J. Coates, M.K. Dougherty, Cassini in situ observations of long duration magnetic reconnection in SaturnÕs magnetotail, Nature Physics, 12, 268–271, 2016.

[R200]    Arridge, C. S., Jasinski, J. M., Achilleos, N., Bogdanova, Y. V., Bunce, E. J., Cowley, S. W. H., Fazakerley, A. N., Khurana, K. K., Lamy, L., Leisner, J. S., Roussos, E., Russell, C. T., Zarka, P., Coates, A. J., Dougherty, M. K., Jones, G. H., Krimigis, S. M., Krupp, N., Cassini observations of Saturn's southern polar cusp, Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, Volume 121, Issue 4, pp. 3006-3030, 2016.

[R201]    Bilous, A. V., Kondratiev, V. I., Kramer, M., Keane, E. F., Hessels, J. W. T., Stappers, B. W., Malofeev, V. M., Sobey, C., Breton, R. P., Cooper, S., Falcke, H., Karastergiou, A., Michilli, D., Osłowski, S., Sanidas, S., ter Veen, S., van Leeuwen, J., Verbiest, J. P. W., Weltevrede, P., Zarka, P., Grie§meier, J.-M., Serylak, M., Bell, M. E., Broderick, J. W., Eislšffel, J., Markoff, S., Rowlinson, A., A LOFAR census of non-recycled pulsars: average profiles, dispersion measures, flux densities, and spectra, Astronomy & Astrophysics, Volume 591, id.A134, 34 pp., 2016. + VizieR On-line Data Catalog.

[R202]    Broderick, J. W., Fender, R. P., Breton, R. P., Stewart, A. J., Rowlinson, A., Swinbank, J. D., Hessels, J. W. T., Staley, T. D., van der Horst, A. J., Bell, M. E., Carbone, D., Cendes, Y., Corbel, S., Eislšffel, J., Falcke, H., Grie§meier, J.-M., Hassall, T. E., Jonker, P., Kramer, M., Kuniyoshi, M., Law, C. J., Markoff, S., Molenaar, G. J., Pietka, M., Scheers, L. H. A., Serylak, M., Stappers, B. W., ter Veen, S., van Leeuwen, J., Wijers, R. A. M. J., Wijnands, R., Wise, M. W., Zarka, P., Low-radio-frequency eclipses of the redback pulsar J2215+5135 observed in the image plane with LOFAR, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 459, Issue 3, p.2681-2689, 2016.

[R203]    Buitink, S., Corstanje, A., Falcke, H., Hšrandel, J. R., Huege, T., Nelles, A., Rachen, J. P., Rossetto, L., Schellart, P., Scholten, O., Ter Veen, S., Thoudam, S., Trinh, T. N. G., Anderson, J., Asgekar, A., Avruch, I. M., Bell, M. E., Bentum, M. J., Bernardi, G., Best, P., Bonafede, A., Breitling, F., Broderick, J. W., Brouw, W. N., BrŸggen, M., Butcher, H. R., Carbone, D., Ciardi, B., Conway, J. E., de Gasperin, F., de Geus, E., Deller, A., Dettmar, R.-J., van Diepen, G., Duscha, S., Eislšffel, J., Engels, D., Enriquez, J. E., Fallows, R. A., Fender, R., Ferrari, C., Frieswijk, W., Garrett, M. A., Grie§meier, J. M., Gunst, A. W., van Haarlem, M. P., Hassall, T. E., Heald, G., Hessels, J. W. T., Hoeft, M., Horneffer, A., Iacobelli, M., Intema, H., Juette, E., Karastergiou, A., Kondratiev, V. I., Kramer, M., Kuniyoshi, M., Kuper, G., van Leeuwen, J., Loose, G. M., Maat, P., Mann, G., Markoff, S., McFadden, R., McKay-Bukowski, D., McKean, J. P., Mevius, M., Mulcahy, D. D., Munk, H., Norden, M. J., Orru, E., Paas, H., Pandey-Pommier, M., Pandey, V. N., Pietka, M., Pizzo, R., Polatidis, A. G., Reich, W., Ršttgering, H. J. A., Scaife, A. M. M., Schwarz, D. J., Serylak, M., Sluman, J., Smirnov, O., Stappers, B. W., Steinmetz, M., Stewart, A., Swinbank, J., Tagger, M., Tang, Y., Tasse, C., Toribio, M. C., Vermeulen, R., Vocks, C., Vogt, C., van Weeren, R. J., Wijers, R. A. M. J., Wijnholds, S. J., Wise, M. W., Wucknitz, O., Yatawatta, S., Zarka, P., Zensus, J. A., A large light-mass component of cosmic rays at 1017-1017.5 electronvolts from radio observations, Nature, Volume 531, Issue 7592, pp. 70-73, 2016.

[R204]    Carbone, D., van der Horst, A. J., Wijers, R. A. M. J., Swinbank, J. D., Rowlinson, A., Broderick, J. W., Cendes, Y. N., Stewart, A. J., Bell, M. E., Breton, R. P., Corbel, S., Eislšffel, J., Fender, R. P., Grie§meier, J.-M., Hessels, J. W. T., Jonker, P., Kramer, M., Law, C. J., Miller-Jones, J. C. A., Pietka, M., Scheers, L. H. A., Stappers, B. W., van Leeuwen, J., Wijnands, R., Wise, M., Zarka, P., New methods to constrain the radio transient rate: results from a survey of four fields with LOFAR, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 459, Issue 3, p.3161-3174, 2016.

[R205]    Cowley, S.W.H., P. Zarka, G. Provan, L. Lamy, and D. J. Andrews, Comment on ÒA new approach to SaturnÕs periodicitiesÓ by J. F. Carbary, Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, Volume 121, Issue 3, pp. 2418-2422, 2016.

[R206]    Crosley, M. K., Osten, R. A., Broderick, J. W., Corbel, S., Eisloffel, J., Griessmeier, J.-M., Leeuwen, J., Rowlinson, A., Zarka, P., Norman, C., The Search for Signatures Of Transient Mass Loss in Active Stars, Astrophysical J., 830(1), 24, 2016.

[R207]    Girard, J. N., P. Zarka, C. Tasse, S. Hess, I. de Pater, D. Santos-Costa, Q. Nenon, A. Sicard, S. Bourdarie, J. Anderson, A. Asgekar, M. E. Bell, I. van Bemmel, M. J. Bentum, G. Bernardi, P. Best, A. Bonafede, F. Breitling, R. P. Breton, J. W. Broderick, W. N. Brouw, M. BrŸggen, B. Ciardi, S. Corbel, A. Corstanje, F. de Gasperin, E. de Geus, A. Deller, S. Duscha, J. Eisloffel, H. Falcke, W. Frieswijk, M. A. Garrett, J. Grie§meier, A. W. Gunst, J. W. T. Hessels, M. Hoeft, J. Hšrandel, M. Iacobelli, E. Juette, V. I. Kondratiev, M. Kuniyoshi, G. Kuper, J. van Leeuwen, M. Loose, P. Maat, G. Mann, S. Marko, R. McFadden, D. McKay-Bukowski, J. Moldon, H. Munk, A. Nelles, M. J. Norden, E. Orru, H. Paas, M. Pandey-Pommier, R. Pizzo, A. G. Polatidis, W. Reich, H. Ršttgering, A. Rowlinson, D. Schwarz, O. Smirnov, M. Steinmetz, J. Swinbank, M. Tagger, S. Thoudam, M. C. Toribio, R. Vermeulen, C. Vocks, R. J. van Weeren, R. A. M. J. Wijers, and O. Wucknitz, Imaging of JupiterÕs radiation belts down to 127 MHz with LOFAR, Astron. Astrophys., 587, A3, 2016.

[R208]    Jackson, N., Tagore, A., Deller, A., Mold—n, J., Varenius, E., Morabito, L., Wucknitz, O., Carozzi, T., Conway, J., Drabent, A., Kapinska, A., Orr, E., Brentjens, M., Blaauw, R., Kuper, G., Sluman, J., Schaap, J., Vermaas, N., Iacobelli, M., Cerrigone, L., Shulevski, A., ter Veen, S., Fallows, R., Pizzo, R., Sipior, M., Anderson, J., Avruch, M., Bell, M., van Bemmel, I., Bentum, M., Best, P., Bonafede, A., Breitling, F., Broderick, J., Brouw, W., BrŸggen, M., Ciardi, B., Corstanje, A., de Gasperin, F., de Geus, E., Eislšffel, J., Engels, D., Falcke, H., Garrett, M., Griessmeier, J., Gunst, A., van Haarlem, M., Heald, G., Hoeft, M., Hšrandel, J., Horneffer, A., Intema, H., Juette, E., Kuniyoshi, M., van Leeuwen, J., Loose, G., Maat, P., McFadden, R., McKay-Bukowski, D., McKean, J., Mulcahy, D., Munk, H., Pandey-Pommier, M., Polatidis, A., Reich, W., Ršttgering, H., Rowlinson, A., Scaife, A., Schwarz, D., Steinmetz, M., Swinbank, J., Thoudam, S., Toribio, M., Vermeulen, R., Vocks, C., van Weeren, R., Wise, M., Yatawatta, S., Zarka, P., LBCS: the LOFAR Long-Baseline Calibrator Survey, Astronomy & Astrophysics, 595, A86, 2016.

[R209]    Kondratiev, V. I., J. P. W. Verbiest, J. W. T. Hessels, A. V. Bilous, B. W. Stappers, M. Kramer, E. F. Keane, A. Noutsos, S. Osłowski, R. P. Breton, T. E. Hassall, A. Alexov, S. Cooper, H. Falcke, J.-M. Grie§meier, A. Karastergiou, M. Kuniyoshi, M. Pilia, C. Sobey, S. ter Veen, P. Weltevrede, M. E. Bell, J. W. Broderick, S. Corbel, J. Eisloffel, S. Markoff, A. Rowlinson, J. D. Swinbank, R. A. M. J. Wijers, R. Wijnands, and P. Zarka, A LOFAR Census of Millisecond Pulsars, Astronomy & Astrophysics, Volume 585, id.A128, 27 pp., 2016.

[R210]    Konovalenko, A., L. Sodin, V. Zakharenko, P. Zarka, O. Ulyanov,M. Sidorchuk,S. Stepkin, P. Tokarsky, V. Melnik, N. Kalinichenko,A. Stanislavsky, V. Koliadin, V. Shepelev, V. Dorovskyy, V. Ryabov, A. Koval, I. Bubnov, S. Yerin, A. Gridin, V. Kulishenko, A. Reznichenko, V. Bortsov, V. Lisachenko, A. Reznik, G. Kvasov, D. Mukha, G. Litvinenko,A. Khristenko, V.V. Shevchenko, V.A. Shevchenko, A. Belov, E. Rudavin,I. Vasylieva, A. Miroshnichenko, N. Vasilenko, M. Olyak, K. Mylostna, A. Skoryk, A. Shevtsova, M. Plakhov, I. Kravtsov, Y. Volvach, O. Lytvinenko, N. Shevchuk, I. Zhouk,V. Bovkun, A. Antonov, D. Vavriv, V. Vinogradov, R. Kozhin, A. Kravtsov, E. Bulakh, A. Kuzin, A. Vasilyev, A. Brazhenko,R. Vashchishin, O. Pylaev,V. Koshovyy, A. Lozinsky, O. Ivantyshin, H.O. Rucker, M. Panchenko, G. Fischer, A. Lecacheux, L. Denis, A. Coffre, J.-M. Grieβmeier, M. Tagger, J. Girard, D. Charrier, C.Briand, G. Mann, The modern radio astronomy network in Ukraine: UTR-2, URAN and GURT, Experimental Astronomy, Volume 42, Issue 1, pp.11-48, 2016.

[R211]    Konovalenko, A. A., Yerin, S. M., Bubnov, I. M., Tokarsky, P. L., Zakharenko, V. V., Ulyanov, O. M., Sidorchuk, M. A., Stepkin, S. V., Gridin, A. O., Kvasov, G. V., Koliadin, V. L., Melnik, V. M., Dorovskyy, V. V., Kalinichenko, M. M., Litvinenko, G. V., Zarka, P., Denis, L., Girard, J., Rucker, H. O., Panchenko, M., Stanislavsky, A. A., Khristenko, O. D., Mukha, D. V., Reznichenko, O. M., Lisachenko, V. M., Bortsov, V. V., Brazhenko, A. I., Vasylieva, I. Y., Skoryk, A. O., Shevtsova, A. I., Mylostna, K. Y., Astrophysical Studies with Small Low-Frequency Radio Telescopes of New Generation, Radio Physics and Radio Astronomy, Vol. 21, p. 83, 06/2016.

[R212]    Kravtsov, I.P., V.V. Zakharenko, I.Y. Vasylieva, S.S. Mykhailova, O.M. Ulyanov, A.I. Shevtsova, A.O. Skoryk, P. Zarka, O.O. Konovalenko, Search for transient signals in the data of Decameter Survey of the Northern Sky, Adv. Astron. Space Phys., 6, 79-84, 2016, doi: 10.17721/2227-1481.6.79-84

[R213]    Marcote, B., M. Ribó, J. M. Paredes, C. H. Ishwara-Chandra, J. D. Swinbank, J. W. Broderick, S. Markoff, R. Fender, R. A. M. J. Wijers, G. G. Pooley, A. J. Stewart, M. E. Bell, R. P. Breton, D. Carbone, S. Corbel, J. Eisloffel, H. Falcke, J.-M. Grie§meier, M. Kuniyoshi, M. Pietka, A. Rowlinson, M. Serylak, A. J. van der Horst, J. van Leeuwen, M. W. Wise, P. Zarka, Orbital and superorbital variability of LS I +61 303 at low radio frequencies with GMRT and LOFAR, Volume 456, Issue 2, p.1791-1802, 2016.

[R214]    McKean, J. P., Godfrey, L. E. H., Vegetti, S., Wise, M. W., Morganti, R., Hardcastle, M. J., Rafferty, D., Anderson, J., Avruch, I. M., Beck, R., Bell, M. E., van Bemmel, I., Bentum, M. J., Bernardi, G., Best, P., Blaauw, R., Bonafede, A., Breitling, F., Broderick, J. W., BrŸggen, M., Cerrigone, L., Ciardi, B., de Gasperin, F., Deller, A., Duscha, S., Engels, D., Falcke, H., Fallows, R. A., Frieswijk, W., Garrett, M. A., Grie§meier, J. M., van Haarlem, M. P., Heald, G., Hoeft, M., Horst, A. J. van der, Iacobelli, M., Intema, H., Juette, E., Karastergiou, A., Kondratiev, V. I., Koopmans, L. V. E., Kuniyoshi, M., Kuper, G., van Leeuwen, J., Maat, P., Mann, G., Markoff, S., McFadden, R., McKay-Bukowski, D., Mulcahy, D. D., Munk, H., Nelles, A., Orru, E., Paas, H., Pandey-Pommier, M., Pietka, M., Pizzo, R., Polatidis, A. G., Reich, W., Ršttgering, H. J.. A., Rowlinson, A., Scaife, A. M. M., Serylak, M., Shulevski, A., Sluman, J., Smirnov, O., Steinmetz, M., Stewart, A., Swinbank, J., Tagger, M., Thoudam, S., Toribio, M. C., Vermeulen, R., Vocks, C., van Weeren, R. J., Wucknitz, O., Yatawatta, S., Zarka, P., LOFAR imaging of Cygnus A - Direct detection of a turnover in the hotspot radio spectra, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 463(3), 3143-3150, 2016.

[R215]    Pilia, M., Hessels, J. W. T., Stappers, B. W., Kondratiev, V. I., Kramer, M., van Leeuwen, J., Weltevrede, P., Lyne, A. G., Zagkouris, K., Hassall, T. E., Bilous, A. V., Breton, R. P., Falcke, H., Grie§meier, J.-M., Keane, E., Karastergiou, A., Kuniyoshi, M., Noutsos, A., Osłowski, S., Serylak, M., Sobey, C., ter Veen, S., Alexov, A., Anderson, J., Asgekar, A., Avruch, I. M., Bell, M. E., Bentum, M. J., Bernardi, G., B”rzan, L., Bonafede, A., Breitling, F., Broderick, J. W., BrŸggen, M., Ciardi, B., Corbel, S., de Geus, E., de Jong, A., Deller, A., Duscha, S., Eislšffel, J., Fallows, R. A., Fender, R., Ferrari, C., Frieswijk, W., Garrett, M. A., Gunst, A. W., Hamaker, J. P., Heald, G., Horneffer, A., Jonker, P., Juette, E., Kuper, G., Maat, P., Mann, G., Markoff, S., McFadden, R., McKay-Bukowski, D., Miller-Jones, J. C. A., Nelles, A., Paas, H., Pandey-Pommier, M., Pietka, M., Pizzo, R., Polatidis, A. G., Reich, W., Ršttgering, H., Rowlinson, A., Schwarz, D., Smirnov, O., Steinmetz, M., Stewart, A., Swinbank, J. D., Tagger, M., Tang, Y., Tasse, C., Thoudam, S., Toribio, M. C., van der Horst, A. J., Vermeulen, R., Vocks, C., van Weeren, R. J., Wijers, R. A. M. J., Wijnands, R., Wijnholds, S. J., Wucknitz, O., Zarka, P., Wide-band, low-frequency pulse profiles of 100 radio pulsars with LOFAR, Astronomy & Astrophysics, Volume 586, id.A92, 34 pp., 2016. + VizieR On-line Data Catalog.

[R216]    Provan, G., S. W. H. Cowley, L. Lamy, E.J. Bunce, G. J. Hunt, P. Zarka, and M. K. Dougherty, Planetary period oscillations in SaturnÕs magnetosphere: Coalescence and reversal of northern and southern periods in late northern spring, Journal of Geophysical Research, 121(10), 9829-9862, 2016.

[R217]    Shevchuk, N.V., V.N. Melnik, S. Poedts, V.V. Dorovskyy, J. Magdalenic, A.A. Konovalenko, A.I. Brazhenko, C. Briand, A.V. Frantsuzenko, H.O. Rucker, and P. Zarka, The storm of decameter spikes during the event of June 14, 2012, Solar Physics, Volume 291, Issue 1, pp.211-228, 2016.

[R218]    Stanislavsky, Al., Konovalenko, Al., Koval, Ar., Volvach, Y., Zarka, P., CMEs and frequency cutoff of solar bursts, Sun and Geosphere, vol.11, no.2, p.91-95, 2016.

[R219]    Stewart, A. J., Fender, R. P., Broderick, J. W., Hassall, T. E., Mu–oz-Darias, T., Rowlinson, A., Swinbank, J. D., Staley, T. D., Molenaar, G. J., Scheers, B., Grobler, T. L., Pietka, M., Heald, G., McKean, J. P., Bell, M. E., Bonafede, A., Breton, R. P., Carbone, D., Cendes, Y., Clarke, A. O., Corbel, S., de Gasperin, F., Eislšffel, J., Falcke, H., Ferrari, C., Grie§meier, J.-M., Hardcastle, M. J., Heesen, V., Hessels, J. W. T., Horneffer, A., Iacobelli, M., Jonker, P., Karastergiou, A., Kokotanekov, G., Kondratiev, V. I., Kuniyoshi, M., Law, C. J., van Leeuwen, J., Markoff, S., Miller-Jones, J. C. A., Mulcahy, D., Orru, E., Pandey-Pommier, M., Pratley, L., Rol, E., Ršttgering, H. J. A., Scaife, A. M. M., Shulevski, A., Sobey, C. A., Stappers, B. W., Tasse, C., van der Horst, A. J., van Velzen, S., van Weeren, R. J., Wijers, R. A. M. J., Wijnands, R., Wise, M., Zarka, P., Alexov, A., Anderson, J., Asgekar, A., Avruch, I. M., Bentum, M. J., Bernardi, G., Best, P., Breitling, F., BrŸggen, M., Butcher, H. R., Ciardi, B., Conway, J. E., Corstanje, A., de Geus, E., Deller, A., Duscha, S., Frieswijk, W., Garrett, M. A., Gunst, A. W., van Haarlem, M. P., Hoeft, M., Hšrandel, J., Juette, E., Kuper, G., Loose, M., Maat, P., McFadden, R., McKay-Bukowski, D., Moldon, J., Munk, H., Norden, M. J., Paas, H., Polatidis, A. G., Schwarz, D., Sluman, J., Smirnov, O., Steinmetz, M., Thoudam, S., Toribio, M. C., Vermeulen, R., Vocks, C., Wijnholds, S. J., Wucknitz, O., Yatawatta, S., LOFAR MSSS: detection of a low-frequency radio transient in 400 h of monitoring of the North Celestial Pole, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 456, Issue 3, p.2321-2342, 2016.

[R220]    Varela, J. V. Reville, A. S. Brun, F. Pantellini, and P. Zarka, Radio emission in Mercury magnetosphere, Astronomy & Astrophysics, 595, A69, 2016.

[R221]    Zakharenko, V., Konovalenko A., Zarka P., et al., Digital receivers for low-frequency radio telescopes UTR-2, URAN, GURT, Journal of Astronomical Instrumentation, Vol. 5, No. 4, 2016. doi:10.1142/S2251171716410105


[R222]    Bagenal, F., A. Adriani, F. Allegrini, S. J. Bolton, B. Bonfond, E. J. Bunce, J.E.P. Connerney, S. W. H. Cowley, R. W. Ebert, G. R. Gladstone, C. J. Hansen, W. S. Kurth, S. M. Levin, B. H. Mauk, D. J. McComas, C. P. Paranicas, D. Santos-Costas, R. M. Thorne, P. Valek, J. H. Waite, and P. Zarka, Magnetospheric Science Objectives of the Juno Mission, Space Sci. Rev., 213, 219–287, 2017.

[R223]    Coughlan, C. P., R. E. Ainsworth, J. Eislšffel, M. Hoeft, A. Drabent, A. M. M. Scaife, T. P. Ray, M. E. Bell, J. W. Broderick, S. Corbel, J.-M. Grie§meier, A. J. van der Horst, J. van Leeuwen, S. Markoff, M. Pietka, A. J. Stewart, R. A.M.J. Wijers and P. Zarka, A LOFAR detection of the low mass young star T Tau at 149 MHz, Astrophys. J., 834(2), 206, 2017.

[R224]    Fars, R., V. Bourrier, A.A. Vidotto, C. Moutou, M.M. Jardine, P. Zarka, Ch. Helling, A. Lecavelier des Etangs, J. Llama, T. Louden, P. Wheatley, D. Ehrenreich,  MOVES I. The evolving magnetic field of the planet-hosting star HD189733, MNRAS, 471, 1246–1257, 2017.

[R225]    Imai, M., W.S. Kurth, G.B. Hospodarsky, S. Bolton, J.E.P. Connerney, S.M. Levin, A. Lecacheux, L. Lamy, and P. Zarka, Latitudinal beaming of Jovian decametric radio emissions as viewed from Juno and the Nanay Decameter Array, Geophys. Res. Lett., 44, 4455–4462, 2017, doi:10.1002/2016GL072454.

[R226]    Kurth, W. S., M. Imai, G. B. Hospodarsky, D. A. Gurnett, P. Louarn, P. Valek, F. Allegrini, J. E. P. Connerney, B. H. Mauk, S. J. Bolton, S. M. Levin, A. Adriani, F. Bagenal, G. R. Gladstone, D. J. McComas, and P. Zarka, A new view of JupiterÕs auroral radio spectrum, Geophys. Res. Lett., 44, 7114–7121, 2017. doi:10.1002/2017GL072889

[R227]    Kurth, W. S., G. B. Hospodarsky,  D. L. Kirchner, B. T. Mokrzycki, T. F. Averkamp, W. T. Robison, C. W. Piker, M. Sampl, and P. Zarka, The Juno Waves Investigation, Space Sci. Rev., 213(1-4), 347-392, 2017. doi:10.1007/s11214-017-0396-y

[R228]    Louis, C. K. , L. Lamy, P. Zarka, B. Cecconi, and S. L. G. Hess, Detection of Jupiter decametric emissions controlled by Europa and Ganymede with Voyager/PRA and Cassini/RPWS, J. Geophys. Res., 122, 9228-9247, 2017, doi:10.1002/2016JA023779

[R229]    Louis, C. K. , L. Lamy, P. Zarka, B. Cecconi, M. Imai, W.S. Kurth, G. Hospodarsky, S. L. G. Hess, X. Bonnin, S. Bolton, J. E. P. Connerney, S. M. Levin, Io-Jupiter decametric arcs observed by Juno/Waves compared to ExPRES simulations, Geophys. Res. Lett., 44, 2017, doi:10.1002/2017GL073036

[R230]    Marques, M. S., P. Zarka, E. Echer, V. B. Ryabov, M. V. Alves, L. Denis, and A. Coffre, Statistical analysis of 26 years of observations of decametric radio emissions from Jupiter, Astron. Astrophys., 604, A17, 2017. DOI: 10.1051/0004-6361/201630025

[R231]    Morosan, D. E., Gallagher, P. T., Fallows, R. A., Reid, H., Mann, G., Bisi, M. M., Magdalenić, J., Rucker, H. O., ThidŽ, B., Vocks, C., Anderson, J., Asgekar, A., Avruch, I. M., Bell, M. E., Bentum, M. J., Best, P., Blaauw, R., Bonafede, A., Breitling, F., Broderick, J. W., BrŸggen, M., Cerrigone, L., Ciardi, B., de Geus, E., Duscha, S., Eislšffel, J., Falcke, H., Garrett, M. A., Grie§meier, J. M., Gunst, A. W., Hoeft, M., Iacobelli, M., Juette, E., Kuper, G., McFadden, R., McKay-Bukowski, D., McKean, J. P., Mulcahy, D. D., Munk, H., Nelles, A., Orru, E., Paas, H., Pandey-Pommier, M., Pandey, V. N., Pizzo, R., Polatidis, A. G., Reich, W., Schwarz, D. J., Sluman, J., Smirnov, O., Steinmetz, M., Tagger, M., ter Veen, S., Thoudam, S., Toribio, M. C., Vermeulen, R., van Weeren, R. J., Wucknitz, O., and P. Zarka, The association of a J-burst with a solar jet, Astronomy & Astrophysics, Astron. Astrophys., 606, A81, 2017.


[R232]    Arias, M., J. Vink, F. de Gasperin, P. Salas, J. B. R. Oonk, R. J. van Weeren, A. S. van Amesfoort, J. Anderson, R. Beck, M. E. Bell, M. J. Bentum, P. Best, R. Blaauw, F. Breitling, J. W. Broderick, W. N. Brouw, M. Brüggen, H. R. Butcher, B. Ciardi, E. de Geus, A. Deller, P. C. G. van Dijk, S. Duscha, J. Eislöffel, M. A. Garrett, J. M. Grie§meier, A. W. Gunst, M. P. van Haarlem, G. Heald, J. Hessels, J. Hörandel, H. A. Holties, A.J. van der Horst, M. Iacobelli, E. Juette, A. Krankowski, J. van Leeuwen, G. Mann, D. McKay-Bukowski, J. P. McKean, H. Mulder, A. Nelles, E. Orru, H. Paas, M. Pandey-Pommier, V. N. Pandey, R. Pekal, R. Pizzo, A. G. Polatidis, W. Reich, H. J. A. Röttgering, H. Rothkaehl, D. J. Schwarz, O. Smirnov, M. Soida, M. Steinmetz, M. Tagger, S. Thoudam, M. C. Toribio, C. Vocks, M. H. D. van der Wiel, R. A. M. J. Wijers, O. Wucknitz, P. Zarka, and P. Zucca, Low-frequency radio absorption in Cassiopeia A, Astron. Astrophys., 612, A110, 2018. + VizieR catalog 2018yCat..36120110A

[R233]    Bonnassieux, E., C. Tasse, O. Smirnov, and P. Zarka, The variance of radio interferometric calibration solutions: Quality-based Weighting Schemes, Astron. Astrophys., 615, A66, 2018.

[R234]    Broderick, J. W., Fender, R. P., Miller-Jones, J. C. A., Trushkin, S. A., Stewart, A. J., Anderson, G. E., Staley, T. D., Blundell, K. M., Pietka, M., Markoff, S., Rowlinson, A., Swinbank, J. D., Horst, A. J. van der, Bell, M. E., Breton, R. P., Carbone, D., Corbel, S., Eislšffel, J., Falcke, H., Grie§meier, J.-M., Hessels, J. W. T., Kondratiev, V. I., Law, C. J., Molenaar, G. J., Serylak, M., Stappers, B. W., van Leeuwen, J., Wijers, R. A. M. J., Wijnands, R., Wise, M. W., Zarka, P., LOFAR 150 MHz observations of SS 433 and W 50, Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc., 475, 5360-5377, 2018. doi:10.1093/mnras/sty081

[R235]    Cendes, Y., Prasad, P., Rowlinson, A., Wijers, R. A. M. J., Swinbank, J. D., Law, C. J., van der Horst, A. J., Carbone, D., Broderick, J. W., Staley, T. D., Stewart, A. J., Huizinga, F., Molenaar, G., Alexov, A., Bell, M. E., Coenen, T., Corbel, S., Eislšffel, J., Fender, R., Grie§meier, J., Hessel, J., Jonker, P., Kramer, M., Kuniyoshi, S., Pietka, M., Stappers, B., Wise, M., Zarka, P., RFI Flagging Implications for Short-Duration Transients, Astronomy and Computing, 23, 103-114, 2018.

[R236]    Lamy, L., P. Zarka, B. Cecconi, R. PrangŽ, W. S. Kurth, G. Hospodarsky, A. Persoon, M. Morooka, J.-W. Wahlund, and G.-J. Hunt, The low frequency source of SaturnÕs Kilometric Radiation, Science, 362, 6410, 2018. DOI: 10.1126/science.aat2027

[R237]    Lamy, L., R. PrangŽ, C. Tao, T. Kim, S. Badman, P. Zarka, B. Cecconi, W. S. Kurth, W. Pryor, E. Bunce, and A. Radioti, Saturn's northern aurorae at solstice from HST observations coordinated with Cassini's Grand Finale, Geophys. Res. Lett., 45, 9353-9362, 2018.

[R238]    Mann, G., F. Breitling, C. Vocks, H. Aurass, M. Steinmetz, K. G. Strassmeier, M. M. Bisi, R. A. Fallows, P. Gallagher, A. Kerdraon, A. Mackinnon, J. Magdalenic, H. Rucker, J. Anderson, A. Asgekar, I. M. Avruch, M. E. Bell, M. J. Bentum, G. Bernardi, P. Best, L. B”rzan, A. Bonafede, J. W. Broderick, M. Brüggen, H. R. Butcher, B. Ciardi, A. Corstanje, F. de Gasperin, E. de Geus, A. Deller, S. Duscha, J. Eislšffel, D. Engels, H. Falcke, R. Fender, C. Ferrari, W. Frieswijk, M. A. Garrett, J. Grie§meier, A.W. Gunst, M. van Haarlem, T. E. Hassall, G. Heald, J. W. T. Hessels, M. Hoeft, J. Hšrandel, A. Horneffer, E. Juette, A. Karastergiou, W. F. A. Klijn, V. I. Kondratiev, M. Kramer, M. Kuniyoshi, G. Kuper, P. Maat, S. Markoff, R. McFadden, D. McKay-Bukowski, J. P. McKean, D. D. Mulcahy, H. Munk, A. Nelles, M. J. Norden, E. Orru, H. Paas, M. Pandey-Pommier, V. N. Pandey, R. Pizzo, A. G. Polatidis, D. Rafferty, W. Reich, H. Ršttgering, A. M. M. Scaife, D. J. Schwarz, M. Serylak, J. Sluman, O. Smirnov, B. W. Stappers, M. Tagger, Y. Tang, C. Tasse, S. ter Veen, S. Thoudam, M. C. Toribio, R. Vermeulen, R. J. van Weeren, M. W. Wise, O. Wucknitz, S. Yatawatta, P. Zarka, and J. A. Zensus, Tracking of an electron beam through the solar corona with LOFAR, Astron. Astrophys., 611, A57, 2018.

[R239]    Panchenko, M., S. Rošker, H.O. Rucker, A. Brazhenko, P. Zarka, G. Litvinenko, V.E. Shaposhnikov, A.A. Konovalenko, V. Melnik, A.V. Franzuzenko, and J. Schiemel, Zebra pattern in decametric radio emission of Jupiter, Astron. Astrophys., 610, A69, 2018.

[R240]    Stanislavsky, A., A. Konovalenko, E. Abranin, V. Dorovskyy, A. Lecacheux, H. O. Rucker, and P. Zarka, Revisiting the frequency drift rates of decameter type III solar bursts observed on July-August of 2002, Solar Phys., 293(11), 152, 2018.

[R241]    Stanislavsky, A., A. A. Konovalenko, S. N. Yerin, I. N. Bubnov, V. V. Zakharenko, Y. G. Shkuratov, P. L. Tokarsky, Ya. S.Yatskiv, A. I. Brazhenko, A. V. Frantsuzenko, V. V. Dorovskyy, H. O. Rucker, and P. Zarka, Solar bursts as can be observed from the lunar farside with a single antenna at very low frequencies, Astronomische Nachrichten, 339 (559), 559-570, 2018.

[R242]    Varela, J., V. RŽville, A. S. Brun, P. Zarka, and F. Pantellini, Effect of the exoplanet magnetic field topology on its magnetospheric radio emission, A&A, 616, A182, 2018. DOI:10.1051/0004-6361/201732091

[R243]    Zarka, P., M. S. Marques, C. Louis, V.B. Ryabov, L. Lamy, E. Echer, and B. Cecconi, Jupiter radio emission induced by Ganymede and consequences for the radio detection of exoplanets, Astron. Astrophys., 618, A84, 2018.

[R244]    Zucca, P., D. E. Morosan, A. P. Rouillard, R. Fallows, P. T. Gallagher, J. Magdalenic, K.-L. Klein, G. Mann, C. Vocks, E. P. Carley, M. M. Bisi, E. P. Kontar, H. Rothkaehl, B. Dabrowski, A. Krankowski, J. Anderson, A. Asgekar, M. E. Bell, M. J. Bentum, P. Best15, R. Blaauw, F. Breitling, J. W. Broderick, W. N. Brouw, M. Bruggen, H. R. Butcher, B. Ciardi, E. de Geus, A. Deller, S. Duscha, J. Eisloffel, M. A. Garrett, J. M. Grie§meier, A. W. Gunst, G. Heald, M. Hoeft, J. Horandel, M. Iacobelli, E. Juette, A. Karastergiou, J. van Leeuwen, D. McKay-Bukowski, H. Mulder, H. Munk, A. Nelles, E. Orru, H. Paas, V. N. Pandey, R. Pekal, R. Pizzo, A. G. Polatidis, W. Reich, A. Rowlinson, D. J. Schwarz, A. Shulevski, J. Sluman, O. Smirnov, C. Sobey, M. Soida, S. Thoudam, M. C. Toribio, R. Vermeulen, R. J. van Weeren, O. Wucknitz, and P. Zarka, Shock location and CME 3D reconstruction of a solar type II radio burst with LOFAR, Astron. Astrophys., 615, A89, 2018.


[R245]    Fischer, G. J.A. Pagaran, P. Zarka, M. Delcroix, U.A. Dyudina, W. S. Kurth, and D.A. Gurnett, Analysis of a long-lived, two-cell lightning storm on Saturn, Astron. Astrophys., 621, A113,  2019. +VizieR On-line Data Catalog: J/A+A/621/A113 11/2018.

[R246]    Hare, B. M., O. Scholten, J. Dwyer, T. N. G. Trinh, S. Buitink, S. ter Veen, A. Bonardi, A. Corstanje, H. Falcke, J. R. Hšrandel, T. Huege, P. Mitra, K. Mulrey, A. Nelles, J. P. Rachen, L. Rossetto, P. Schellart, T.Winchen, J. Anderson, I. M. Avruch, M. J. Bentum, R. Blaauw, J. W. Broderick, W. N. Brouw, M. BrŸggen, H. R. Butcher, B. Ciardi, R. A. Fallows, E. de Geus, S. Duscha, J. Eislšffel, M. A. Garrett, J. M. Grie§meier, A. W. Gunst, M. P. van Haarlem, J. W. T. Hessels, M. Hoeft, A. J. van der Horst, M. Iacobelli, L. V. E. Koopmans, A. Krankowski, P. Maat ,M. J. Norden, H. Paas, M. Pandey-Pommier, V. N. Pandey, R. Pekal, R. Pizzo, W. Reich, H. Rothkaehl, H. J. A. Ršttgering, A. Rowlinson, D. J. Schwarz, A. Shulevski, J. Sluman, O. Smirnov, M. Soida, M. Tagger,M. C. Toribio, A. van Ardenne, R. A. M. J. Wijers, R. J. vanWeeren, O. Wucknitz, P. Zarka, and P. Zucca, Needle-like structures discovered on positively charged lightning branches, Nature, 568(7752), 360-363, 2019.

[R247]    Imai, M., T. K. Greathouse, W. S. Kurth, G. R. Gladstone, C. K. Louis, P. Zarka, S. J. Bolton, and J. E. P. Connerney, Probing Jovian broadband kilometric radio sources tied to the ultraviolet main auroral oval with Juno, Geophys. Res. Lett., 46, 571–579, 2019.

[R248]    Louis, C. K., S. L. G. Hess, B. Cecconi, P. Zarka, L. Lamy, S. Aicardi, and A. Loh, ExPRES: an Exoplanetary and Planetary Radio Emissions Simulator, Astron. Astrophys., 627, A30, 2019. , 2019ascl.soft02009L.

[R249]    Louis, C. K. , R. PrangŽ, L. Lamy, P. Zarka, M. Imai, W. S. Kurth, and J.E.P. Connerney, Jovian auroral radio sources detected in situ by Juno/Waves: comparisons with model auroral ovals and simultaneous HST FUV images, Geophys. Res. Lett., 46, 2019.

[R250]    Rowlinson, A., A. J. Stewart, J. W. Broderick, J. D. Swinbank, R. A.M.J. Wijers, D. Carbone, Y. Cendes, R. Fender, A. van der Horst, G. Molenaar, B. Scheers, T. Staley, S. Farrell, J.-M. Grie§meier, J. Eislšffel, C. J. Law, J. van Leeuwen, and P. Zarka, Identifying transient and variable sources in radio images, Astronomy & Computing, 27, 111, 2019.

[R251]    Shkuratov, Y. G., A. A. Konovalenko, V. V. Zakharenko,, A. A. Stanislavsky, E. Y. Bannikova, V. G. Kaydash, D. G. Stankevich, V. V. Korokhin, D. M. Vavriv, V. G. Galushko, S. N. Yerin, I. N. Bubnov, P. L. Tokarsky, O. M. Ulyanov, S. V. Stepkin, L. N. Lytvynenko, Ya. S. Yatskiv, G. Videen, P. Zarka, and H. O. Rucker, A twofold mission to the Moon: objectives and payloads, Acta Astronautica, 154, 214-226, 2019.

[R252]    ter Veen, S., J. E. Enriquez, H. Falcke, J. P. Rachen, M. van den Akker, P. Schellart, A. Bonardi, R. P. Breton, J. W. Broderick, S. Corbel, A.  orstanje, J. Eislšffel, J.-M. Grie§meier, J. R. Hšrandel, A. J. van der Horst, C. J. Law, J. van Leeuwen,, A. Nelles, L. Rossetto, A. Rowlinson, T. Winchen, and P. Zarka, The FRATS project: Real-time searches for Fast Radio Bursts and other fast transients with LOFAR at 135 MHz, Astron. Astrophys., 621, A57, 2019.

[R253]    Turner, J., J.-M. Grie§meier, P. Zarka, and I. Vasylieva, The search for radio emission from exoplanets using LOFAR beam-formed observations: Jupiter as an Exoplanet, Astron. Astrophys., 624, A40, 2019.

[R254]    Zarka, P., D. Li, J.-M. Grie§meier, L. Lamy, J. Girard, S. Hess, T. J. W. Lazio, G. Hallinan,  Detecting exoplanets with FAST ?, Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics (RAA), Vol. 19 No. 2, art. 23, 2019.


[R255]    Aplin, K. L., Fischer, G., Nordheim, T. A., Konovalenko, A., Zakharenko, V., Zarka, P., Atmospheric Electricity at the Ice Giants, Space Science Reviews, Space Sci Rev, 216:26, 2020.

[R256]    Broderick, J. W., T. W. Shimwell, K. Gourdji, A. Rowlinson, S. Nissanke, K. Hotokezaka, P. G. Jonker, C. Tasse, M. J. Hardcastle, J. B. R. Oonk, R. P. Fender, R. A. M. J. Wijers, A. Shulevski, A. J. Stewart, S. ter Veen, V. A. Moss, M.H.D. van de Wiel, D. A. Nichols, A. Piette, M. E. Bell, D. Carbone, S. Corbel, J. Eislšffel, J.-M. Grie§meier, E. F. Keane, C. J. Law, T. Mu–oz-Darias, M. Serylak, A. J. van der Horst, J. van Leeuwen, R. Wijnands, P. Zarka, and LOFAR builders' list, ..., LOFAR 144-MHz follow-up observations of GW 170817, MNRAS, 494, 5110-5117, 2020.

[R257]    Cecconi, B., Loh, A., Le Sidaner, P., Savalle, R., Bonnin, X., Nhu Nguyen, Q., Lion, S., Shih, A., Aicardi, S., Zarka, P., Louis, C. K., Coffre, A., Lamy, L., Denis, L., Grie§meier, J.-M., Faden, J., Piker, C., AndrŽ, N., GŽnot, V., Erard, S., Mafi, J. N., King, T. A., Sky, J., Demleitner, M., MASER: A Science Ready Toolbox for Low Frequency Radio Astronomy, Data Science Journal, Vol. 19, id.12 7, 2020. DOI: 10.5334/dsj-2020-012, arXiv: arXiv:1902.00300

[R258]    de Gasperin, F., J. Vink, J. P. McKean, ... P. Zarka, ..., Cassiopeia A, Cygnus A, Taurus A and Virgo A at ultra-low radio frequencies, Astron. Astrophys., 635, A150, 2020. + VizieR On-line Data Catalog: J/A+A/635/A150.

[R259]    Fallows, R.A., B. Forte, I. Astin, T. Allbrook, A. Arnold, A. Wood, G. Dorrian, M. Mevius, H. Rothkaehl, B. Matyjasiak, A. Krankowski, J.M. Anderson, A. Asgekar, I.M. Avruch, M.J.Bentum, M.M. Bisi, H.R. Butcher, B. Ciardi, B. Dabrowski, S. Damstra, F. de Gasperin, S. Duscha, J. Eislšffel, T.M.O. Franzen, M.A. Garrett, J.-M. Grie§meier, A.W. Gunst, M. Hoeft, J.R. Hšrandel, M. Iacobelli, H.T. Intema, L.V.E. Koopmans, P. Maat, G. Mann, A. Nelles, H. Paas, V.N. Pandey, W. Reich, A. Rowlinson, M. Ruiter, D.J. Schwarz, M. Serylak, A. Shulevski, O.M. Smirnov, M. Soida, M. Steinmetz, S. Thoudam, M.C. Toribio, A. van Ardenne, I.M. van Bemmel, M.H.D. van der Wiel, M.P. van Haarlem, R.C. Vermeulen, C. Vocks, R.A.M.J. Wijers, O. Wucknitz, P. Zarka, and P. Zucca, A LOFAR Observation of Ionospheric Scintillation from Two Simultaneous Travelling Ionospheric Disturbances, Journal of Space Weather and Space Climate, 10,10, 2020.

[R260]    GRAND collaboration, J. Alvarez-Muniz, R. A. Batista, A. Balagopal, J. Bolmont, M. Bustamante, W. Carvalho Jr., D. Charrier, I. Cognard, V. Decoene, P. B. Denton, S. De Jong, K. De Vries, R. Engel, K. Fang, C. Finley, S. Gabici, Q. Gou, J. Gu, C. GuŽpin, H. Hu, Y. Huang, K. Kotera, S. Le Coz, J.-P. Lenain, G. Lu, O. Martineau-Huynh, M. Mostafa, F. Mottez, K. Murase, V. Niess, F. Oikonomou, T. Pierog, X. Qian, B. Qin, D. Ran, N. Renault-Tinacci, M. Roth, F. Schroder, F. SchŸssler, C. Tasse, C. Timmermans, M. Tueros, X.-P. Wu, P. Zarka, A. Zech, B. T. Zhang, J. Zhang, Y. Zhang, Q. Zheng, A. Zilles, The Giant Radio Array for Neutrino Detection (GRAND): Science and design, Sci. China-Phys. Mech. Astron., Vol.63, No.2, 2/2020.

[R261]    Mottez, F., P. Zarka, and G. Voisin, Repeating fast radio bursts caused by small bodies orbiting a pulsar or a magnetar, Astron. Astrophys., 644, A145, 2020.

[R262]    Vedantham, H. K., J. R. Callingham, T. W. Shimwell, T. Dupuy, K. De, L. Lamy, P. Zarka, H. J. A. Ršttgering, and A. Shulevski, Direct radio discovery of a cold brown dwarf, Astrophys. J. Lett., Volume 903, Issue 2, id.L33, 2020. DOI:10.3847/2041-8213/abc256


[R263]    Agar, C. H., P. Weltevrede, L. Bondonneau, J.-M. Grie§meier, J. W. T. Hessels, W. J. Huang, A. Karastergiou, M. J. Keith, V. I. Kondratiev, J. KŸnsemšller, D. Li, B. Peng, C. Sobey, B. W. Stappers, C. M. Tan, G. Theureau, H. G. Wang, C. M. Zhang, B. Cecconi, J. N. Girard, A. Loh, and P. Zarka, A broadband radio study of PSR J0250+5854: the slowest-spinning radio pulsar known, MNRAS, 508, 1, 1102-1114, 2021.

[R264]    Bondonneau, L., J.-M. Grie§meier, G. Theureau, I. Cognard, M. Brionne, V. Kondratiev, A. Bilous, J. W. Mckee, P. Zarka, C. Viou, L. Guillemot, S. Chen, R. Main, M. Pilia, A. Possenti, M. Serylak, G. Shaifullah, C. Tiburtzi, J. P. W. Verbiest, Z. Wu, O. Wucknitz, S. Yerin, C. Briand, B. Cecconi, S. Corbel, R. Dallier, A. Loh, L. Martin, J. N. Girard, and C. Tasse, Pulsars with NenuFAR: Backend and pipelines, Astron. Astrophys., 652, A34, 2021.

[R265]    Bonnassieux, E., Tremou, E., Girard, J.N., Loh, A., Vacca, V., Corbel, S., Cecconi, B., Grie§meier, J.-M., Koopmans, L.V.E., Tagger, M., Theureau, G, and Zarka, P., Pilot Study and Early Results of the Cosmic Filaments and Magnetism Survey with Nenufar: The Coma Cluster Field, Galaxies, 9, 105, 2021. 9040105

[R266]    Callingham, J. R., B. J. S. Pope, A. D. Feinstein, H. K. Vedantham, T. W. Shimwell, P. Zarka, C. Tasse, L. Lamy, K. Veken, S. Toet, J. Sabater, P. N. Best, R. J. van Weeren, H. J. A. Ršttgering, and T. P. Ray, Low-frequency monitoring of flare star CR Draconis: long-term electron-cyclotron maser emission, Astron. Astrophys., 648, A13, 2021.

[R267]    Callingham, J. R., H. K. Vedantham, T.W. Shimwell, B. J. S. Pope, I. E. Davis, P. N. Best, M. J. Hardcastle, H. J. A. Ršttgering, J. Sabater, C. Tasse, R. J. vanWeeren, W. L. Williams, P. Zarka, F. de Gasperin & A. Drabent, The population of M dwarfs observed at low radio frequencies, Nature Astronomy, 5, 1233-1239, 2021,

[R268]    Carley, Eoin P., Baptiste Cecconi, Hamish A. Reid, Carine Briand, K. Sasikumar Raja, Sophie Masson, Vladimir Dorovskyy, Caterina Tiburzi, Nicole Vilmer, Pietro Zucca, Philippe Zarka, Michel Tagger, Jean-Mathias Grie§meier, StŽphane Corbel, Gilles Theureau, Alan Loh, and Julien N. Girard, Observations of shock propagation through turbulent plasma in the solar corona, Astrophys. J., 921, 1 id.3, 2021.

[R269]    Davis, I., H. K. Vedantham, J. R. Callingham, T. W. Shimwell, A. A. Vidotto, P. Zarka, T. P. Ray, and A. Drabent, Large closed-field corona of WX Ursae Majoris evidenced from radio observations, Astron. Astrophys., Astron. Astrophys.,  650, L20, 2021.

[R270]    de Gasperin, F., W. L. Williams, P. Best, M. BrŸggen, G. Brunetti, V. Cuciti, T. J. Dijkema, M. J. Hardcastle, M. J. Norden, A. Offringa, T. Shimwell, R. van Weeren, D. Bomans, A. Bonafede, A. Botteon, J. R. Callingham, R. Cassano, K. T. Chyzy, K. L. Emig, H. Edler, M. Haverkorn, G. Heald, V. Heesen, M. Iacobelli, H. T. Intema, M. Kadler, K. Małek, M. Mevius, G. Miley, B. Mingo, L. K. Morabito, J. Sabater, R. Morganti, E. Orrú, R. Pizzo, I. Prandoni, A. Shulevski, C. Tasse, M. Vaccari, P. Zarka, and H. Ršttgering, The LOFAR LBA Sky Survey: I. Survey description and preliminary data release, Astron. Astrophys., 648, A104, 2021.

[R271]    Kalinichenko, M. M., N. V. Kuhai, O. O. Konovalenko, A. I. Brazhenko, I. M. Bubnov, S. M. Yerin, H. O. Rucker, P. Zarka, A. Lecacheux, O. L. Ivantyshyn, O. O. Lytvynenko, O. I. Romanchuk, A. V. Frantsuzenko, Investigations of Cosmic Sources Radioemission Scintillations due to Interplanetary Plasma Irregularities at the Institute of Radio Astronomy NAS Ukraine, RPRA, 26, 2, 148-164, 2021.

[R272]    Konovalenko, O. O.,  Zakharenko, V. V.,  Lytvynenko, L. M., Ulyanov, O. M.,  Sidorchuk, M. A.,  Stepkin, S. V.,  Shepelev, V. A., Zarka, P.,  Rucker, H. O., et al., The Founder of the Decameter Radio Astronomy in Ukraine Academician of Nas of Ukraine Semen Yakovych Braude is 110 Years Old: History of Creation and Development of the National Experimental Base for the Last Half Century, Radio physics and radio astronomy, vol. 26, issue 1, pp. 5-73, 2021.

[R273]    Koopmans, L.V.E. K, R. Barkana, M. Bentum, G. Bernardi, A.-J. Boonstra, J. Bowman, J. Burns, X. Chen, A. Datta, H. Falcke, A. Fialkov, B. Gehlot, L. Gurvits, V. Jelic, M. Klein-Wolt, J. Lazio, D. Meerburg, G. Mellema, F. Mertens, A. Mesinger, A. Offringa, J. Pritchard, B. Semelin, R. Subrahmanyan, J. Silk, C. Trott, H. Vedantham, L. Verde, S. Zaroubi, and P. Zarka, Peering into the Dark (Ages) with Low-Frequency Space Interferometers, Experimental Astronomy, 51, 3, 1641-1676, 2021. Doi: 10.1007/s10686-021-09743-7

[R274]    Louis, C. K., P. Zarka, K. Dabidin, P.-A. Lampson, F. P. Magalhaes, A. Boudouma, M. S. Marques and B. Cecconi, Latitudinal beaming of Jupiter's radio emissions from Juno/Waves flux density measurements, J. Geophys. Res., 126, 10, id. e29435, 2021. doi: 10.1029/2021JA029435

[R275]    Taubenschuss, Ulrich, Laurent Lamy, Georg Fischer, David Pisa, Ondrej Santolik, Jan Soucek, William S. Kurth, Baptiste Cecconi, Phillipe Zarka, and H. O. Rucker, The Faraday rotation effect in Saturn Kilometric Radiation observed by the Cassini spacecraft, Icarus, 370, 114661, 2021. Doi: 10.1016/j.icarus.2021.114661

[R276]    Toet, S. E. B., Vedantham, H. K., Callingham, J. R., Veken, K. C., Shimwell, T. W., Zarka, P., Ršttgering, H. J. A., Drabent, A., Coherent radio emission from a population of RS Canum Venaticorum systems, Astron. Astrophys., 654, A21, 2021.

[R277]    Turner, J. D., P. Zarka, J.-M. Grie§meier, J. Lazio, B. Cecconi, J. E. Enriquez, J. N. Girard, R. Jayawardhana, L. Lamy, J. D. Nichols, Iand . de Pater, The search for radio emission from the exoplanetary systems 55 Cancri, ν Andromedae and τ Boštis using LOFAR beam-formed observation, Astron. Astrophys., 645, A59, 2021.

[R278]    Voisin, G., Mottez, F. and P. Zarka, Periodic activity from fast radio burst FRB180916 explained in the frame of the orbiting asteroid model, MNRAS, 508, 2, 2079-2089, 2021.

[R279]    Zakharenko, V. V., V. B. Ryabov, I. P. Kravtsov, K. Yu. Mylostna, V. Yu. Kharlanova, I. Y. Vasylieva, O. M. Ulyanov, O. O. Konovalenko, M. M. Kalinichenko, P. Zarka, H. O. Rucker, G. Fischer, S. M. Yerin, J.-M. Grie§meier, M. A., Sydorchuk, A. I. Shevtsova, A. O. Skoryk, V. A. Shevchenko, Sporadic Radio Emission of Space Objects at Low-Frequencies, RPRA, 26, 2, 99-129, 2021.

[R280]    Zarka, P., F. P. Magalhaes, M. S. Marques, C. K. Louis, E. Echer, L. Lamy, B. Cecconi, and R. PrangŽ, Jupiter's auroral radio emissions observed by Cassini: rotational versus solar wind control, and components identification, J. Geophys. Res., 126, 10, id. e29780, 2021.


[R281]    Bilous, A. V. , J. M. Grie§meier, T. Pennucci, Z. Wu, L. Bondonneau, V. Kondratiev, J. van Leeuwen, Y. Maan, L. Connor, L. C. Oostrum, E. Petroff, J. P. W. Verbiest, D. Vohl, J. W. McKee, G. Shaifullah, G. Theureau, O. M. Ulyanov, B. Cecconi, A. H. Coolen, S. Corbel, S. Damstra, H. Dénes, J. N. Girard, B. Hut, M. Ivashina, O. O. Konovalenko, A. Kutkin, G. M. Loose, H. Mulder, M. Ruiter, R. Smits, P. L. Tokarsky, N. J. Vermaas, V. V. Zakharenko, P. Zarka, and J. Ziemke, Dual-frequency single-pulse study of PSR B0950+08, Astronomy & Astrophysics, 658, A143, 2022.

[R282]    Briand, C., B. Cecconi, N. Chrysaphi, J. N. Girard, J.-M. Grie§meier, H. Krishnan, A. Loh, P. Murphy, K. Sasikumar Raja, P. Zarka, and P. Zhang, NenuFAR performances for solar radio observations, URSI Radio Science Letters, vol. 4, 2022.

[R283]    Jackson, N. J., S. Badole, J. Morgan, R. Chhetri, K. Prusis, A. Nikolajevs, L. K. Morabito, M. Brnetjens, F. Sweijen, M. Iacobelli, E. Orru, J. Sluman, R. Blaauw, H. Mulder, P. van Dijk, S. Mooney, A. T. Deller, J. Moldon, J. R. Callingham, J. Harwood, M. J. Hardcastle, G. Heald, A. Drabent, J. P. McKean,  A. Asgekar, I. M. Avruch, M. J. Bentum, A. Bonafede, W. N. Brouw, M. BrŸggen, H. R. Butcher, B. Ciardi, A. Coolen, A. Corstanje, S. Damstra, S. Duscha, J. Eisšffel, H. Falcke, M. A. Garrett, F. de Gasperin, J.-M. Grie§meier, A. W. Gunst, M. P. van Haarlem, M. Hoeft, A. J. van der Horst, E. JŸtte, L. V. E. Koopmans, A. Krankowski, P. Maat, G. Mann, G. K. Miley, A. Nelles, M/ Norden, M. Paas, V. N. Pandey, M. Pandey-Pommier, R. F. Pizzo, W. Reich, H. Rothkaehl, A. Rowlinson, M. Ruiter, A. Shulevski, D. J. Schwarz, O. Smirnov, M. Tagger, C. Vocks, R. J. van Weeren, R. A. M. J. Wijers, O. Wucknitz, P. Zarka, A. J. Zensus, and P. Zucca, Sub-arcsecond imaging with the International LOFAR Telescope: II. Completion of the LOFAR Long-Baseline Calibrator Survey, Astron. Astrophys., 658, A2, 2022.

[R284]    Jacome, H. R. P., M. S. Marques, P. Zarka, E. Echer, L. Lamy and C. Louis, Search for Jovian DAM emissions induced by Europa on the extensive Nanay Decameter Array's catalog, Astronomy & Astrophysics, 665, A67, 2022.

[R285]    Lamy, L., L. Colomban, P. Zarka, R. PrangŽ, M. S. Marques, C. Louis, W. Kurth, B. Cecconi, J. Girard, J.-M. Griessmeier, and S. Yerin, Determining the beaming of Io decametric emissions : a remote diagnostic to probe the Io-Jupiter interaction, J. Geophys. Res., 127, e2021JA030160, 2022.

[R286]    Louis, C. K., C. M. Jackman, S. W. Mangham, K. D. Smith, E OÕDwyer, A. Empey, B. Cecconi, A. Boudouma, P. Zarka, and S. Maloney, The ÒSPectrogram Analysis and Cataloguing EnvironmentÓ (SPACE) Labelling Tool, Front. Astron. Space Sci., 9:1001166, 2022.

[R287]    Morabito, L. K., N. J. Jackson, S. Mooney, F. Sweijen, S. Badole, P. Kukreti, D. Venkattu, C. Groeneveld, A. Kappes, E. Bonnassieux, A. Drabent, M. Iacobelli, J. H. Croston, P. N. Best, M. Bondi, J. R. Callingham, J. E. Conway, A. T. Deller, M. J. Hardcastle, J. P. McKean, G. K. Miley, J. Moldon, H. J. A. Ršttgering, C. Tasse, T. W. Shimwell, R. J. van Weeren, J. M. Anderson, A. Asgekar, I. M. Avruch, I. M. van Bemmel, M. J. Bentum, A. Bonafede, W. N. Brouw, H. R. Butcher, B. Ciardi, A. Corstanje, A. Coolen, S. Damstra, F. de Gasperin, S. Duscha, J. Eisšffel, D. Engels, H. Falcke, M. A. Garrett, J.-M. Grie§meier, A. W. Gunst, M. P. van Haarlem, M. Hoeft, A. J. van der Horst, E. Juette, M. Kadler, L. V. E. Koopmans, A. Krankowski, G. Mann, A. Nelles, J. B. R. Oonk, E. Orru, H. Paas, V. N. Pandey, R. F. Pizzo, M. Pandey-Pommier, W. Reich, H. Rothkaehl, M. Ruiter, D. J. Schwarz, A. Shulevski, M. Soida, M. Tagger, C. Vocks, R. A. M. J. Wijers, S. J. Wijnholds, O. Wucknitz, P. Zarka, and P. Zucca, Sub-arcsecond imaging with the International LOFAR Telescope: I. Foundational calibration strategy and pipeline, Astron. Astrophys., 658, A1, 2022.

[R288]    Sasikumar Raja, K., M. Maksimovic, E. P. Kontar, X. Bonnin, P. Zarka, L. Lamy, H. Reid, N. Vilmer, N. Vilmer, A. Lecacheux, V. Krupar, B. Cecconi, N. Lahmiti, and L. Denis, Spectral Analysis of Solar Radio Type III Bursts from 20 kHz to 410 MHz, Astrophys. J., 924:58, 2022.

[R289]    Strugarek, A., R. Fares, V. Bourrier, A. S. Brun, V. RŽville, D. Ehrenreich, C. Helling, M. Jardine, J. Llama, A. Lecavelier des Etangs, T. Louden, C. Moutou, A. Vidotto, P. Wheatley, and P. Zarka, MOVES V. Modelling star-planet magnetic interactions of HD 189733, MNRAS, 512, 4556-4572, 2022.

[R290]    Varela, J., A. S. Brun, A. Strugarek, V. RŽville, P. Zarka, and F. Pantellini, MHD study of planetary magnetospheric response during extreme solar wind conditions: Earth and exoplanet magnetospheres applications, Astronomy & Astrophysics, 659, A10, 2022.

[R291]    Varela, J., A. S. Brun, P. Zarka, A. Strugarek, F. Pantellini, and V. RŽville, MHD study of extreme space weather conditions for exoplanets with Earth-like magnetospheres: On habitability conditions and radio-emission, Space Weather, 20, e2022SW003164, 2022.

[R292]    Wu, Siyuan, Philippe Zarka, Laurent Lamy, Ulrich Taubenschuss, Baptiste Cecconi, Shengyi Ye, Georg Fischer, William S. Kurth and T. Francez, Observations of the first harmonic of Saturn Kilometric Radiation during CassiniÕs Grand Finale, J. Geophys. Res., 127, e2022JA030776, 2022.


[R293]    Callingham, J. R., T. W. Shimwell, H. K. Vedantham, C. G. Bassa, S. P. OÕSullivan T. W. H. Yiu, S. Bloot, P. N. Best, M. J. Hardcastle, M. Haverkorn, R. D. Kavanagh, L. Lamy, B. J. S. Pope, H. J. A. Ršttgering, D. J. Schwarz, C. Tasse, R. J. van Weeren, G. J. White, P. Zarka, D. J. Bomans, A. Bonafede, M. Bonato, A. Botteon, M. Bruggen, K. T. Chyzy, A. Drabent, K. L. Emig, A. J. Gloudemans, G. Gurkan, M. Hajduk, D. N. Hoang, M. Hoeft, M. Iacobelli, M. Kadler, M. Kunert-Bajraszewska, B. Mingo, L. K. Morabito, D. G. Nair, M. PŽrez-Torres, T. P. Ray, C. J. Riseley, A. Rowlinson, A. Shulevski, F. Sweijen, R. Timmerman, M. Vaccari, and J. Zheng, V-LoTSS: The circularly polarised LOFAR Two-metre Sky Survey, Astron. Astrophys., 670, A124, 2023.

[R294]    de Gasperin, F., H. W. Edler, W. L. Williams, J. R. Callingham, B. Asabere, M. BrŸggen, G. Brunetti, T. J. Dijkema, M. J. Hardcastle, M. Iacobelli, A. Offringa, M. J. Norden, H. J. A. Ršttgering, T. Shimwell, R. J. van Weeren, C. Tasse, D. J. Bomans, A. Bonafede, A. Botteon, R. Cassano, K. T. Chyzy, V. Cuciti, K. L. Emig, M. Kadler, G. Miley, B. Mingo, M. S. S. L. Oei, I. Prandoni, D. J. Schwarz, and P. Zarka, The LOFAR LBA Sky Survey II. First data release, Astron. Astrophys., 673, A165, 2023.

[R295]    Girard, J. N. and P. Zarka, Toward optimal phased array tile configurations for large new generation radiotelescopes and application to NenuFAR, Astron. Astrophys., 672, A80, 2023.

[R296]    Louis, C. K., C. M. Jackman, G. Hospodarsky, A. OÕKane Hackett, E. Devon-Hurley, P. Zarka, W. S. Kurth, R. W. Ebert, D. M. Weigt, A. R. Fogg, J. E. Waters, S. C. McEntee, J. E. P. Connerney, P. Louarn, S. Levin, and S. J. Bolton, Effect of a magnetospheric compression on Jovian radio emissions: In situ case study using Juno data, Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 128, e2022JA031155, 2023,

[R297]    Mauduit, E., P. Zarka, L. Lamy, and S.L.G. Hess, Drifting discrete Jovian radio bursts reveal acceleration processes related to Ganymede and the main aurora, Nature Comm., 14, 5981, 2023,

[R298]    PŽtri, J., S. Guillot, L. Guillemot, I. Cognard, G. Theureau, J.-M. Grie§meier, L. Bondonneau, D. Gonz‡lez-Caniulef, N. Webb, F. Jankowski, I. P. Kravtsov, J. W. McKee, T. D. Carozzi, B. Cecconi, M. Serylak, and P. Zarka, Constraining the magnetic field geometry of the millisecond pulsar PSR J0030+0451 from joint radio, thermal X-ray and γ-ray emission, Astronomy & Astrophysics, 680, A93, 2023, doi:

[R299]    Varela, J., A. S. Brun, A. Strugarek, V. RŽville, P. Zarka, and F. Pantellini, On EarthÕs habitability over the SunÕs main-sequence history: joint influence of space weather and EarthÕs magnetic field evolution, MNRAS, 525, 3, 4008-4025, 2023, doi: 10.1093/mnras/stad2519

[R300]    Vedantham, H., T. J. Dupuy, E. L. Evans, A. Sanghi, J. R. Callingham, T. W. Shimwell, W. M. J. Best, M. C. Liu, and P. Zarka, Polarised radio pulsations from a new T dwarf binary, A&A, 675, L6, 2023.

[R301]    Wu, Siyuan, Philippe Zarka, Laurent Lamy, Corentin Louis, Shengyi YeRenŽe PrangŽ, Baptiste CecconiWilliam S. Kurth, Rotational Modulation of the High Frequency Limit of Saturn Kilometric Radiation, J. Geophys. Res., 128, e2023JA031287, 2023.

[R302]    Wu, Z., W.A. Coles, J.P.W. Verbiest, K.M. Ambalappat, C. Tiburzi, J.-M. Grie§meier, R.A. Main, Y. Liu, M. Kramer, O. Wucknitz, N. Porayko, S. Osłowski, A.-S. Bak Nielsen, J.Y. Donner, M. BrŸggen, C. Vocks, R .-J. Dettmar, G. Theureau, M. Serylak, V. Kondratiev, J.W. McKee, G. M. Shaifullah, I.P. Kravtsov, V.V. Zakharenko, O. Ulyanov, O. O. Konovalenko, P. Zarka, B. Cecconi, L.V.E. Koopmans, and S. Corbel, Pulsar Scintillation Studies with LOFAR: II. Dual-frequency scattering study of PSR J0826+2637 with LOFAR and NenuFAR, MNRAS, 520, 5536-5543, 2023.

[R303]    Zhang, Jiale, Hui Tian, Philippe Zarka, Corentin Louis, Hongpeng Lu, Dongyang Gao, Xiaohui Sun, Sijie Yu, Bin Chen, Xin Cheng, and Ke Wang, Fine structures of radio bursts from flare star AD Leo with FAST observations, Astrophys. J., 953 :65, 2023.


[R304]    Boudouma, A., P. Zarka, C. K. Louis, C. Briand, and M. Imai, Generation mechanism and beaming of Jovian nKOM from 3D numerical modeling of Juno/Waves observations, J. Geophys. Res.: Space Physics, 129, e2023JA032280, 2024.

[R305]    Collet, B., L. Lamy, C. K. Louis, P. Zarka, R. PrangŽ, P. Louarn, W. Kurth and F. Allegrini, A new type of Jovian hectometric radiation powered by monoenergetic electron beams, J. Geophys. Res.: Space Physics, 129, e2024JA032422, 2024.

[R306]    Karapakula, S., C. Brinkerink, A. Vecchio, H. R.Pourshaghagh, P. Dolron, R. Jordans, E. Bertels, G. T. Aalbers, M. Ruiter, A. J. Boonstra, M. Bentum, D. Prinsloo, M. Arts, J. Bast, S. Damstra, A. van Duin, N. Ebbendorf, H. van der Marel, J. Morawietz, R. Witwers, W. Poiesz, R. van Dongen, B. Cecconi, P. Zarka, M. Dekkali, L. Chen, M. Wang, M. Zhang, M. Huang, Y. Yan, L. Dong, B. Tan, L. Zhang, L. Xiong, J. Sun, H. Zhang, J. Ping, M. Klein Wolt, and H. Falcke, Architecture design and ground performance of Netherlands-China Low-Frequency Explorer, Radio Science, 59, e2023RS007906, 2024.

[R307]    Munshi, S., Mertens, F. G. , Koopmans, L. V. E., Offringa, A. R., Semelin, B., Aubert, D., Barkana, R., Bracco, A. , Brackenhoff, S. A., Cecconi, B., Ceccotti, E., Corbel, S., Fialkov, A., Gehlot, B. K., Ghara, R., Girard, J. N., Grie§meier, J. M., Hšfer, C., Hothi, I., MŽriot, R. , Mevius, M., Ocvirk, P., Shaw, A. K., Theureau, G., Yatawatta, S., Zarka, P., Zaroubi, S., First upper limits on the 21-cm signal power spectrum from the Cosmic Dawn from one night of observations with NenuFAR, A&A, 681, A62, 2024.

[R308]    Pe–a-Mo–ino, L., M. PŽrez-Torres, J. Varela, and P. Zarka, Magnetohydrodynamic simulations of the space weather in Proxima b: Habitability conditions and radio emission, A&A, 688, A138, 2024.

[R309]    Sasikumar Raja, K., M. Maksimovic, E. P. Kontar, X. Bonnin, P. Zarka, L. Lamy, H. Reid, N. Vilmer, N. Vilmer, A. Lecacheux, V. Krupar, B. Cecconi, N. Lahmiti, and L. Denis, Erratum ÒSpectral Analysis of Solar Radio Type III Bursts from 20 kHz to 410 MHzÓ, Astrophys. J., 960:93, 2024.

[R310]    Stanislavsky, A. A., I. N. Bubnov, L. A. Stanislavsky, P. Zarka, A. Loh, C. Viou, A. I. Brazhenko, and A. V. Frantsuzenko, Multi-antenna probing of absorbing regions inside and outside Cassiopeia A, Astronomy & Astrophysics, A&A, 683, A7, 2024.

[R311]    Turner, J. D., P. Zarka, J.-M. Grie§meier, X. Zhang, E. Mauduit, Follow-up LOFAR observations of the τ Boštis exoplanetary system, A&A, 688, A66, 2024.

[R312]    Wu, Siyuan, Shengyi Ye, Ulrich Taubenschuss, Georg Fischer, Caitriona M. Jackman, Philippe Zarka, William S. Kurth, Mengmeng Wang, Baptiste Cecconi, Hao Ning, Minyi Long, and Claire Baskevitch, Formation of an extended equatorial shadow zone for low-frequency Saturn Kilometric Radiation, Geophys. Res. Lett., 51, e2023GL106652, 2024.

[R313]    Wu, Siyuan, U. Taubenschuss, S. Ye, G. Fischer, B. Cecconi, M. Wang, T. Tao, M. Long, P. Lu, Y. Liu, W. S. Kurth, C. M. Jackman, P. Zarka, C. Baskevitch, and X. Feng., Ray Tracing Analysis for the Propagation of Saturn Narrowband Emissions within the Saturnian Magnetosphere, J. Geophys. Res.: Planets, 129, e2023JE008118, 2024.

[R314]    Zhang, Jiale, Hui Tian, Philippe Zarka, Corentin Louis, Hongpeng Lu, Dongyang Gao, Xiaohui Sun, Sijie Yu, Bin Chen, Xin Cheng, and Ke Wang, Erratum: "Fine Structures of Radio Bursts from Flare Star AD Leo with FAST Observations" (2023, ApJ, 953, 65)", Astrophys. J., 969 :73, 2024.



2. ConfŽrences invitŽes dans des congrs


[I1]            Zarka, P., Saturn Electrostatic Discharges : characteristics, comparison to planetary lightning and importance in the study of Saturn's ionosphere, Invited review, 1st International Workshop on "Radio Emissions from Planetary Magnetospheres", Graz, Austria, 8/1984.


[I2]            Genova, F., P. Zarka, and A. Lecacheux, Jupiter Decametric Radiation, Invited review, Workshop on "Time-variable Phenomena in the Jovian System", Lowell Observatory, Flagstaff, Arizona, 8/1987.


[I3]            Zarka, P., The auroral radio emissions from planetary magnetospheres : What do we know, what don't we know, what do we learn from them ?, Invited Review, COSPAR meeting, Symposium S. 5 "Magnetospheres of the outer planets : comparative studies", The Hague, The Netherlands, 6/1990.


[I4]            Zarka, P., What we learn about the magnetospheres of the giant planets from their auroral radio emissions, Invited review at IAGA Symposium : "Magnetosphere/Ionosphere/Atmosphere Coupling in the Solar System", Vienna, Austria, 8/1991.

[I5]            Zarka, P., Remote probing of auroral plasmas, Invited review, 3rd International Workshop on "Radio Emissions from Planetary Magnetospheres", Graz, Austria, 9/1991.


[I6]            Zarka, P., B. M. Pedersen, A. Lecacheux, M. L. Kaiser, M. D. Desch, W. M. Farrell, and W. S. Kurth, Radio emissions from Neptune, Invited review, Conference "Neptune and Triton", Tucson, Arizona, USA, 1/1992.


[I7]            Zarka, P., Recent observations of Planetary Radio Emissions, Invited review, URSI symposium H-1 : "Observations and interpretations of interplanetary and magnetospheric radio and plasma wave emissions", Kyoto, Japan, 8-9/1993.


[I8]            Zarka, P., ƒtude radioastronomique des plasmas auroraux des magnŽtosphres planŽtaires, 4me Congrs "Plasma" de la SociŽtŽ Franaise de Physique, UniversitŽ Paul sabatier, Toulouse, 1994.

[I9]            Zarka, P., Planetary Lightning, Invited Review, AGU Fall meeting, Session P31 : "Comparative planetary aeronomy", 1/11/1994.


[I10]         Zarka, P., J. Queinnec, B. P. Ryabov, V. B. Ryabov, and H. O. Rucker, Ground-based ultra-high sensitivity observations of planetary radio bursts at decameter wavelengths, Invited paper, EGS Symposium ST15/PS7 : "Solar System Radiophysics and related topics", The Hague, Netherlands, 5/1996.


[I11]         Zarka, P., Auroral radio emissions at the outer (and very outer?) planets, Invited review, International conference "Magnetospheres of the Outer Planets", Boulder, Colorado, 3/1997.

[I12]         Zarka, P., and the RPWS team, CASSINI-RPWS at Titan, Invited paper, EGS XXIIth General Assembly, Session PS4 : "Titan", Vienna, Austria, 4/1997.


[I13]         Zarka, P., Jovian decameter emissions : observations, theory, and open questions, Invited paper, Western Pacific Geophysics meeting, Taipei, 7/1998.

[I14]         Zarka, P., Radio Emissions From the Planets and Their Moons, Invited Tutorial, Chapman conference on "Space Based Radio Observations at Long Wavelengths", Paris, France, 10/1998.


[I15]         Zarka, P., Jovian Radio Emissions, Invited paper, EGS XXIVth General Assembly, Session PS-12 : "Major Scientific Achievements by the Galileo Mission to Jupiter", The Hague, Netherlands, 4/1999.


[I16]         Zarka, P., and M. L. Kaiser, Cassini observations of Jovian radio emissions, Invited paper at COSPAR Symposium D3.1/C3.3 : "Planetary Magnetospheres", 33rd COSPAR Scientific Assembly, Varsovie, Pologne, 7/2000.


[I17]         Kurth, W. S., and P. Zarka, Saturn radio emissions, Invited review, 5th "Planetary Radio Emissions" Conference, Graz, Austria, 4/2001.


[I18]         Zarka, P., Extrasolar planets, Planetary lightning, & Ionospheric propagation, Invited contributions to the International workshop "Science with the Low Frequency Array", Leiden, The Netherlands, 21-24/1/2002.

[I19]         Zarka, P., Radio search for extrasolar planets, Invited paper, EGS XXVIIth General Assembly, Session PS-11 : "Solar system radio emissions", Nice, France, 22-26/4/2002.

[I20]         Zarka, P., Remote sensing of the structure and dynamics of Jupiter's Magnetospheres, Invited Keynote talk, Euroconference "Jupiter after Galileo and Cassini", Lisbon, Portugal, 17-21/6/2002.

[I21]         Zarka, P., Planetary Radio Emissions, Invited paper, Session "Collective emission processes in Space and Astrophysical Plasmas", 11th International Congress on Plasma Physics, Sydney, Australie, 15-19/7/2002.

[I22]         Zarka, P., and M. Blanc, Le survol de Jupiter par Cassini (la magnŽtosphre), Session du Programme National de PlanŽtologie, Semaine de l'Astrophysique Franaise, SF2A, 24-29/6/2002.

[I23]         Zarka, P., Radio and plasma waves at the outer planets, Invited paper at COSPAR Symposium D3.3/B0.7-1026 "Comparative Magnetospheres", 34th COSPAR Scientific Assembly, Houston, Texas, 10-19/10/2002.


[I24]         PrangŽ, R., and P. Zarka, Planetary Aurorae, Invited paper #GAIII.14/07P/A12-007 (Abstract book p. B-242) at 23th IUGG General Assembly, Sapporo, Japan, 29/6-11/7/2003.


[I25]         Zarka, P., Radio wave emission from the Outer Planets, ISSI workshop "A Comparative Study of the Outer Planets before the Exploration of Saturn by Cassini-Huygens", Bern, Switzerland, 12-16/01/2004.


[I26]         Zarka, P., Planets and Solar System Science at Low Frequencies, Workshop " To Moon and Beyond : Towards a European Infrastructure for Lunar Observatories", EADS/ASTRON/DLR, Bremen, Germany, 22-23/3/2005.

[I27]         Zarka, P., Jupiter's radiophysics unveiled by 2 decades of decameter observations in Nancay, RADIONET Science Day, Paris Observatory, 28/4/2005.

[I28]         Zarka, P., Planetary Low-Frequency Radio Astronomy with large Ground-Based instruments, Invited Review paper at URSI GA 2005, Commission J, J05-I-COM9-01814, Delhi, 23-29/10/2005.

[I29]         Zarka, P., Exoplanets and Solar System Science at Low Radio Frequencies, DGLR International Symposium ÒTo Moon and beyondÓ, EADS/ASTRON/DLR, Bremen, Germany, 15-16/09/2005. (published on CD-Rom).


[I30]         Zarka, P., et al., La magnŽtosphre de Saturne ŽtudiŽe par Cassini : rŽsultats ˆ mi-parcours, ConfŽrence invitŽe au Colloque du Programme National de PlanŽtologie, Nancy, 11-13/9/2006.

[I31]         Zarka, P., Planetary Magnetospheric Structure, XVIIImes Rencontres de Blois, Ç Planetary Science : challenge and discoveries È, Blois, 5/2006.

[I32]         Zarka, P., M. Tagger, Exoplanet search at Low Radio Frequencies, Workshop: " Towards a European Infrastructure for Lunar Observatories II ", Bremen, Germany, 23-24/11/2006.


[I33]         Grie§meier, J.-M., P. Zarka, and H. Spreeuw, The search for radio emission from Extrasolar Planets with LOFAR, Workshop "Astrophysics in the LOFAR era", LOFAR/ ASTRON, Emmen (NL), 23–27/4/2007.

[I34]         Grie§meier, J.-M., P. Zarka, and H. Spreeuw, Predicting low-frequency radio fluxes of known extrasolar planets, 2nd European Planetary Science Congress, EPSC2007, Session M1 : "Radio Emission from the Sun, the Planets and the Heliosphere", Potsdam, Germany, 19–24/8/2007.

[I35]         Zarka, P., A. Konovalenko, G. Fischer, W. Farrell, B. Cecconi, Ground- and Space-based Radio Observations of Planetary Lightning, Workshop Ç Atmospheric Planetary Electricity È, Europlanet / International Space Science Institute (ISSI), Bern, Switzerland, 23-27 July 2007.

[I36]         Zarka, P., and M. Tagger, LOFAR contribution to ORIGINS, Origins : Third Sino-French Conference, Svres (Paris), 15-20/10/2007.

[I37]         Zarka, P., and M. Tagger, FLOW : the french LOFAR consortium, LOFAR-UK meeting, Royal Observatory, Edimbourg, 26/9/2007.


[I38]         Grie§meier, J.-M., P. Zarka, A. Konovalenko, G. Fischer, B. Ryabov, D. Vavriv, V. Ryabov, H. Rucker, L. Denis, M. Sidorchuk, and the Radio-Exopla collaboration Team, Ground-based study of Saturn lightning, Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 11, EGU2009-9410, Session PS6 Ç Planetary, Solar and Heliospheric Radio Emissions È (invited), EGU General Assembly, 4/2009.

[I39]         Zarka, P., Planetary Science and Exoplanet detection at Low Radio frequencies, DGLR International Symposium Ç To Moon and Beyond È, Bremen, Germany, 15-17/9/2008.

[I40]         Cecconi, B., L. Lamy, G. Fischer, P. Zarka, and W. S. Kurth, SKR Characteristics and Variability with Cassini/RPWS/HFR data (solicited), European Planetary Science Congress, MG1 Radio emission from the Sun, the planets, the heliosphere, and the exoplanets, EPSC2008-A-00563, MŸnster, Germany, 21-26/9/2008.

[I41]         Zarka, P., Radio bursts from extrasolar planets, Workshop Ç LOFAR and the Transient Radio Sky È, University of Amsterdam, 15-17/12/2008.

[I42]         Zarka, P., Astrophysical / Solar system Plasmas : an introduction, Elbereth 2008 Conference, Ecole doctorale dÕAstronomie-Astrophysique dÕIle-de-France, IAP, Paris, 8-10/12/2008.

[I43]         Zarka, P., Planet-Star Plasma Interactions, Physics and Astrophysics of Planetary Systems, Les Houches School, 18-19/2/2008. http://www-Laog.Obs.Ujf-Grenoble.Fr/heberges/Houches08/


[I44]         Grie§meier, J.-M., P. Zarka and H. Spreeuw, Expected radio fluxes from extrasolar planets, EGU General Assembly, Wien, Austria, 2009.

[I45]         Zarka, P., Interactions in solar system giant planet systems: Jupiter-Io system and solar wind/planet interactions, Workshop on Star-Planet Interactions, LAM, Marseille, 6-8/1/2009.

[I46]         Zarka, P., Magnetospheres of giant planets in the solar system and expected magnetopheres of hot jupiters, Workshop on Star-Planet Interactions, LAM, Marseille, 6-8/1/2009.

[I47]         P. Zarka, J.-M. Grie§meier, and the TKP-(exo)planets working group, LOFAR observations of Solar System planets and Exoplanets, Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 11, EGU2009-8776, Session PS8, EGU General Assembly, 4/2009.

[I48]         Zarka, P., Interactions plasmas Žtoile-plante, implications et dŽtectabilitŽ, Atelier du Programme National de PlanŽtologie, 9me semaine de lÕAstrophysique, SF2A, Besanon, 29/6-4/7/2009.

[I49]         Zarka, P., Planet-Star plasma interactions and possible radio emission, Magnetospheres of the Outer Planets Conference, MOP 2009, Cologne, Germany, 27-31/7/2009.

[I50]         Lamy, L, and P. Zarka, Overview of Radio emissions of Outer planets, In Outer planet magnetospheres: Influences, Interactions, and Dynamics, Conference of the Royal Astronomical Society, Londres, 2009.

[I51]         Zarka, P., Radio emissions in the solar system and from extrasolar planets, Summer school Science and Technology Facilities Council, Introductory course in Solar/STP physics (for new PhD students in the UK), University College, London, 9/2009.

[I52]         Zarka, P., Radioastronomy and the study of exoplanets, International conference Ç Pathways Towards Habitable Planets È, Barcelona, Spain, 14-18/9/2009.


[I53]         Zarka, P., Exoplanets and Astrobiology (I), International conference Ç Astronomy with megastructures – Joint Science with E-ELT and SKA È, Crete, 10-14/5 2010.

[I54]         Zarka, P., Observations and modeling of electron acceleration and radio bursts generation due to Io-Jupiter electrodynamic interaction, invited presentation at workshop Ç Jupiter È / 'GCOE' Seminar (Global Center Of Excellence), Tohoku University, Sendai, Japon, 27/7/ 2010.

[I55]         Zarka, P., The search for exoplanetary radio emissions, 7th International Workshop on Planetary, Solar, and Heliospheric Radio Emissions (PRE VII), Graz, Austria, 15-17 September 2010.

[I56]         Cecconi, B., S. Hess, and P. Zarka, Jovian radio emissions modeling and their future investigation with EJSM, 7th International Workshop on Planetary, Solar, and Heliospheric Radio Emissions (PRE VII), Graz, Austria, 15-17 September 2010.


[I57]         P. Zarka, Auroral-like radio emissions as a diagnostic tool for planetary and exoplanetary magnetospheric processes, EPSC-DPS 2011, session MG4 "Comparative planetary auroral processes", Invited EPSC-DPS2011-7, Nantes, 3-7/10/2011.

[I58]         P. Zarka, Recent advances in the search for radio emissions from exoplanets, EPSC-DPS 2011, session MG5 "Planetary, Solar and exoplanetary radio emissions", Invited EPSC-DPS2011-1068, Nantes, 3-7/10/2011.


[I59]         B. Cecconi, P. Zarka, J.-L. Bougeret, C. Briand, A. Zaslavsky, J. Bergman, H. Falcke, A. Aminaei, M. Klein-Wolt, J.-M. Grie§meier, L. Gurvits, A. Konovalenko, H. Ršttgering, B. ThidŽ, G. Woan, M. Garrett, N. Gizani, B. Hicks, D. Oberoi, M. Pommier, K. Stewart, K. Weiler, L. Chen, Y. Yihua, J.-J. Berthelier, V. Ciarletti, A. Le Gall,  and the Farside Explorer Consortium (, Radio Astronomy from the Moon, Paper: 10526, COSPAR Scientific Assembly, Mysore, 7/2012.

[I60]         L. Lamy, P. Zarka, R. PrangŽ, K. C. Hansen, J. T. Clarke, B. Cecconi, J. Aboudarham, N. AndrŽ, G. Branduardi-Raymont, R. Gladstone, M. Barthelemy, N. A. Achilleos, P. Guio, M. K. Dougherty, H. Melin, S. W. H. Cowley, T. Stallard, J. D. Nichols, G. E. Ballester, Observations of Uranus' auroral emissions (Invited), AGU Fall meeting, Session SA43C. Solar System Aeronomy: Ionospheres, Thermospheres, Auroras, and Airglow I, 12/2012.


[I61]         P. Zarka, Planetary magnetic fields and magnetospheres, Ecole de Physique, The future of plasma astrophysics, Les Houches, 2-3/2013.

[I62]         P. Zarka, LOFAR observations of cosmological signals and foregrounds, Workshop PCCP "Cosmological Signals & Foregrounds in the Radio Sky", APC, Paris,  23-24/5/2013,

[I63]         P. Zarka, Recherche de transitoires radio associŽs ˆ des ondes gravitationnelles avec LOFAR, School of Astroparticle Physics "Gravitational waves", OHP, Saint Michel l'Observatoire, R. Triay et al., 27/5 - 1/6/2013,

[I64]         P. Zarka, Rotational (and near-rotational) dynamics of the Jovian system, and comparison with Saturn, Magnetospheres of the Outer Planets conference, Athens, Greece, 8-12/7/2013.

[I65]         P. Zarka, Constraints on plasma populations and acceleration processes from planetary radio emissions, ISSI Workshop on "Plasma Sources for Solar System Magnetospheres", Bern, September 23-27, 2013.

[I66]         P. Zarka, Exoplanet searches in Radio (I) : theory & searches with UTR2, GMRT and LOFAR, SKA workshop of SWG Cradle Of Life, Jodrell Bank, U.K., 7-8/11/2013.


[I67]         P. Zarka & la collaboration NenuFAR-France, LOFAR & NenuFAR, Colloque du PNST, Sète, 35/2/2014.

[I68]         P. Zarka & F. Mottez, Galactic transients and fast radio bursts : Radio emissions from pulsar companions ?, Colloque Ç Magnetic Fields in Astrophysics È en mŽmoire de Jean Heyvaerts, IAP, Paris, 17-19/11/2014.

[I69]         P. Zarka, Radio diagnostic of star-planet plasma interactions, Workshop Ç Star-Planet Interaction and the Habitable zone È, CEA Saclay (A.-S. Brun), 18-21/11/2014.


[I70]         P. Zarka, Magnétosphères comparées (et plus encore ?), Revue invitŽe introductive de lÕatelier Ç Magnetospheres PlanŽtaires comparŽes È (L. Lamy), CIAS, Meudon, 4-6/2/2015.

[I71]         P. Zarka, Status and characteristics of NenuFAR, Workshop Ç NenuFAR : status and prospects for 21-cm observations È, IAP, Paris, 30-31/3/2015.

[I72]         P. Zarka, NenuFAR, MODE 2015 workshop Ç Pulsars and their environments È, OrlŽans, 11-13/5/2015.

[I73]         F. Mottez & P. Zarka, FRBs caused by a Companion Orbiting an Extremely Distant Pulsar, Workshop "Formation and Evolution of Neutron Stars", Bonn, Germany, 18/5/2015.


[I74]         Zarka, P., Exoplanets, Atelier Ç Physics of the Interstellar Medium with the SKA È, IRAP, Toulouse, 27–28/2/2017.

[I75]         Zarka, P., Radio emissions from Jupiter, Magnetospheres of the Outer Planets (invited review), Conf. Uppsala, Sweden, 12–16/6/2017.

[I76]         Zarka, P., LOFAR ˆ 5 ans et au-delˆ, SF2A 2017, Session plŽnire, Paris, 4-7/7/2017.

[I77]         Zarka, P., Radio emissions from Jupiter and Saturn : state of the art, Conference Ç The legacy of Jean-Louis Steinberg È, Observatoire de Paris, Meudon, 6-10/11/2017.

[I78]         Zarka, P., LOFAR ˆ NenuFAR ˆ SKA, Elbereth 2017 Conference, Ecole doctorale dÕAstronomie-Astrophysique dÕIle-de-France, IAP, Paris, 22-24/11/2017.


[I79]         Zarka, P., NenuFAR: a low-frequency SKA pathfinder, Invited talk at the Franco-Indian Astronomy School "From reionization to large scale structures- a multiwavelength approach", CEFIPRA, IUCAA, Pune, India, 11-17/2/2018.


[I80]         Zarka, P., NenuFAR, Invited talk at the LOFAR Baltics conference, Riga & Irbene, Latvia, 5-6/12/2018.

[I81]         Zarka, P., NenuFAR and the cosmic dawn, Invited talk at the Workshop SKA-enabled science in the high redshift universe, Paris, France, 19/12/2018.


[I82]         Zarka, P., From magnetospheres to exo-magnetospheres, Invited talk at the 2nd ISSI-Europlanet Forum: Solar System/exoplanet science synergies in the Horizon 2061 perspective, Bern, Switzerland, 19-20/2/2019.

[I83]         Zarka, P., Le projet NenuFAR, Invited talk at the 21cm Cosmology Workshop, IPN, Orsay, 21-22/10/2019.

[I84]         Zarka, P., & NenuFAR-France consortium, NenuFAR, "radiobf": Atelier LOFAR MeerKAT NenuFAR, Atelier de l'Action FŽdŽratrice RadiotŽlescopes du XXIme sicle, Observatoire de Paris, 18-20/11/2019.


[I85]         Zarka, P., NenuFAR update, Cosmic Dawn workshop, Observatoire de Paris, 27/10/2020.


[I86]         Zarka, P., & the NenuFAR-France team, NenuFAR : SKA pathfinder at low frequencies, Atelier Radio BF (visio), LAM, 10/3/2021.

[I87]         Zarka, P., The search for exoplanets in radio, Elbereth 2021 Conference, Ecole doctorale dÕAstronomie-Astrophysique dÕIle-de-France, Online, Paris, 12/2/2021.

[I88]         P. Zarka, and the NenuFAR team, NenuFAR: SKA pathfinder at low frequencies, SF2A, Semaine de l'astrophysique Franaise 2021, Atelier S7 - Atelier GŽnŽral de l'AS SKA : SKA, son Žclaireur franais NenuFAR, et ses prŽcurseurs, Online, 7-11/6/2021.

[I89]         P. Zarka and C. Tasse, Radio detections of star-planet interactions with LOFAR, SF2A, Semaine de l'astrophysique Franaise 2021, Atelier S26 - MagnŽtosphres (exo-)planŽtaires comparŽes, Online, 7-11/6/2021.


[I90]         P. Zarka, Planets with LOFAR, Invited, LOFAR family meeting 2022, Kšln, Germany, 13-17/6/2022.

[I91]         P. Zarka, Star-Planet plasma interactions and radio emissions, Workshop Ç Life Around a Radio Star È, Lorentz Center, Leiden, NL, 27/6-1/7/2022.

[I92]         P. Zarka, Fast Radio Bursts at low frequencies with LOFAR and NenuFAR, Workshop FRB du Labex UnivEarthS, Nanay, 4-6/7/2022.


[I93]         Zarka, P., Nenufar status and outlook, LOFAR Family Meeting, Olsztyn, Poland, 12-16 June 2023.

[I94]         Zarka, P., SKA, SKA-France and the PNHE, JournŽes du Programme National Hautes ƒnergies du CNRS/INSU, IAP, Paris, 6/9/2023.

[I95]         Zarka, P., and J. Girard, NenuFAR story : de NenuFAR ˆ CAMELEON, Colloque du DIM ORIGINES, Observatoire de paris, 20/12/2023.


[I96]         Zarka, P., Low-frequency radioastronomy and stellar physics, SŽminaire Atelier du PNPS, Marseille, 10/1/2024.

[I97]         Zarka, P., NenuFAR update in 2024, NenuFAR family & users meeting, ORN, Nanay, 3-4/4/2024.



3. Proceedings ˆ comitŽ de lecture


[P1]           Zarka, P., and B. M. Pedersen, Statistical study of SED observed by the Voyager Planetary Radio Astronomy experiment, in "Planetary Rings", A. Brahic ed., Cepadues/CNES, 307-317, 1984.


[P2]           Zarka, P., Saturn Electrostatic Discharges : characteristics, comparison to planetary lightning and importance in the study of Saturn's ionosphere, Invited review in "Planetary Radio Emissions", H. O. Rucker and S. J. Bauer eds., Austrian Acad. Sci. Press, Vienna, 237-270, 1985.


[P3]           Zarka, P., D. Le QuŽau, and F. Genova, Theoretical determination of the spectral intensity of planetary radio emissions, in "ƒtude comparative des systmes magnŽtosphŽriques", Editions Cepadues/CNES, 533-543, 1986.


[P4]           Zarka, P., Beaming of Planetary radio emissions, in "Planetary Radio Emissions II", H. O. Rucker, S. J. Bauer, and B. M. Pedersen eds., Austrian Acad. Sci. Press, Vienna, 327-342, 1988.


[P5]           Genova, F., P. Zarka, and A. Lecacheux, Jupiter Decametric Radiation, Invited review in "Time-variable Phenomena in the Jovian System", M. J. S. Belton, R. A. West, and J. Rahe eds., NASA SP-494, 156-174, 1989.

[P6]           Zarka, P., and F. Genova, Solar Wind effect on jovian low-frequency magnetospheric radio emissions from ground-based and spacecraft observations, in "Time-variable Phenomena in the Jovian System", M. J. S. Belton, R. A. West, and J. Rahe eds., NASA SP-494, 175-178, 1989.


[P7]           Zarka, P., Remote sensing of auroral plasmas, Invited review in "Planetary Radio Emissions III", H. O. Rucker, S. J. Bauer, and M. L. Kaiser eds., Austrian Acad. Sci. Press, Vienna, 351-369, 1992.


[P8]           Zarka, P., B. P. Ryabov, V. B. Ryabov, R. PrangŽ, M. Abada-Simon, T. Farges, and L. Denis, On the origin of Jovian Decameter Radio Bursts, in "Planetary Radio Emissions IV", H. O. Rucker, S. J. Bauer, and A. Lecacheux eds., Austrian Acad. Sci. Press, Vienna, p. 51-63, 1997.

[P9]           Ryabov, B. P., P. Zarka, H. O. Rucker, V. B. Ryabov, and M. Y. Boudjada, Recurrent fine structures in Jovian S-burst emission, in "Planetary Radio Emissions IV", H. O. Rucker, S. J. Bauer, and A. Lecacheux eds., Austrian Acad. Sci. Press, Vienna, p. 65-99, 1997.

[P10]        Zarka, P., J. Queinnec, B. P. Ryabov, V. B. Ryabov, V. A. Shevchenko, A. V. Arkhipov, H. O. Rucker, L. Denis, A. Gerbault, P. Dierich, and C. Rosolen, Ground-Based High Sensitivity Radio Astronomy at Decameter Wavelengths, in "Planetary Radio Emissions IV", H. O. Rucker, S. J. Bauer, and A. Lecacheux eds., Austrian Acad. Sci. Press, Vienna, p. 101-127, 1997.


[P11]        Kurth, W. S., G. B. Hospodarsky, D. A. Gurnett, A. Lecacheux, P. Zarka, M. D. Desch, M. L. Kaiser, W. M. Farrell, High-resolution observations of Low-Frequency Jovian radio emissions by Cassini, in "Planetary Radio Emissions V", H. O. Rucker, M. L. Kaiser and Y. Leblanc eds., Austrian Acad. Sci. Press, Vienna, p. 15-28, 2001.

[P12]        Hospodarsky, G. B., I. W. Christopher, J. D. Menietti, W. S. Kurth, D. A. Gurnett, T. F. Averkamp, J. B. Groene, P. Zarka, Control of Jovian radio emissions by the galilean moons as observed by Cassini and Galileo, "Planetary Radio Emissions V", H. O. Rucker, M. L. Kaiser and Y. Leblanc eds., Austrian Acad. Sci. Press, Vienna, p. 155-164, 2001.

[P13]        Kurth, W. S., and P. Zarka, Saturn radio waves, Invited review "Planetary Radio Emissions V", H. O. Rucker, M. L. Kaiser and Y. Leblanc eds., Austrian Acad. Sci. Press, Vienna, p. 247-259, 2001.

[P14]        Vogl, D. F., H. -P. Ladreiter, P. Zarka, H. O. Rucker, W. Macher, W. S. Kurth, D. A. Gurnett, and G. Fischer, First results on the calibration of the Cassini-RPWS antenna system, "Planetary Radio Emissions V", H. O. Rucker, M. L. Kaiser and Y. Leblanc eds., Austrian Acad. Sci. Press, Vienna, p. 357-365, 2001.


[P15]        Farrell, W. M., T. J. Lazio, M. D. Desch, T. Bastian, and P. Zarka, Limits on the Magnetosphere/Stellar Wind Interactions for the Extrasolar Planet about Tau Bootes, ASP Conf. Ser. 294: Scientific Frontiers in Research on Extrasolar Planets, 151 – 156, 2003.


[P16]        Zarka, P., Nonthermal radio emissions from extrasolar planets, Extrasolar Planets: Today and Tomorrow, ASP Conference Proceedings, Vol. 321, held 30 June - 4 July 2003, Institut D'Astrophysique de Paris, France. Edited by Jean-Philippe Beaulieu, Alain Lecavelier des Etangs and Caroline Terquem, 160-169, 12/2004.

[P17]        Farrell, W. M., T. J. W. Lazio, M. D. Desch, T. S. Bastian, and P. Zarka, Radio Emission from Extrasolar Planets, Bioastronomy 2002: Life Among the Stars, Proceedings of IAU Symposium #213. Edited by R. Norris, and F. Stootman. San Francisco: Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 2003., p.73, 2004.


[P18]        Cecconi, B. , P. Zarka, and W. S. Kurth, SKR polarization and source localization with the Cassini/RPWS/HFR instrument: First results, in "Planetary Radio Emissions VI", H. O. Rucker, W. S. Kurth, and G. Mann eds., Austrian Acad. Sci. Press, Vienna, pp. 37-49, 2006.

[P19]        Taubenschuss, U. H., H. O. Rucker, W. S. Kurth, B. Cecconi, M. D. Desch, P. Zarka, M. K. Dougherty, and J. T. Steinberg, External control of Saturn Kilometric Radiation, in "Planetary Radio Emissions VI", H. O. Rucker, W. S. Kurth, and G. Mann eds., Austrian Acad. Sci. Press, Vienna, pp. 51-60, 2006.

[P20]        Hospodarsky, G. B., W. S. Kurth, D. A. Gurnett, P. Zarka, P. Canu, M. K. Dougherty, G. H. Jones, A. Coates, and A. Rymer, Observations of Langmuir waves detected by the Cassini spacecraft, in "Planetary Radio Emissions VI", H. O. Rucker, W. S. Kurth, and G. Mann eds., Austrian Acad. Sci. Press, Vienna, pp. 67-80, 2006.

[P21]        Desch, M. D., G. Fischer, M. L. Kaiser, W. M. Farrell, W. S. Kurth, D. A. Gurnett, P. Zarka, A. Lecacheux, C. C. Porco, A. P. Ingersoll, and U. Dyudina, Cassini RPWS and Imaging Observations of Saturn Lightning, in "Planetary Radio Emissions VI", H. O. Rucker, W. S. Kurth, and G. Mann eds., Austrian Acad. Sci. Press, Vienna, pp. 103-110, 2006.

[P22]        Zarka, P., B. Cecconi, L. Denis, W. M. Farrell, G. Fischer, G. B. Hospodarsky, M. L. Kaiser, and W. S. Kurth, Physical properties and detection of SaturnÕs lightning radio bursts, in "Planetary Radio Emissions VI", H. O. Rucker, W. S. Kurth, and G. Mann eds., Austrian Acad. Sci. Press, Vienna, pp. 111-122, 2006.

[P23]        Fischer, G., W. Macher, M. D. Desch, M. L. Kaiser, P. Zarka, W. S. Kurth, W. M. Farrell, A. Lecacheux, B. Cecconi, and D. A. Gurnett, On the intensity of Saturn lightning, in "Planetary Radio Emissions VI", H. O. Rucker, W. S. Kurth, and G. Mann eds., Austrian Acad. Sci. Press, Vienna, pp. 123-132, 2006.

[P24]        Kurth, W. S., B. Cecconi, D. A. Gurnett, M. L. Kaiser, P. Zarka, and A. Lecacheux, Is Titan a radio source ?, in "Planetary Radio Emissions VI", H. O. Rucker, W. S. Kurth, and G. Mann eds., Austrian Acad. Sci. Press, Vienna, pp. 133-142, 2006.

[P25]        Cecconi, B. , and P. Zarka, Model of a Variable Radio Period for Saturn, in "Planetary Radio Emissions VI", H. O. Rucker, W. S. Kurth, and G. Mann eds., Austrian Acad. Sci. Press, Vienna, p. 63, 2006.

[P26]        Nigl, A., J. Kuijpers, H. Falcke, P. Zarka, and L. BŠhren, Jupiter bursts observation with LOFAR/ITS, in "Planetary Radio Emissions VI", H. O. Rucker, W. S. Kurth, and G. Mann eds., Austrian Acad. Sci. Press, Vienna, pp. 517-528, 2006.

[P27]        Zarka, P., Hot Jupiters and Magnetized Stars : Giant Analogs of the Satellite-Jupiter System ?, in "Planetary Radio Emissions VI", H. O. Rucker, W. S. Kurth, and G. Mann eds., Austrian Acad. Sci. Press, Vienna, pp. 543-569, 2006.

[P28]        Majid, W., D. Winterhalter, I. Chandra, T. Kuiper, J. Lazio, C. Naudet, and P. Zarka, Search for radio emissions from extrasolar planets : preliminary analysis of GMRT data, in "Planetary Radio Emissions VI", H. O. Rucker, W. S. Kurth, and G. Mann eds., Austrian Acad. Sci. Press, Vienna, pp. 589-594, 2006.

[P29]        Winterhalter, D., T. Kuiper, W. Majid, I. Chandra, J. Lazio, P. Zarka, C.Naudet, G. Bryden, W. Gonzalez, and R. Treumann, Search for radio emissions from extrasolar planets : the observation campaign, in "Planetary Radio Emissions VI", H. O. Rucker, W. S. Kurth, and G. Mann eds., Austrian Acad. Sci. Press, Vienna, pp. 595-602, 2006.


[P30]        Moncuquet, M., N. Meyer-Vernet, J.-L. Bougeret, S. Hoang, K. Issautier, A. Lecacheux, M. Maksimovic, F. Pantellini, P. Zarka, and I. Zouganelis, A Short Review of Passive R.F. Electric Antennas as In Situ Detectors of Space Plasmas, Proceedings of the International Conference Ç Future Perspectives of Space Plasma and Particle Instrumentation and International Collaborations È, 1-3/11/2006, Rikkyo Univ., Tokyo, Japan, AIP Conference Proceedings, Volume 1144, pp. 59-62, 6/ 2009.


[P31]        Zarka, P., Planet-Star Plasma Interactions, in Ç Physics and Astrophysics of Planetary Systems È, eds. T. Montmerle, D. Ehrenreich, and A.-M. Lagrange, EDP Sciences, EAS Publication Series 41, pp. 441-454, 2010.

[P32]        Zarka, P., Radioastronomy and the study of exoplanets, Ç Pathways Towards Habitable Planets È, ASP Conference Series, Vol. 430, V. CoudŽ du Foresto, D. M. Gelino and I. Ribas, eds., 175-180, 2010.


[P33]        Kaltenegger, L., E. L. Martin, P. Zarka, R. Barry, D. Queloz, A. Valio, M. P. Cagigal, L. Cieza, and A. Santerne, Working Group Summary : Exoplanets and Astrobiology, in Ç Astronomy with megastructures : Joint science with the E-ELT and SKA È, I. Hook, D. Rigopoulou, S. Rawlings and A. Karastergiou eds., Proc. Of the workshop held in Crete, Greece, 10-14/5/2010, Crete University Press, pp. 153-159, 2011.

[P34]        Kurth, W.S., D. A. Gurnett, J. D. Menietti, R. L. Mutel, M. G. Kivelson, E. J. Bunce, S. W. H. Cowley, D. L. Talboys, M. K. Dougherty, C. Arridge, A. Coates, S. Grimald, L. Lamy, P. Zarka, B. Cecconi, P. Schippers, N. AndrŽ, P. Louarn, D. Mitchell, J. S. Leisner, M. W. Morooka, A Close Encounter with a Saturn Kilometric Radiation Source Region, in "Planetary Radio Emissions VII", H. O. Rucker et al. eds., Austrian Acad. Sci. Press, Vienna, pp. 75-85, 2011.

[P35]        Fischer, G., U. A. Dyudina, W. S. Kurth, D. A. Gurnett, P. Zarka, T. Barry, M. Delcroix, C. Go, D . Peach, R. Vandebergh, and A. Wesley, Overview of Saturn lightning observations, in "Planetary Radio Emissions VII", H. O. Rucker et al. eds., Austrian Acad. Sci. Press, Vienna, pp. 135-144, 2011.

[P36]        Grie§meier, J.-M., P. Zarka, A. Konovalenko, G. Fischer, V. Zakharenko, B. W. Stappers, J. N. Girard, B. Ryabov, D. Vavriv, V. Ryabov, and H. O. Rucker, Ground-based study of Saturn lightning, in "Planetary Radio Emissions VII", H. O. Rucker et al. eds., Austrian Acad. Sci. Press, Vienna, pp. 145-154, 2011.

[P37]        Zarka, P., The search for exoplanetary radio emissions, in "Planetary Radio Emissions VII", H. O. Rucker et al. eds., Austrian Acad. Sci. Press, Vienna, pp. 287-302, 2011.

[P38]        Girard, J. N., Zarka, P., M. Tagger, L. Denis, D. Charrier, and A. Konovalenko, Antennas design and distribution for a LOFAR Super Station in Nanay, in "Planetary Radio Emissions VII", H. O. Rucker et al. eds., Austrian Acad. Sci. Press, Vienna, pp. 495-504, 2011.

[P39]        Konovalenko A. A., I. S. Falkovich, H. O. Rucker, A. Lecacheux, P. Zarka, V. L. Koliadin, V. V. Zakharenko, A. A. Stanislavsky, V. N. Melnik, G. V. Litvinenko. A. A. Gridin, I. N. Bubnov, N. N. Kalinichenko, A.P. Reznik, M. A. Sidorchuk, S. V. Stepkin, D. V. Muhka, V. S. Nikolajenko, R. Karlsson, and B. ThidŽ, New Antennas and Methods for the Low Frequency Stellar and Planetary Radio Astronomy, in "Planetary Radio Emissions VII", H. O. Rucker et al. eds., Austrian Acad. Sci. Press, Vienna, pp. 521-531, 2011.


[P40]        Cecconi, B., A. Pruvot, L. Lamy, P. Zarka, C. Louis, S.L.G. Hess, D.R. Evans, and D. Boucon, Refurbishing Voyager 1 & 2 Planetary Radio Astronomy (PRA) data, in "Planetary Radio Emissions VIII", edited by G. Fischer, G. Mann, M. Panchenko & P. Zarka, Austrian Acad. Sci. Press, Vienna, 505-514, 2017.

[P41]        Cecconi, B., et al., Juno-Ground-Radio observations support, (abstract) in "Planetary Radio Emissions VIII", edited by G. Fischer, G. Mann, M. Panchenko & P. Zarka, Austrian Acad. Sci. Press, Vienna, 505-514, 2017.

[P42]        Imai, M., W. S. Kurth, G. B. Hospodarsky, D. A. Gurnett, S. J. Bolton, J. E. P. Connerney, S. M. Levin, P. Zarka, B. Ceconni, A. Lecacheux, and L. Lamy, Analysis of Jovian low-frequency radio emissions based on the Juno Waves data and stereoscopic observations with Juno and Earth-based radio telescopes, in "Planetary Radio Emissions VIII", edited by G. Fischer, G. Mann, M. Panchenko & P. Zarka, Austrian Acad. Sci. Press, Vienna, 13-23, 2017.

[P43]        Kalinichenko, N. N., M. R. Olyak, A. A. Konovalenko, R. Fallows, P. Zarka, H.O. Rucker, A. Lecacheux, I. N. Bubnov, S . N. Yerin, A. I. Brazhenko, O. L. Ivantyshin, V. V. Koshovy, and O. A. Litvinenko, The investigations of the solar wind beyond Earth's orbit by IPS observations at decameter wavelengths: Present state and perspectives, in "Planetary Radio Emissions VIII", edited by G. Fischer, G. Mann, M. Panchenko & P. Zarka, Austrian Acad. Sci. Press, Vienna, 479-486, 2017.

[P44]        Konovalenko,A., P. Zarka, H.O. Rucker, V. Zakharenko, O. Ulyanov, M. Sidorchuk, S. Stepkin, V. Melnik, N. Kalinichenko, A. Stanislavsky, P. Tokarsky, V. Koliadin, V. Shepelev, V. Dorovskyy, I. Bubnov, S. Yerin, A. Reznichenko, G. Litvinenko, N. Shevchuk, A. Koval, I. Vasylieva. K. Mylostna, A. Skoryk, A. Shevtsova, Y. Volvach, E. Vasylkovsky, V. Ryabov, A. Lecacheux, L. Denis, M. Panchenko, G. Fischer, M. Imai, J.-M. Grie§meier, G. Mann, O. Litvinenko, A. Brazhenko, R. Vashchishin, A. Frantsuzenko, V. Koshovy, A. Lozinsky, and O. Ivantyshin, Multi-antenna observations in the low-frequency radio astronomy for the Solar System objects and related topics studies, in "Planetary Radio Emissions VIII", edited by G. Fischer, G. Mann, M. Panchenko & P. Zarka, Austrian Acad. Sci. Press, Vienna, 467-478, 2017.

[P45]        Lamy, L., P. Zarka, B. Cecconi, L. Klein, S. Masson, L. Denis, A. Coffre, and C. Viou, 1977-2017 : 40 years of decametric observations of Jupiter and the Sun with the Nanay Decameter Array, in "Planetary Radio Emissions VIII", edited by G. Fischer, G. Mann, M. Panchenko & P. Zarka, Austrian Acad. Sci. Press, Vienna, 455-466, 2017.

[P46]        Louis, C. K., L. Lamy, P. Zarka, B. Cecconi, S.L.G. Hess, and X. Bonnin, Simulating Jupiter-satellite decametric emissions with ExPRES : a parametric study, in "Planetary Radio Emissions VIII", edited by G. Fischer, G. Mann, M. Panchenko & P. Zarka, Austrian Acad. Sci. Press, Vienna, 59-72, 2017.

[P47]        Mylostna, K. Y., V. V. Zakharenko, G. Fischer, A. Konovalenko, and P. Zarka, Study of SEDÕs emission parameters, in "Planetary Radio Emissions VIII", edited by G. Fischer, G. Mann, M. Panchenko & P. Zarka, Austrian Acad. Sci. Press, Vienna, 223-231, 2017.

[P48]        Panchenko, M., S. Rošker, H.O. Rucker, A. Brazhenko, A.A. Konovalenko, G. Litvinenko, P. Zarka, V. Melnik, V.E. Shaposhnikov, and A.V. Franzuzenko, Zebra-like fine spectral structures in Jovian decametric radio emission, in "Planetary Radio Emissions VIII", edited by G. Fischer, G. Mann, M. Panchenko & P. Zarka, Austrian Acad. Sci. Press, Vienna, 103-115, 2017.

[P49]        Turner, J.D., J.-M. Grie§meier, P. Zarka, and I. Vasylieva, The search for radio emission from exoplanets using LOFAR low-frequency beam-formed observations: data pipeline and preliminary results on the 55 Cnc system, in "Planetary Radio Emissions VIII", edited by G. Fischer, G. Mann, M. Panchenko & P. Zarka, Austrian Acad. Sci. Press, Vienna, 301-313, 2017. 2017arXiv171004997T

[P50]        Zarka, P., M. S. Marques, C. Louis, V.B. Ryabov, L. Lamy, E. Echer, B. Cecconi, Radio emission from satellite-Jupiter interactions (especially Ganymede), in "Planetary Radio Emissions VIII", edited by G. Fischer, G. Mann, M. Panchenko & P. Zarka, Austrian Acad. Sci. Press, Vienna, 45-58, 2017.


[P51]        Boudouma, A., Zarka, P., Magalh‹es, F. P., Marques, M. S., Louis, C. K. ,Echer, E., Lamy, L., PrangŽ, R., Localisation of Main HOM Source in the Dusk Side of the Jovian Magnetosphere, in "Planetary, Solar and Heliospheric Radio Emissions IXÓ, edited by C. K. Louis, C. M. Jackman, G. Fischer, A. H. Sulaiman, P. Zucca, published by DIAS, TCD, pp. 485–496, 2023. doi: 10.25546/103094

[P52]        Collet, B., L. Lamy, C.K. Louis, P. Zarka, R. PrangŽ, P. Louarn, A. Sulaiman, W. Kurth, Characterization of Jovian Hectometric Sources with Juno : Statistical Position and Generation by Shell-Type Electrons, in "Planetary, Solar and Heliospheric Radio Emissions IXÓ, edited by C. K. Louis, C. M. Jackman, G. Fischer, A. H. Sulaiman, P. Zucca, published by DIAS, TCD, pp. 211–225, 2023. doi: 10.25546/103095

[P53]        Jacome, H. R. P., M. S. Marques, P. Zarka, E. Echer, L. Lamy, and C. K. Louis, First Analysis of the Effect of the Jovicentric Declination of the Earth on the Observation of Jovian Decametric Emissions, in "Planetary, Solar and Heliospheric Radio Emissions IXÓ, edited by C. K. Louis, C. M. Jackman, G. Fischer, A. H. Sulaiman, P. Zucca, published by DIAS, TCD, pp. 485–496, 2023. doi: 10.25546/104049

[P54]        Lamy, L., B. Cecconi, M. Dekkali, P. Zarka, C. Briand, M. Moncuquet, F. Pantellini, L. Griton, X. Bonnin, P.-L. Astier, D. Dias, C. Louis, and B. Collet, Re-Exploring the Radio Spectrum of Uranus in Orbit : Science Case and Digital High Frequency Receiver, in "Planetary, Solar and Heliospheric Radio Emissions IXÓ, edited by C. K. Louis, C. M. Jackman, G. Fischer, A. H. Sulaiman, P. Zucca, published by DIAS, TCD, pp. 407–420, 2023. doi: 10.25546/103105

[P55]        Lamy, L., A. Duchne, E. Mauduit, P. Zarka, S. Yerin, C. Louis, J.-M. Griessmeier, J. Girard, and G. Theureau, Probing Jupiter-Satellite Interactions from the Beaming of their Decametric Emissions : The Case of Europa and Ganymede, in "Planetary, Solar and Heliospheric Radio Emissions IXÓ, edited by C. K. Louis, C. M. Jackman, G. Fischer, A. H. Sulaiman, P. Zucca, published by DIAS, TCD, pp. 267–277, 2023. doi: 10.25546/103097

[P56]        Mauduit, E., J.-M. Grie§meier, P. Zarka, and J.D. Turner, PALANTIR: an updated prediction tool for exoplanetary radio emissions, in "Planetary, Solar and Heliospheric Radio Emissions IXÓ, edited by C. K. Louis, C. M. Jackman, G. Fischer, A. H. Sulaiman, P. Zucca, published by DIAS, TCD, pp. 485–496, 2023. doi: 10.25546/103092

[P57]        Turner, J. D., P. Zarka, J.-M. Grie§meier, E. Mauduit, L. Lamy, T. Kimura, B. Cecconi, J. N. Girard, L. V. E. Koopmans, Follow-up Radio Observations of the τ Boštis Exoplanetary System: Preliminary Results from NenuFAR, in "Planetary, Solar and Heliospheric Radio Emissions IXÓ, edited by C. K. Louis, C. M. Jackman, G. Fischer, A. H. Sulaiman, P. Zucca, published by DIAS, TCD, pp. 497–515, 2023. doi: 10.25546/104048



4. Chapitres dÕOuvrages


[Ch1]       Desch, M. D., M. L. Kaiser, P. Zarka, A. Lecacheux, Y. Leblanc, M. Aubier, and A. Ortega-Molina, Uranus as a Radio Source, in "Uranus", J. T. Bergstralh, E. D. Miner, and M. S. Matthews eds., Univ. Arizona Press, 894-925, 1991.


[Ch2]       Zarka, P., B. M. Pedersen, A. Lecacheux, M. L. Kaiser, M. D. Desch, W. M. Farrell, and W. S. Kurth, Radio emissions from Neptune, in "Neptune and Triton", D. Cruikshank and M. S. Matthews eds., Univ. Arizona Press, 341-387, 1995.


[Ch3]       Zarka, P., Radio emissions from the planets and their moons, Invited tutorial in "Radio Astronomy at Long Wavelength", Geophysical Monograph 119, AGU, 167-178, 2000.


[Ch4]       Zarka, P., Magnetospheres : Jupiter, Radio emissions, in "Encyclopedia of Astronomy and Astrophysics", Edited by Paul Murdin, article 2329. Bristol: IOP Publishing, 2001., 07/2002.


[Ch5]       Clarke, J. T., D. Grodent, S. Cowley, E. Bunce, P. Zarka, J. E. P. Connerney, and T. Satoh, Jupiter's Aurora, in "Jupiter : The Planet, Satellites, and Magnetosphere", F. Bagenal, W. McKinnon and T. Dowling eds., Cambridge Univ. Press, Chapter 26, 639-670, 2004.

[Ch6]       Saur, J., F. M. Neubauer, J. E. P. Connerney, P. Zarka, and M. G. Kivelson, Plasma interaction of Io with its plasma torus, in "Jupiter : The Planet, Satellites, and Magnetosphere", F. Bagenal, W. McKinnon and T. Dowling eds., Cambridge Univ. Press, Chapter 22, 537-560 2004.


[Ch7]       Zarka, P., Plasma interactions of exoplanets with their parent stars and associated radio emissions, in Ç Formation planŽtaire et exoplantes È, Ecole thŽmatique du CNRS, Goutelas (Loire), 23 - 27 mai 2005. J.-L. Halbwachs, D. Egret, and J.-M. Hameury Žds. Strasbourg: Observatoire astronomique de Strasbourg et SF2A, p. 191-242, 2006.


[Ch8]       Zarka, P., Plasma interactions of exoplanets with their parent star and associated radio emissions, in "Tidal effects in Stars, Planets and Disks", M. J. Goupil and J.-P. Zahn eds., EAS Publication Series 29, 245-273, 2008.


[Ch9]       Mitchell, D. G., Carbary, J. F., S. W. H. Cowley, T. Hill, and P. Zarka, The Dynamics of SaturnÕs Magnetosphere, in Ç Saturn from Cassini-Huygens È, R. Brown, M. Dougherty, L. Esposito, T. Krimigis, J.-P. Lebreton and J. H. Waite Eds., Springer, 257-279, 2009.


[Ch10]    Zarka, P., Low-Frequency Radioastronomy Basics, in Ç Radioastronomie Basses FrŽquences : Instrumentation, ThŽmatiques scientifiques, Projets È, XXXme Ecole de Goutelas 2007, CNRS/INSU/SF2A, 4-8/6/2007, edited by P. Zarka, M. Tagger, and B. Cecconi, p. 1-13, 2011.

[Ch11]    Zarka, P., Trois dŽcennies dÕŽtude des Žmissions radio de Jupiter : du RŽseau DŽcamŽtrique de Nanay ˆ LOFAR, in Ç Radioastronomie Basses FrŽquences : Instrumentation, ThŽmatiques scientifiques, Projets È, XXXme Ecole de Goutelas 2007, CNRS/INSU/SF2A, 4-8/6/2007, edited by P. Zarka, M. Tagger, and B. Cecconi, p. 205-215, 2011.

[Ch12]    Tagger, M. and P. Zarka, LOFAR: the LOw Frequency ARray and the french FLOW consortium, in Ç Radioastronomie Basses FrŽquences : Instrumentation, ThŽmatiques scientifiques, Projets È, XXXme Ecole de Goutelas 2007, CNRS/INSU/SF2A, 4-8/6/2007, edited by P. Zarka, M. Tagger, and B. Cecconi, p. 339-344, 2011.


[Ch13]    Zarka, P., Long baseline decameter interferometry between Nanay and LOFAR, in Ç Measurements using Optic and RF Waves È, edited by FrŽdŽrique de Fornel and Pierre-No‘l Favennec, Ch. 12, 291-306, 2013, DOI: 10.1002/9781118586228.ch12


[Ch14]    Zarka, P., Radio Astronomy, in Gargaud M, Irvine W (Eds.) Ç Encyclopedia of Astrobiology È, Springer, DOI 10.1007/978-3-642-27833-4_925-2, 2015.

[Ch15]    Zarka, P., Magnetosphere, in Gargaud M, Irvine W (Eds.) Ç Encyclopedia of Astrobiology È, Springer, DOI 10.1007/978-3-642-27833-4_925-2, 2015.

[Ch16]    Zarka, P., T. J. W. Lazio, G. Hallinan, on behalf of the SKA/Cradle of Life Astrobiology Science Working Group, Magnetospheric Radio Emissions from Exoplanets with the SKA, Proceedings of Advancing Astrophysics with the Square Kilometre Array (AASKA14). 9 -13 June, 2014. Giardini Naxos, Italy, id.120, 2015.

[Ch17]    Hoare, M.G., L. Perez, T. Bourke, L. Testi, I. Jimenez-Serra, P. Zarka, A.P.V. Siemion, H. J. v.Langevelded, L. Loinard, G. Anglada, A. Belloche, P. Bergman, R. Booth, P. Caselli, C. Chandler, C. Codella, G. Hallinan, J. Lazio, I. S. Morrison, L. Podio, A. Remijan, J. Tarter, SKA and the Cradle of Life, Proceedings of Advancing Astrophysics with the Square Kilometre Array (AASKA14). 9 -13 June, 2014. Giardini Naxos, Italy. Online at, id.115, 2015.


[Ch18]    Seki, K., A. Nagy, C. Jackman, F. Crary, D. Fontaine, P. Zarka, P. Wurz, A. Milillo, J. A. Slavin, D. C. Delcourt, M. Wiltberger, R. Ilie, X. Jia, S. A. Ledvina, M. W. Liemohn, and R. W. Schunk, A Review of General Physical and Chemical Processes Related to Plasma Sources and Losses for Solar System Magnetospheres, Plasma Sources of Solar System Magnetospheres, Space Sciences Series of ISSI, Volume 52. ISBN 978-1-4939-3543-7. Springer Science+Business Media New York, p. 27, 2016.


[Ch19]    Acero, F., ... 175 co-authors ... and Zarka, P., French SKA White Book - The French Community towards the Square Kilometre Array, Editor in chief: C. Ferrari, Editors: M. Alves, S. Bosse, S. Corbel, A. Ferrari, K. Ferrire, S. Gauffre, E. Josselin, G. Lagache, S. Lambert, G. Marquette, J.-M. Martin, M.-A. Miville-Deschnes, L. Montier, B. Semelin, G. Theureau, S. Vergani, N. Vilmer, P. Zarka, eprint arXiv:1712.06950, 2017.


[Ch20]    Krupp, N., P. Kollmann, M. F. Thomsen, D. G. Mitchell, X. Jia, A. Masters, P. Zarka, Global configuration and seasonal variations of SaturnÕs magnetosphere, in ÒSaturn in the 21st CenturyÓ, K.H. Baines, F. M. Flasar, N. Krupp, and T. Stallard eds, Cambridge Planetary Science series, Cambridge University Press, 2018.

[Ch21]    Zarka, P., Star-Planet Interactions in the Radio Domain: Prospect for Their Detection, in "Handbook of Exoplanets" (Planets and their Stars:  Interactions), H.J. Deeg, J.A. Belmonte (eds.), Springer International Publishing AG, 1775-1790, 2018.

[Ch22]    Zarka, P., Star-Planet Interactions in the Radio Domain: Prospect for Their Detection, in "Handbook of Exoplanets" (Planets and their Stars:  Interactions), H.J. Deeg, J.A. Belmonte (eds.), Springer International Publishing AG, 1-16, 2020.,


[Ch23]    Kivelson, M., Bagenal, F., Jia, X., Khurana, K., Volwerk, M., and Zarka, P., Ganymede: Its Magnetosphere and its Interaction with the Jovian Magnetosphere, Chapter 3.1, in Ganymede, Cambridge University Press, in press, 2022.

[Ch24]    Bonfond, B., and P. Zarka, Electrodynamic Coupling between Ganymede and the Jovian Ionosphere, Chapter 3.6, in Ganymede, Cambridge University Press, in press, 2022.

[Ch25]    Zarka, P., Radio Astronomy, in Gargaud M et al. (Eds.) Ç Encyclopedia of Astrobiology È, Springer,, 2022.

[Ch26]    Rauer, Heike, Michel Blanc, Julia Venturini, VŽronique Dehant, Brice Demory, Caroline Dorn, Shawn Domagal-Goldman, Bernard Foing, B. Scott Gaudi, Ravit Helled, Kevin Heng, Daniel Kitzman, Eiichiro Kokubo, Louis Le Sergeant dÕHendecourt, Christoph Mordasini, David Nesvorny, Lena Noack, Merav Opher, James Owen, Chris Paranicas, Sascha Quanz, Liping Qin, Ignas Snellen, Leonardo Testi, StŽphane Udry, Joachim Wambsganss, Frances Westall, Philippe Zarka and Qiugang Zong, Solar System/Exoplanet Science Synergies in a multidecadal perspective, Chapter 2, in Planetary Exploration Horizon 2061, Elsevier, in press, 2022.


[Ch27]    Regoli, L. H., B. Palmaerts, R. C. Allen, K. Dialynas, X. Jia, K. E. Miller, L. H. Regoli, E. Roussos, A. H. Sulaiman, J. H. Waite, and P. Zarka, SaturnÕs magnetosphere configuration revealed by the Cassini mission, Chapter 7, in Saturn #2, Cambridge University Press, in press, 2023.

[Ch28]    Zarka, P., Star-Planet Interactions in the Radio Domain: Prospect for Their Detection, in "Handbook of Exoplanets" (Planets and their Stars:  Interactions), H.J. Deeg, J.A. Belmonte (eds.), Springer International Publishing in press, 2024.


[Ch29]    Zarka, P., and J.-M. Grie§meier, Exoplanetary Aurorae, in AGU monograph "Space Environments and their Impact on Exoplanets", Chapter 13, AGU, in preparation, 2024.



5. Monographies, Ouvrages ŽditŽs et Traduits


[O1]          Traduction dÕAnglais en Franais de lÕouvrage ÒLÕUniversÓ, par I. Nicolson & P. Moore, Armand Colin, 1985.


[O2]          PrangŽ, R., W. -H. Ip, P. Zarka, and H. O. Rucker, Planetary magnetospheres, ionospheres, thermospheres and radio emissions, Planet. Space Sci, 41(5), iii-iv, 1993.


[O3]          Traduction dÕAnglais en Franais de lÕouvrage "Stars", par James B. Kaler, Belin, 1995.


[O4]          Zarka, P., and R. PrangŽ, Introduction to the special issue : Magnetospheres of the Outer Planets (Part 1), Planet. Space Sci, 49, 233-236, 2001.

[O5]          Zarka, P., and R. PrangŽ (editors), Magnetospheres of the Outer Planets (Part 1), Planet. Space Sci., 49, 3/4, pp. 233-415, March-April 2001.

[O6]          PrangŽ, R., and P. Zarka (editors), Magnetospheres of the Outer Planets (Part 2), Planet. Space Sci., 49, 10/11, pp. 1005-1173, August-September 2001.


[O7]          Encrenaz, T., J. -P. Bibring, M. Blanc, A. Barucci, F. Roques, and P. Zarka, Le systme solaire (3me Ždition), Savoirs Actuels, EDP-Sciences / CNRS-ƒditions, Paris, 2003.

[O8]          Encrenaz, T.,J. -P. Bibring, M. Blanc, A. Barucci, F. Roques, and P. Zarka, The Solar System (3rd edition), A&A Library, Springer, Germany, 2004.


[O9]          Kunth, D., & P. Zarka, L'Astrologie, Que Sais-je ?, n¡2481, Presses Universitaires de France, Paris, fŽvrier 2005.


[O10]       Zarka, P., M. Tagger, and B. Cecconi (Žditeurs): Radioastronomie Basses FrŽquences : Instrumentation, ThŽmatiques scientifiques, Projets, XXXme Ecole de Goutelas 2007, CNRS/INSU/SF2A, 4-8/6/2007, 2011.


[O11]       PLANETARY RADIO EMISSIONS VIII, Proceedings of the 8th International Workshop on "Planetary, Solar and Heliospheric Radio Emissions", held at Seggauberg near Graz, Austria, 25-27/10/2016, G. Fischer, G. Mann, M. Panchenko and P. Zarka (Eds.), Osterreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Wien, 2017.


[O12]       Kunth, D., P. Zarka, L'Astrologie est elle une imposture ?, CNRS ƒditions / SociŽtŽ / Biblis, ISBN: 978-2-271-11904-9, 14/6/2018.



6. Communications & Abstracts publiŽs (sans comitŽ de lecture)


[C1]          Zarka, P., Voyager observations of planetary lightning, Bull. Am. Astr. Soc., 18, 780, 1986, (presented at 18th Meeting DPS/AAS, Paris, 11/1986).


[C2]          Zarka, P., Progrs dans la thŽorie des Žmissions radio aurorales des plantes, C. R. "JournŽes d'Žtude de l'A. T. P. PlanŽtologie", M. C. Festou and D. Chabod eds., Besanon, 67-70, 1988.

[C3]          Zarka, P., and B. M. Pedersen, ƒclairs d'orages et sondage ionosphŽrique ˆ Jupiter, Saturne et Uranus, C. R. "JournŽes d'Žtude de l'A. T. P. PlanŽtologie", M. C. Festou and D. Chabod eds., Besanon, 55-58, 1988.


[C4]          PrangŽ, R., P. Galopeau, P. Zarka, and D. Rego, The longitudinal dependence of Saturn's auroral emissions : comparison of model predictions from the SKR and UV data, Bull. Am. Astr. Soc., 22, 1068, 1990.


[C5]          Zarka, P., ƒtude radioastronomique des plasmas auroraux des magnŽtosphres planŽtaires, C. R. 4me Congrs "Plasma" de la SociŽtŽ Franaise de Physique, F. Massines ed., UniversitŽ Paul sabatier, Toulouse, 1994.

[C6]          Zarka, P., and R. PrangŽ, The project "ORAJES" : An earth orbiter for radio monitoring of Jupiter and Saturn, Bull. Am. Astr. Soc., 1994, (presented at 25th Meeting of the Division of Planetary Sciences, AAS, 10/1993).

[C7]          PrangŽ, R., and P. Zarka, Les projets ORAJES et J3S : observateurs radio de l'activitŽ aurorale de Jupiter et Saturne, C. R. "JournŽes de l'A. T. P. PlanŽtologie", Toulouse, S. 3. 16, 1994.

[C8]          PrangŽ, R., and P. Zarka, Diagnostic multispectral UV/Radio des aurores de Jupiter : corrŽlation de l'activitŽ aurorale UV/Radio avec les conditions dans le vent solaire et ses perturbations (CME), C. R. "JournŽes de l'A. T. P. PlanŽtologie", Toulouse, S. 3. 17, 1994.

[C9]          Zarka, P., P. Galopeau, A. Lecacheux, R. PrangŽ, and A. Ortega-Molina, TŽlŽdŽtection des magnŽto-plasmas auroraux par mŽthodes radioastronomiques, C. R. "JournŽes de l'A. T. P. PlanŽtologie", Toulouse, S. 3. 19, 1994.

[C10]       Pedersen, B. M., A. Boischot, F. Genova, A. Lecacheux, and P. Zarka, Les Žmissions radio de Neptune, C. R. "JournŽes de l'A. T. P. PlanŽtologie", Toulouse, S. 3. 23, 1994.

[C11]       Zarka, P., et le Groupe DŽcamŽtrique de l'Observatoire de Paris, RŽsultats rŽcents et perspectives en radioastronomie planŽtaire, C. R. "JournŽes de l'A. T. P. PlanŽtologie", Toulouse, S. 4. 5, 1994.

[C12]       Aubier, M., et le Groupe DŽcamŽtrique de l'Observatoire de Paris, Apport de la trs haute rŽsolution ˆ la radioastronomie planŽtaire, C. R. "JournŽes de l'A. T. P. PlanŽtologie", Toulouse, S. 4. 6, 1994.

[C13]       Galopeau, P., P. Zarka, D. Le QuŽau, A. Ortega-Molina, and F. Genova, ModŽlisation de l'Žmission radio kilomŽtrique de Saturne, C. R. "JournŽes de l'A. T. P. PlanŽtologie", Toulouse, S. 4. 7, 1994.

[C14]       Zarka, P., Planetary Lightning, Invited Review, AGU Fall meeting, Session P31 : "Comparative planetary aeronomy", Summary in EOS Suppl., 408, 1/11/1994.


[C15]       Gopalswamy, N., M. R. Kundu, P. K. Manoharan, M. Pick, P. Zarka, and H. Hudson, Characteristics of Flares Producing Type II Radio Bursts, Yohkoh Bulletin Board, 3/1996.

[C16]       PrangŽ, R., L. Ben Jaffel, P. Zarka, et al., HST spectro-imaging of JupiterÕs aurorae in relation with Galileo in-situ measurements, Bull. Am. Astr. Soc., 1996, (presented at 28th Meeting of the DPS/AAS, Hawaii, 10/1996).

[C17]       PrangŽ, R., D. Rego, D. Southwood, P. Zarka, S. Miller, W. Ip, High spatial resolution images of Jovian auroral structures with the Faint Object Camera, in "Science with the Hubble Space Telescope-II", P. Benvenuti, F. D. Maccheto, E. J. Schreier eds., US Gov. Printing Office, 411-242, 558-562, 1996.

[C18]       Zarka, P., R. PrangŽ, R. Manning, J. L. Bougeret, J. P. Lebreton, A. Lecacheux, S. Maurice, N. Meyer-Vernet, and M. Moncuquet, ISS/J3S : Global Long-Term Multispectral Monitoring of Jupiter And Saturn Magnetospheres, ESA SP-385, "Space Station Utilisation Symposium", ESOC/ESA, Darmstadt, Germany, 447-450, 1996.


[C19]       PrangŽ, R., T. Livengood, G. Chagnon, T. Fouchet, S. Maurice, S. Budzien, W. Harris, P. Zarka, M. Kivelson, and W. S. Kurth, Temporal survey of the Jovian auroral activity with IUE during Galileo G1/G2 orbit, Bull. Am. Astr. Soc., 29, 996, 1997.

[C20]       B. P. Ryabov, P. Zarka, H. O. Rucker, V. B. Ryabov, M. Y. Boudjada, Regular Variabilities and Scale Invariants in S-bursts Dynamic Spectra, Radio Physics and Radio Astronomy (Ukrainian Academy of Sciences, Kharkov), 2(4), 402-418, 1997.


[C21]       Pontius, D. H., S. Bolton, J. E. P. Connerney, M. Dougherty, M. Horanyi, W. S. Kurth, M. McGrath, F. Neubauer, and P. Zarka, Researchers discuss the Magnetospheres of Outer Planets, EOS Trans., 79(3), 36, 1998.

[C22]       Zarka, P., J. Queinnec, V. B. Ryabov, and B. P. Ryabov, Ground-based search for exoplanetary magnetospheric radio bursts, C. R. IXmes Rencontre de Blois "Planetary systems : the long view", J. Tran Than Van and L. Celnikier eds., ƒditions Frontires, France, 431-432, 1998.


[C23]       Zarka, P., J. Queinnec, R. PrangŽ, and L. Denis, Les sursauts ÒmillisecondeÓ de Jupiter, traceurs de lÕinteraction Io-magnŽtosphre ?, Actes du 2me "Colloque National de PlanŽtologie" de lÕINSU (Grenoble, 9/98), W. Kofman et al. eds, pp. S6-3, 1-2, 1999.

[C24]       PrangŽ, R., D. Rego, L. Pallier, P. Zarka, J. E. P. Connerney, L. RŽzeau, N. Cornilleau-Wehrlin, M. K. Dougherty, and S. Miller, Morphologie des aurores UV de Jupiter avec HST : analyse corrŽlŽe avec les mesures in-situ, implications pour les processus auroraux de Jupiter, Actes du 2me "Colloque National de PlanŽtologie" de lÕINSU (Grenoble, 9/98), W. Kofman et al. eds, pp. S6-8, 1-4, 1999.

[C25]       Queinnec, J., and P. Zarka, Etude de lÕinteraction entre Io et Jupiter par lÕobservation de lÕŽmission radio dŽcamŽtrique de Jupiter, Actes du 2me "Colloque National de PlanŽtologie" de lÕINSU (Grenoble, 9/98), W. Kofman et al. eds, pp. S6-14, 1-4, 1999.

[C26]       Zarka, P., et lÕŽquipe RPWS/Kronos, Premiers rŽsultats de lÕexpŽrience Cassini-RPWS/Kronos, Actes du 2me "Colloque National de PlanŽtologie" de lÕINSU (Grenoble, 9/98), W. Kofman et al. eds, pp. S6-16, 1-2, 1999.

[C27]       Zarka, P., J. Queinnec, B. P. Ryabov, B. P. Ryabov, and L. Denis, Observations radioastronomiques basses frŽquences ˆ haute sensibilitŽ : application ˆ la recherche dÕexoplantes, Actes du 2me "Colloque National de PlanŽtologie" de lÕINSU (Grenoble, 9/98), W. Kofman et al. eds, pp. S11-10, 1-2, 1999.

[C28]       Zarka, P., J. Queinnec, B. P. Ryabov, B. P. Ryabov, and L. Denis, Recherche dÕexoplantes via leur Žmission de sursauts radio basses frŽquences, Actes du 2me "Colloque National de PlanŽtologie" de lÕINSU (Grenoble, 9/98), W. Kofman et al. eds, pp. S11-11, 1-2, 1999.


[C29]       Zarka, P., D. Oberoi, C. Rosolen, R. Manning, N. Dubouloz, and J. -L. Pinon, A proposal for investigating ionospheric propagation effects and antenna diagrams at low frequency using space-based radio emitters/receivers, LOFAR international workshop, Haystack, Boston,, 15-17/10/2001.


[C30]       Zarka, P., Planetary and heliospheric science with LOFAR, Semaine de l'Astrophysique Franaise, SF2A/PNST, Paris, 24-28/6/2002, F. Combes & D. Barret eds, EDP Sciences, 2002.

[C31]       Farrell, W. M., T. J. Lazio, M. D. Desch, T. Bastian, and P. Zarka, Radio emission from extrasolar planetary systems, presented at "Bioastronomy 2002 : Life Among the Stars", Hamilton Island, Australia, proceedings in ASP Conference series, 7/2002.

[C32]       Langmayr, D., P. Zarka, N. V. Erkaev, V. S. Semenov, H. K. Biernat, H. O. Rucker, Theoretical models describing the energy transport along the Io flux tube and comparison to observations, Geocosmos conference, St-Petersbourg, 2002.

[C33]       Steinberg, J.-L., P. Zarka, C. Lacombe, and S. Hoang, Cutoff frequency of ITKR / low-frequency bursts in the solar wind, URSI proceedings, session HG1 : Spacecraft and ground observations of stimulated and natural space plasma waves, Maastricht, p2076.pdf, 8/2002.

[C34]       Zarka, P., V. Ryabov, and B. Ryabov, Post-detection interference rejection and weak burst detection in time-frequency spectrograms, URSI proceedings, session JFC : Interference mitigation in Radio Science, Maastricht, p2080.pdf, 8/2002.

[C35]       Zarka, P., Planetary Science with the Low Frequency Array (LOFAR), URSI proceedings, session J4 : Probing the Universe at low frequencies, Maastricht, p2078.pdf, 8/2002.

[C36]       Matsumoto, H., H. Kojima, S. Yagitani, Y. Kasahara, Y. Kasaba, Y. Omura, I. Nagano, M. Tsutsui, K. Hashimoto, T. Okada, J.-L. Bougeret, L. Blomberg, H. Laakso, R. Grard, A. Roux, F. Lefeuvre, J. E. Wahlund, P. Zarka, M. Moncuquet, G. Chanteur, O. Le Contel , J.-G. Trotignon, and T. Dudok de Wit, Plasma wave investigation in Mercury : BepiColombo MMO mission, URSI proceedings, session HG1 : Spacecraft and Ground Observations of Stimulated and Natural Space-Plasma Waves, K. Hashimoto and R.R. Anderson eds., Maastricht, p1898.pdf, 8/2002.

[C37]       Zarka, P., Recherche de plantes extra-solaires sur ondes radio basses frŽquences, Actes du 3me "Colloque National de PlanŽtologie" de lÕINSU (Nantes, 9/2002), O. Grasset, A. Cossard & C. Sotin eds, p. 36, 2002.

[C38]       Zarka, P., Spectre et localisation des radiosources basses frŽquences Joviennes et implications sur le sillage de plasma d'Io, Actes du 3me "Colloque National de PlanŽtologie" de lÕINSU (Nantes, 9/2002), O. Grasset, A. Cossard & C. Sotin eds, pp. 216-217, 2002.


[C39]       PrangŽ, R., and P. Zarka, Planetary Aurorae, Invited paper #GAIII.14/07P/A12-007 (Abstract book p. B-242) at 23th IUGG General Assembly, Sapporo, Japan, 29/6-11/7/2003.


[C40]       Weber, R., L. Amiaud, A. Coffre, L. Denis, A. Lecacheux, C. Rosolen, C. Viou, and P. Zarka, Digital implementation of a robust radioastronomical spectral analyzer : towards IIIZW35 reconquest, in Proceedings of EUSIPCO 2004 conference, Wien, Austria, 9/2004.

[C41]       Dumez-Viou, C., S. Bretteil, A. Coffre, P. Colom, L. Denis, A. Lecacheux, J.-M. Martin, R. Weber, and P. Zarka, RFI Mitigation for Radio-Astronomy, Semaine de l'Astrophysique Franaise, SF2A, Paris, 14-18/6/2004, F. Combes & D. Barret eds, EDP Sciences, 2004.

[C42]       Cecconi, B., and P. Zarka, Goniopolarimetry of the Quasi-Periodic bursts of Jupiter, SF2A-2004: Semaine de l'Astrophysique Francaise, meeting held in Paris, France, June 14-18, 2004, Eds.: F. Combes, D. Barret, T. Contini, F. Meynadier and L. Pagani EdP-Sciences, Conference Series, 244, 2004.

[C43]       Dumez-Viou, C., A. Coffre, P. Colom, L. Denis, A. Lecacheux, J.-M. Martin, R. Weber, and P. Zarka, RFI Mitigation with a digital receiver, SF2A-2004: Semaine de l'Astrophysique Francaise, meeting held in Paris, France, June 14-18, 2004, Eds.: F. Combes, D. Barret, T. Contini, F. Meynadier and L. Pagani EdP-Sciences, Conference Series, 211, 2004.

[C44]       C. Dumez-Viou, A. Coffre, P. Colom, L. Denis, A. Lecacheux, J.-M. Martin, P. Ravier, Weber, R., and P. Zarka, RFI Mitigation and burst detection with a reconfigurable digital receiver, Workshop on Mitigation of Radio Frequency Interference in Radio Astronomy "RFI 2004", Penticton, British Columbia, Canada, 16-18 July, 2004.

[C45]       Ryabov, V. B., P. Zarka, and B. P. Ryabov, Detecting Radio bursts from Exoplanets : instrumental and statistical limitations of sensitivity in 1999-2001 observations with UTR-2 decameter array, (Invited Review) Proceedings of Joint AOGS 1st Annual Meeting & 2nd APHW Conference, ession SP20 :"Solar System Radiophysics", Singapore, p. 385, 4-9/7/2004.


[C46]       P. Zarka, Planetary Low-Frequency radioastronomy with large ground-based instruments, URSI General Assembly, J05 COM 9, Delhi, India, 10/2005.

[C47]       C. Dumez-Viou, P. Ravier, and P. Zarka, Real Time Detection of natural brief events in a corrupted environment, URSI General Assembly, J05 COM 9, JE-P.10(0969), 10/2005.

[C48]       Weber, R., S. Bretteil, A. Coffre, P. Colom, C. Dumez-Viou, P. Couratier, L. Denis, E. GŽrard, G. Kenfack, P. Picard, A. Kerdraon, A. Lecacheux, P. Ravier, I. Thomas, and P. Zarka, Theoretical and practical radio frequency interference mitigation developments at Nanay observatory, URSI General Assembly, J05 COM 9, 10/2005.

[C49]       V. B. Ryabov, et al., "Hyper Fine Dynamic Spectra of Jovian Decametric S-Bursts", Radio Physics and Radio Astronomy (Ukrainian Academy of Sciences, Kharkov), in press, 2005.


[C50]       Fender, R., R. Braun, R. Wijers, M. Wise, T. Coenen, H. Falcke, J.-M. Grie§meier, M. van Haarlem, C. Law, S. Markoff, J. Masters, J. Miller-Jones, R. Osten, B. Scheers, H. Spreeuw, J. Swinbank, C. Vogt, R . Wijnands, and P. Zarka, The LOFAR Transients Key Project, Ç VI Microquasar Workshop: Microquasars and Beyond È, 18-22/9/2006, Como, Italy, Proceedings of Science, PoS(MQW6)104, 2006.

[C51]       Briand, C., A. Zaslavsky, A. Lecacheux, P. Zarka, M. Maksimovic, and A. Mangeney, The faint drifting decameter radio bursts from the Solar corona, Proceedings of the 2nd Solar Orbiter Workshop, Athens, Greece, ESA SP-641, 12/2006.


[C52]       Spreeuw, H., J.-M. Grie§meier, and P. Zarka, Predicting low-frequency radio fluxes from known extrasolar planets, Ç Bursts, Pulses and Flickering:Wide-field monitoring of the dynamic radio sky È, Kerastari, Tripolis, Greece, 6/2007, Proceedings of Science, PoS(Dynamic2007)007, 2007.

[C53]       Fender, R., R. Wijers, B. Stappers, R. Braun, M. Wise, T. Coenen, H. Falcke, J.-M. Grie§meier, M. van Haarlem, G. de Bruyn, P. Jonker, C. Law, S. Markoff, J. Masters, J. Miller-Jones, R. Osten, B. Scheers, H. Spreeuw, J. Swinbank, C. Vogt, R . Wijnands, and P. Zarka, LOFAR Transients and the Radio Sky Monitor, , Ç Bursts, Pulses and Flickering:Wide-field monitoring of the dynamic radio sky È, Kerastari, Tripolis, Greece, 6/2007, Proceedings of Science, PoS(Dynamic2007)030, 2007.

[C54]       Hess, S., P. Zarka, and F. Mottez, Simulation of the Io Flux Tube radio emissions, XVIIImes Rencontres de Blois, Ç Planetary Science : challenge and discoveries È, Blois, 5/2006, in press, 2007.

[C55]       Mottez, F., S. Hess, and P. Zarka, Jovian S-bursts as markers of electron acceleration by Alfven waves, SF2A-2007: Proceedings of the Annual meeting of the French Society of Astronomy and Astrophysics held in Grenoble, France, July 2-6, 2007, Eds.: J. Bouvier, A. Chalabaev, and C. Charbonnel, p.607, 7/2007.

[C56]       Weber, R., P. Zarka, V. B. Ryabov, R. Feliachi, J.-M. Grie§meier, L. Denis, R. V. Kozhyn, V. V. Vinogradov, and P. Ravier, Data Preprocessing for Decametre Wavelength Exoplanet Detection: An Example of Cyclostationary RFI Detector, in EUSIPCOÕ07 conference proceedings, M. Domański, R. Stasiński & M. Bartkowiak eds., 2459 – 2463, Poznan, Pologne, 2007.


[C57]       Grie§meier, J.-M., P. Zarka, J. Girard, S. ter Veen, and H. Falcke, Ground-based study of solar system planetary lightning, ISKAF2010 Science Meeting, June 10-14, 2010, Assen, the Netherlands, Proceedings of Science, PoS(ISKAF2010)022, 2010.

[C58]       P. Zarka, J.-M. Grie§meier, J. Girard, S. Hess, B. Cecconi, L. Denis, et al., Etudes Planetaires et Exoplanetaires avec le Radiotelescope LOFAR, Programme National de PlanŽtologie, Colloque Quadriennal de Bilan et Prospective, IUEM PlouzanŽ, 13-15/9/ 2010.

[C59]       B. Cecconi, L. Lamy, P. Zarka, R. PrangŽ, P. Louarn, et al., ƒtudes GoniopolarimŽtriques des ƒmissions Radio de Saturne, Programme National de PlanŽtologie, Colloque Quadriennal de Bilan et Prospective, IUEM PlouzanŽ, 13-15/9/ 2010.

[C60]       S. Hess, F. Mottez, P. Zarka, et al., Interaction ƒlectrodynamique, AccŽlŽration des ƒlectrons et Sursauts Radio, Programme National de PlanŽtologie, Colloque Quadriennal de Bilan et Prospective, IUEM PlouzanŽ, 13-15/9/ 2010.

[C61]       S. Hess, L. Lamy, B. Cecconi, P. Zarka, F. Mottez, R. PrangŽ, et al., ModŽlisation des Spectres Dynamiques Radio de Jupiter et Saturne, Programme National de PlanŽtologie, Colloque Quadriennal de Bilan et Prospective, IUEM PlouzanŽ, 13-15/9/ 2010.

[C62]       Lamy, R. PrangŽ, B. Cecconi, P. Zarka, et al., Les Ovales Auroraux Radio et UV de Saturne, Programme National de PlanŽtologie, Colloque Quadriennal de Bilan et Prospective, IUEM PlouzanŽ, 13-15/9/ 2010.

[C63]       L. Lamy, P. Schippers, P. Zarka, B. Cecconi, P. Louarn, N. AndrŽ, et al., ƒtude In Situ Multi-Instruments dÕune Source Radio Aurorale de Saturne, Programme National de PlanŽtologie, Colloque Quadriennal de Bilan et Prospective, IUEM PlouzanŽ, 13-15/9/ 2010.

[C64]       P. Zarka, L. Lamy, B. Cecconi, R. PrangŽ, et al., La PŽriode de Rotation Radio de Saturne, Programme National de PlanŽtologie, Colloque Quadriennal de Bilan et Prospective, IUEM PlouzanŽ, 13-15/9/ 2010.


[C65]       J.-M. Grie§meier, M. Tagger, P. Zarka, et le consortium FLOW, La radioastronomie avec LOFAR, JournŽes scientifiques 2011 d'Ursi-France : Ç Les radiotŽlescopes du futur : technologies et avancŽes scientifiques È, CNAM, Paris, les 29-30 mars 2011.

[C66]       Girard, J. N., P. Zarka, M. Tagger, L. Denis, D. Charrier, A. A. Konovalenko, and F. Boone, Etudes dÕantennes et distribution pour une Super Station LOFAR ˆ Nanay, URSI-F2011/28, JournŽes scientifiques 2011 d'Ursi-France : Ç Les radiotŽlescopes du futur : technologies et avancŽes scientifiques È, CNAM, Paris, les 29-30 mars 2011.

[C67]       Tasse, C., P. Zarka, et al., LOFAR imaging & calibration, JournŽes scientifiques 2011 d'Ursi-France : Ç Les radiotŽlescopes du futur : technologies et avancŽes scientifiques È, CNAM, Paris, les 29-30 mars 2011.

[C68]       J.-M. Grie§meier, R. Fars, J.-F. Donati, C. Moutou, M. M. Jardine, and P. Zarka, Searching for exoplanetary radio emission: Rotational periodicity?, DGG/AEF conference (German Geophysical Society and German Extraterrestrial Physics Working group), Cologne, Germany,, session EA (Extrasolar Planets and Astrobiology), 21-24/2/2011.

[C69]       Ter Veen, S., H. Falcke, R. Fender, J.R. Hšrandel, C.W. James, S. Rawlings, P. Schellart, B. Stappers, R. Wijers, M. Wise, and P. Zarka, FRATs: a search for Fast Radio Transients with LOFAR, in Ç Radio Pulsars : An Astrophysical Key to Unlock the Secrets of the Universe È, AIP Conference Proc., Vol. 1357, pp. 331-334, 2011.

[C70]       Ter Veen, S., M. van den Akker, L. BŠhren, S. Buitink, A. Corstanje, E. Enriquez, R. Fender, W. Frieswijk, A. Horneffer, H. Falcke, J. Hšrandel, C.W. James, R.A. McFadden, M. Mevius, A. Nelles, S. Rawlings, P. Schellart, O. Scholten, K. Singh, B. Stappers, S. Thoudam, R. Wijers, M. Wise, P. Zarka, FRATs : Searching for Fast Radio Transients in real-time with LOFAR, in Proc. IAU Symp. N¡285 Ç New Horizons in Time Domain Astronomy È, R.E.M. Griffin, R.J. Hanisch & R. Seaman, eds., in press, 2011.

[C71]       Rob Fender on behalf of the LOFAR Transients Key Science Project (, The scientific potential of LOFAR for time-domain astronomy, in Proc. IAU Symp. N¡285 Ç New Horizons in Time Domain Astronomy È, R.E.M. Griffin, R.J. Hanisch & R. Seaman, eds., in press, 2011.

[C72]       Zakharenko, V. V., Mylostna, K. Y., Fischer, G., Konovalenko, Alexandr A., Zarka, P., Griebmeier, J.-M., Ryabov, B. P., Vavriv, Dmitry M., Ryabov, V. B., Rucker, H. O., Ravier, P., Sidorchuk, M. A., Cecconi, B., Coffre, A., Denis, L., Fabrice, C., Kozhyn, R. V., Mukha, D. V., Pallier, L., Schneider, J., Shevchenko, V. A., Vinogradov, V. V., Weber, R., Nikolaenko, V. S., Identification of Saturn Lightnings Recorded by the UTR-2 Radio Telescope and Cassini Spacecraft, Radio Physics and Radio Astronomy, 2(2), 93-98, 2011.


[C73]       Zarka, P., J. N. Girard, M. Tagger, L. Denis, and the LSS team, LSS/NenuFAR: The LOFAR Super Station project in Nanay, SF2A-2012: Proc. Annual meeting of the French Society of Astronomy and Astrophysics, Eds.: S. Boissier, P. de Laverny, N. Nardetto, R. Samadi, D. Valls-Gabaud and H. Wozniak, pp.687-694, 2012.

[C74]       Girard, J. N., P. Zarka, C. Tasse, and S. Hess, Jupiter synchrotron imaging with LOFAR, SF2A-2012: Proc. Annual meeting of the French Society of Astronomy and Astrophysics, Eds.: S. Boissier, P. de Laverny, N. Nardetto, R. Samadi, D. Valls-Gabaud and H. Wozniak, pp.681-686, 2012.

[C75]       Aminaei, A., M. Klein-Wolt, H. Falcke, P. Zarka, L. Chen, T. Bronzwaer, H. Vedantham, L. Koopmans, Ultra-Long-Wavelength Radio Observations on the Moon : a Scientific and Technical Review, Proceedings of the 63rd International Astronautical Congress, in press, 2012.


[C76]       Gautier, A.-L., B. Cecconi, and P. Zarka, ARTEMIS-P : un code de tracé de rayons en milieu anisotrope et applications en radio astronomie, C.R. des Journées Scientifiques de lÕURSI-France, Mars 2013.

[C77]       Girard, J. N., P. Zarka, M. Tagger, L. Denis, and the LSS team, The LOFAR Super Station: An Application of the Hierarchical Design of Phased Arrays for Low-Frequency Radio Astronomy, EMTS Conference, Hiroshima, 2013.

[C78]       Gautier, A.-L., B. Cecconi, and P. Zarka, ARTEMIS-P: A general Ray Tracing code in anisotropic plasma for radioastronomical applications, EMTS Conference, Hiroshima, 2013.


[C79]       Mylostna, K., V. V. Zakharenko, A. A. Konovalenko, G. Fisher, P. Zarka, M. A. Sidorchuk, Fine time structure of lightning on Saturn, Radio physics and Radio Astronomy, 19(1), 10-19, ISSN 1027-9636, 2014.


[C80]       Konovalenko, A., P. Zarka, L. Sodin, V. Zakharenko, O. Ulyanov, M. Sidorchuk, S. Stepkin, P. Tokarsky, A. Stanislavsky, N. Kalinichenko, V. Koliadin, V. Melnik, V. Dorovskyy, V. Shepelev, A. Koval, I. Bubnov, S. Yerin, , I. Vasylieva, A. Gridin, V. Kulishenko, A. Reznik, A. Reznichenko, G. Kvasov, D. Mukha, A. Khristenko, G. Litvinenko, H.O. Rucker, M. Panchenko, G. Fischer, A. Lecacheux, L. Denis, A. Coffre, J.-M. Grie§meier, M. Tagger, J. Girard, D. Charrier, V. Ryabov, G. Mann, A. Brazhenko and V. Koshovyy, State-of-the-art of low frequency radio astronomy, relevant antenna systems and international cooperation in Ukraine, International Conference on Antenna Theory and Techniques (ICATT), Kharkiv, Ukraine, pp. 8-12, 21-24 April, 2015.

[C81]       Zarka, P., M. Tagger, L. Denis, J. N. Girard, A. Konovalenko, M. Atemkeng, M. Arnaud, S. Azarian, M. Barsuglia, A. Bonafede, F. Boone, A. Bosma, R. Boyer, M. Branchesi, C. Briand, B. Cecconi, S. Célestin, D. Charrier, E. Chassande-Mottin, A. Coffre, I. Cognard, ,F. Combes, ,S. Corbel, C. Courte, A. Dabbech, S. Daiboo, R. Dallier, C. Dumez-Viou, M. N. El Korso, E. Falgarone, I. Falkovich, A. Ferrari, C. Ferrari, K. Ferrière, C. Fevotte, A. Fialkov, M. Fullekrug, E. Gérard, J.-M. Grie§meier, B. Guiderdoni, L. Guillemot, J. Hessels, L. Koopmans, V. Kondratiev, L. Lamy, T. Lanz, P. Larzabal, M. Lehnert, F. Levrier, ,A. Loh, G. Macario, J.-J. Maintoux, L. Martin, D. Mary, S. Masson, M.-A. Miville-Deschenes, D. Oberoi, M. Panchenko, M. Pandey-Pommier, A. Petiteau, J.-L. Pinon, B. Revenu, F. Rible, C. Richard, H. O. Rucker, P. Salomé, B. Semelin, M. Serylak, O. Smirnov, B. Stappers, C. Taffoureau, C. Tasse, G. Theureau, P. Tokarsky, S. Torchinsky, O. Ulyanov, W. van Driel, ,I. Vasylieva, J. Vaubaillon, F. Vazza, S. Vergani, M. Was, R. Weber, and V. Zakharenko, NenuFAR: Instrument Description and Science Case, International Conference on Antenna Theory and Techniques (ICATT), Kharkiv, Ukraine, pp. 13-18, 21-24 April, 2015.

[C82]       Mottez, F. and P. Zarka, The electromagnetic interaction of a planet in a rotation powered pulsar wind: an explanation to fast radio bursts, SF2A 2015, S. Boissier, V. Buat, L. CambrŽsy, F. Martins and P. Petit (eds), 2015.

[C83]       Courtin, R., M. Pandey-Pommier, D. Gautier, P. Zarka, M. Hofstadter, F. Hersant and J. Girard, Metric Observations of Saturn with the Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope, SF2A 2015, S. Boissier, V. Buat, L. CambrŽsy, F. Martins and P. Petit (eds), 2015.

[C84]       Marcote, B., et al., Orbital and superorbital variability of LS I +61 303 at low radio frequencies with GMRT and LOFAR, High Energy Phenomena in Relativistic Outflows V, AAA Workshop Series 8, L. J. Pellizza and G. S. Vila, Eds., 2015.


[C85]       Cendes, Y., Wijers, R. A. M. J., Swinbank, J. D., Rowlinson, A., van der Horst, A. J., Carbone, D., Broderick, J. W., Staley, T. D., Stewart, A. J., Molenaar, G., Huizinga, F., Alexov, A., Bell, M. E., Coenen, T., Corbel, S., Eislšffel, J., Fender, R., Grie§meier, J., Hessel, J., Jonker, P., Kramer, M., Kuniyoshi, M., Law, C. J., Markoff, S., Pietka, M., Stappers, B., Wise, M., Zarka, P., LOFAR Observations of Swift J1644+57 and Implications for Short-Duration Transients, eprint arXiv:1412.3986, 2016.

[C86]       Boonstra, A.J., et al., Discovering the Sky at the Longest Wavelengths (DSL), IAC, IEEE, in press, 2016.

[C87]       Mottez, F., C. GuŽpin, K. Kotera, G. Voisin, and P. Zarka, Models of Fast Radio Bursts at cosmological distances, SF2A-2016: Proc. Annual meeting of the French Society of Astronomy and Astrophysics, Eds.: L. CambrŽsy et al., 83-87, 2016.

[C88]       Cecconi, B., and the NOIRE team, The NOIRE study, SF2A-2016: Proc. Annual meeting of the French Society of Astronomy and Astrophysics, Eds.: L. CambrŽsy et al., 335-338, 2016.

[C89]       Cecconi, B., and the NOIRE team, Mapping the radio sky from 0.1 to 100 MHz with NOIRE, SF2A-2016: Proc. Annual meeting of the French Society of Astronomy and Astrophysics, Eds.: L. CambrŽsy et al., 339-342, 2016.

[C90]       Zarka, P. and F. Mottez, Observations of Fast Radio Bursts and perspectives at low frequencies, SF2A-2016: Proc. Annual meeting of the French Society of Astronomy and Astrophysics, Eds.: L. CambrŽsy et al., 343-347, 2016.


[C91]       Ke Fang, Jaime çlvarez-Mu–iz, Rafael Alves Batista, Mauricio Bustamante, Washington Carvalho, Didier Charrier, Isma‘l Cognard, Sijbrand De Jong, Krijn D. de Vries, Chad Finley, Quanbu Gou, Junhua Gu, Claire GuŽpin, Jordan Hanson, Hongbo Hu, Kumiko Kotera, Sandra Le Coz, Yi Mao, Olivier Martineau-Huynh, Clementina Medina, Miguel Mostafa, Fabrice Mottez, Kohta Murase, Valentin Niess, Foteini Oikonomou, Frank Schršder, Cyril Tasse, Charles Timmermans, Nicolas Renault-Tinacci, Mat’as Tueros, Xiang-Ping Wu, Philippe Zarka, Andreas Zech, Yi Zhang, Qian Zheng, Anne Zilles, The Giant Radio Array for Neutrino Detection (GRAND): Present and Perspectives, 35th International Cosmic Ray Conference — ICRC2017, Bexco, Busan, Korea, PoS, 10–20/7/2017.

[C92]       Acero, F., ... 175 co-authors ... and Zarka, P., French SKA White Book - The French Community towards the Square Kilometre Array, Editor in chief: C. Ferrari, Editors: M. Alves, S. Bosse, S. Corbel, A. Ferrari, K. Ferrire, S. Gauffre, E. Josselin, G. Lagache, S. Lambert, G. Marquette, J.-M. Martin, M.-A. Miville-Deschnes, L. Montier, B. Semelin, G. Theureau, S. Vergani, N. Vilmer, P. Zarka, eprint arXiv:1712.06950, 2017.

(cf. section Planets, Sun, Stars and Civilizations, P. Zarka et al.)


[C93]       Cecconi, B., Le Sidaner, P., Savalle, R., Bonnin, X., Zarka, P., Louis, C., Coffre, A., Aicardi, S., Lamy, L., Denis, L., Griessmeier, J.-M., Faden, J., Piker, C., AndrŽ, N., GŽnot, V., Erard, S., Mafi, J. N., King, T. A., Sharlow, M., Sky, J., Demleitner, M., MASER: A Tool Box for Low Frequency Radio Astronomy, RAL Conf Proceedings, RAL-CONF-2018-001. Proceedings of the 2018 conference on adding value and preserving data (PV2018), Harwell, UK, 15-17 May 2018. STFC, 2018.

[C94]       Cecconi, B., Lamy, L., Louis, C., Zarka, P., Denis, L., Fave, A., Dubos, M.-A., Le Sidaner, P., and Stoll, V., Digitizing analogic spectrograms recorded by the Nanay Decameter Array on 35 mm film rolls from 1970 to 1990, RAL Conf Proceedings, RAL-CONF-2018-001. Proceedings of the 2018 conference on adding value and preserving data (PV2018), Harwell, UK, 15-17 May 2018. STFC, 2018., arXiv:2003.12479

[C95]       GRAND collaboration, J. Alvarez-Muniz, R. A. Batista, M. Bustamante, W. Carvalho Jr., D. Charrier, I. Cognard, S. De Jong, K. De Vries, K. Fang, C. Finley, Q. Gou, J. Gu, C. GuŽpin, H. Hu, K. Kotera, S. Le Coz, O. Martineau, M. Mostafa, F. Mottez, K. Murase, V. Niess, F. Oikonomou, D. Ran, F. Schroder, C. Tasse, C. Timmermans, N. Renault-Tinacci, M. Tueros, X.-P. Wu, P. Zarka, A. Zech, Y. Zhang, Q. Zheng, A. Zilles, Giant Radio Array for Neutrino Detection : Science and Design, 10/2018. arXiv:1810.09994


[C96]       Dallier, R., Bondonneau, L., Charrier, D., Coffre, A., Corbel, S., Denis, L., Dumez-Viou, C., Escudie, A., Garc’a-Fernˆndez, D., Girard, J., Grie§meier, J. M., Koopmans, L., Loh, A., Martin, L., Pandey-Pommier, M., Revenu, B., Zarka, P., Exploration of the Potential of the Radio-Detection Technique for the Detection of High-Energy Gamma Rays, 36th International Cosmic Ray Conference (ICRC2019), 24/7-1/8/2019, Madison, WI, USA., id.655, 07/2019.

[C97]       Bondonneau, L., J.-M. Grie§meier, G. Theureau, and the NenuFAR-France collaboration, Low frequency pulsar observations with NenuFAR, Proc. JS 19 URSI-France, "Approcher les deux infinis par les ondes ŽlectromagnŽtiques", OVSQ, 26-27/3/2019.


[C98]       Zarka, P., et al., The low-frequency radio telescope NenuFAR, Session J01 Ç New Telescopes on the Frontier È, URSI GASS, Rome, 29/8-5/9/2020.  ;

[C99]       Ulyanov, O., A. Shevtsova, S. Yerin, O. Konovalenko, V. Zakharenko, J.-M. Grie§meier, P. Zarka, A. Skoryk, Hybrid algorithm of Dispersion delay retrieval and removal in Radio Astronomy, 10th IntÕl Kharkiv Symposium on Physics and Engineering of Microwaves, Millimeter and  Submillimeter waves (MSMW), 2020 IEEE Ukrainian Microwave week, Kharkiv, Ukraine, pp. 809-812, 21-25/9/2020. Doi :10.1109/UkrMW49653.2020.9252572

[C100]    Yerin, S., A. Konovalenko, P. Tokarsky, I. Bubnov, V. Zakharenko, O. Ulyanov, G. Kvasov, V. Dorovskyy, V. Melnik, M. Kalinichenko, A. Stanislavsky, M. Shevchuk, A. Shevtsova, V. Kharlanova, Y. Vasylkivskyi, I. Kravtsov, A. Reznichenko, V. Bortsov, V. Lisachenko, M. Sydorchuk, S. Stepkin, V. Shepelev, A. Khristenko, A. Belov, A. Myasoyed, D. Mukha, P. Zarka, H. Rucker, M. Panchenko, L. Denis, A . Coffre, D. Charrier, J. Girard, Phased subarray of the low-frequency radio telescope GURT as a standalone instrument for radio astronomy studies, 2020 IEEE Ukrainian Microwave week, Kharkiv (UkrMW), pp. 1-5, 2020. Doi :10.1109/UkrMW49653.2020.9252788


[C101]    Konovalenko, A., N. Kalinichenko, V. Zakharenko, O. Ulyanov, V. Dorovskyy, V. Melnik, A. Stanislavsky, P. Zarka, B. Cecconi, H. Rucker, V. Krupar, I. Bubnov, S. Yerin, P. Tokarsky, M. Sidorchuk, S. Stepkin, L. Lytvinenko, Ya. Yatskiv, Yu. Shkuratov, N. Kuhai, N. Shevchuk, A. Brazhenko, V. Koshovyy, O. Ivantyshin, O. Lytvinenko, A. Romanchuk, A. Shevtsova, I. Kravtsov, V. Kharlanova, Ground-based support of space missions by Ukrainian radio telescopes, Report to COSPAR "Space Research in Ukraine 2018-2020", NASU Space Research Institute & SSA, Ed. O. FEDOROV, pp. 5-14, 2021.

[C102]    Kotera, K., on behalf of the GRAND collaboration, The Giant Radio Array for Neutrino Detection (GRAND) Project, 37th International Cosmic Ray Conference (ICRC2021), 12-23/7/2021, Online, Berlin, Germany. Proceedings of Science, in press, 2021. arXiv:2108.00032v1

[C103]    Grie§meier, J.-M., J. Turner, and P. Zarka, The search for radio emission from extrasolar planets using LOFAR beam formed observations, SF2A-2021: Proc. Annual meeting of the French Society of Astronomy and Astrophysics, Eds.: A. Siebert, K. Bailli, E. Lagadec, N. Lagarde, J. Malzac , J.-B. Marquette, M. NDiaye, J. Richard, O. Venot, pp. 491-492, 2021.


[C104]    Decoene, V., P. Zarka, C. Ng, N. Moukaddem, P. Gaspari, U. Laine, J.-M. Griessmeier, I. Cognard, F. Mottez, G. Voisin, R. Dallier, L. Martin, and the NenuFAR team, Status of the NenuFAR Fast Radio Burst Program, SF2A 2023, M. NÕDiaye et al. (eds), pp. 137-141, 2023.


[C105]    O. Ulyanov, C. Tiburzi, A. Shevtsova, V. Zakharenko, A. Konovalenko, P. Zarka, J-M. Grieβmeier, S. Yerin, I. Kravtsov, A. Brazhenko, A. Frantsuzenko, M. Skoryk, A. Skoryk, Use of Pulsar Pulses for Probing of the Space Magnetoactive Plasma, International scientific conference "Main Astronomical Observatory of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine – 1944 and beyond. Impact of international cooperation" dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the Observatory, Kyiv, July 15-17, p. 35, 2024.



7. SŽminaires, ateliers, confŽrences


[S1]          Zarka, P., L'instabilitŽ Maser Synchrotron : R™le de l'inhomogŽnŽitŽ, Atelier Observatoire de Paris-Meudon/CRPE-CNET, "Les Žmissions radio des plantes", Meudon, 14-15/10/1986, Publication dans les C. R., 180-201, 1987.


[S2]          Zarka, P., "C'est grave docteur" ? ou Tentative de diagnostic ˆ distance des processus auroraux via leurs Žmissions radio, C. R. "ƒtude comparative des environnements ionisŽs", C. BŽghin ed., LPCE/CNRS OrlŽans, France, 1991.


[S3]          Zarka, P., and A. Lecacheux, La possibilitŽ de dŽtecter des plantes hors Systme Solaire ˆ l'aide de leurs Žmissions radio ˆ trs grands l, Forum "Plantes Extra-Solaires", Meudon, France, 3/1992.


[S4]          Zarka, P., Pluto Fast Flyby, SŽminaire de prospective du GdR Plasmae, OrlŽans, France, 3/1993.


[S5]          Zarka, P., H. P. Ladreiter, and A. Lecacheux, "Direction-Finding" et polarisation des sources des rayonnements hectomŽtrique et kilomŽtrique de Jupiter observŽs par Ulysse : Origine aurorale, directivitŽ et modes d'Žmission, C. R. du SŽminaire scientifique du GdR Plasmae (Giens, France, 10/1993), D. Hubert ed., Meudon, 42-50, 1994.

[S6]          PrangŽ, R., P. Shimmin, and P. Zarka, Des orages magnŽtiques sur Jupiter ?, C. R. du SŽminaire scientifique du GdR Plasmae (Giens, France, 10/1993), D. Hubert ed., Meudon, 56, 1994.

[S7]          PrangŽ, R., and P. Zarka, ORAJES et J3S, C. R. du SŽminaire scientifique du GdR Plasmae (Giens, France, 10/1993), D. Hubert ed., Meudon, 51-55, 1994.


[S8]          Zarka, P., Exoplanet search at Kharkov, 2nd VLFA (Very Low Frequency Astrophysics) meeting, Paris, 6/1995.

[S9]          Zarka, P., Recherche de plantes extra-solaires sur ondes dŽcamŽtriques, C. R. "La dŽtection au sol de plantes extrasolairesÓ, CNRS/Observatoire de Haute-Provence/Institut Gassendi (Marseille), 1995.


[S10]       Queinnec, J., and P. Zarka, Interaction Io-Jupiter et sursauts radio ÒmillisecondesÓ, C. R. du SŽminaire scientifique du GdR Plasmae (Chantilly, France, 12/1996), N. Cornilleau-Wehrlin and L. RŽzeau eds., VŽlizy, P9-P12, 1996.

[S11]       PrangŽ, R., D. Rego, T. Fouchet, L. Pallier, L. Frank, M. Kivelson, T. Livengood, P. Zarka, S. Miller, D. Southwood, and P. Louarn, Spectro imagerie de Jupiter avec HST et IUE en relation avec les mesures in-situ de Galileo, C. R. du SŽminaire scientifique du GdR Plasmae (Chantilly, France, 12/1996), N. Cornilleau-Wehrlin and L. RŽzeau eds., VŽlizy, P9-P12, 1996.

[S12]       Zarka, P., High sensitivity search for planetary radio bursts at decameter wavelengths, SŽminaire invitŽ, Institut de RadioAstronomie de Kharkov, Kharkov, Ukraine, 17/10/1996.


[S13]       Zarka, P., Peut-on dŽtecter des exoplantes en ouvrant la fentre radio dŽcamŽtrique (et ce faisant risque-t-on de s'enrhumer) ?, SŽminaire du DESPA, Observatoire de Paris, Meudon, 11/3/1997.

[S14]       Biraud, F., and P. Zarka, Astronomie / Astrologie : le dŽbat! , SŽminaire invitŽ de lÕObservatoire de Paris-Meudon, 7/4/1997.

[S15]       Zarka, P., Premires observations et Objectifs scientifiques de lÕexpŽrience RPWS/KRONOS de CASSINI, SŽminaire du DESPA, Observatoire de Paris, Meudon, 25/10/1997.

[S16]       Zarka, P., Physics of Jovian Radio Emissions, SŽminaire invitŽ, Institut de MŽtŽorologie et GŽophysique, UniversitŽ de Cologne, Allemagne, 2/6/1997.


[S17]       Zarka, P., Plantes Extra-Solaires, SŽminaire au Haut ComitŽ Scientifique (HCS) de lÕObservatoire de Paris, 28/1/2000.

[S18]       Zarka, P., Radio search for extrasolar planets, SŽminaire invitŽ, Pushchino Radio Astronomy Observatory, Russie, 7/7/2000.

[S19]       Zarka, P., Exoplanets in the radio window, SŽminaire invitŽ, ESA/ESTEC SSD, Noordwijk, Netherlands, 17/11/2000.

[S20]       Zarka, P., Loi d'Žchelle pour les Žmissions radio planŽtaires, Atelier thŽmatique "Dynamique magnŽtosphŽrique Jovienne", PNP/SF6, Meudon, 20-21/11/2000.

[S21]       Zarka, P., Spectres, structures temps-frŽquence, et sillage de Io, Atelier thŽmatique "Dynamique magnŽtosphŽrique Jovienne", PNP/SF6, Meudon, 20-21/11/2000.


[S22]       Zarka, P., Ondes radio et ondes de plasma prs de Titan, Actes de l'Atelier thŽmatique "Mars-Titan" (SF6) du Programme National de PlanŽtologie, F. Leblanc Ed., Grenoble, 22-23/10/2001.


[S23]       Zarka, P., La dŽtection dŽcamŽtrique des exoplantes, SŽminaire "Plantes Extrasolaires" de lÕObservatoire de Paris, 24/10/2002.

[S24]       Zarka, P., Variability of radio emissions of Jupiter and Saturn, Atelier "Remote-sensing of planetary auroral emissions focusing on Jupiter and Saturn (LAM2002)", Marseille, France, 12-13/11/2002.

[S25]       Zarka, P., Exoplanetary aurora : What can we expect from radio aurora, Atelier "Remote-sensing of planetary auroral emissions focusing on Jupiter and Saturn (LAM2002)", Marseille, France, 12-13/11/2002.


[S26]       Amiaud, L., L. Denis, and P. Zarka, Estimation des capacitŽs de traitement temps rŽel d'une cha”ne d'acquisition en radioastronomie, Atelier "Projets et R & D en Radioastronomie", Nancay, 18-20/11/2003.

[S27]       Cecconi, B., and P. Zarka, Mesures de flux et de vecteur d'onde avec l'expŽrience de Radioastronomie de Cassini, Atelier "Projets Et R & D En Radioastronomie", Nancay, 18-20/11/2003.

[S28]       Zarka, P., et l'Žquipe LOFAR franaise, Le projet LOFAR : perspectives scientifiques et techniques, Atelier "Projets Et R & D En Radioastronomie", Nancay, 18-20/11/2003.

[S29]       Zarka, P., Diagnostic Radio Basses FrŽquences de l ÕInteraction Io-Jupiter, SŽminaire CETP VŽlizy, 4/12/2003.


[S30]       Zarka, P., Extrapolating to ÒHot JupitersÓ, ISSI workshop "Radio Exoplanets", Bern, Switzerland, 8-12/03/2004.

[S31]       Zarka, P., UTR-2 : Capabilities and Prior Observations, ISSI workshop "Radio Exoplanets", Bern, Switzerland, 8-12/03/2004.

[S32]       Zaslavsky, A., M. Maksimovic, A. Lecacheux, and P. Zarka, Radio astronomie a haute resolution spectrale de la couronne solaire, Atelier PNST, Autrans, France, 1/2004.

[S33]       Zarka, P., The Nancay decameter array & receivers, LOFAR – ITS Workshop, ASTRON, Dwingeloo, Pays-Bas, 24-25/5/2004.

[S34]       Zarka, P., B. Cecconi, and the RPWS team, SKR variations observed by RPWS during the January 9 - 33 period, SouthWest Research Institute, San Antonio, Texas,USA, 17-19/3/2004.

[S35]       Zarka, P., Hot Jupiter and Magnetized Stars : A Giant satellite-Jupiter System ?, Atelier "Close-in exoplanets : the star-planet connection", Orsay, 13-14/5/2004.

[S36]       Zarka, P., Recent Discoveries from the Analysis of Cassini Spacecraft Data in SaturnÕs Orbit : Part 1 : The Saturn system, its exploration by Voyager, and the Cassini mission. Part 2 : Recent discoveries by Cassini and further expectations, SŽminaires invitŽs, Future University, Hakodate, Japon, 1-8/10/2004.

[S37]       Zarka, P., Planetary Radio Emissions : Overview and first results from Cassini, SŽminaire invitŽ, Research Institute for a Sustainable Humanosphere (RISH), Uji/Kyoto, Japon, 21/10/2004.


[S38]       Zarka, P., Plasma interactions of exoplanets with their parent stars and associated radio emissions, Ecole CNRS de Goutelas XXVIII Ç Formation planŽtaire et exoplantes È, J.L. Halbwachs, D. Egret, and J.M. Hameury Žds., 5/2005.

[S39]       Zarka, P., Interactions Ç plasma È entre exoplantes et Žtoiles parentes, Ecole thŽmatique de Physique Stellaire PNPS/CNRS), Ç Interactions dans les systmes composites : Žtoiles, disques et plantes È, OlŽron, 5-9/9/2005.

[S40]       Zarka, P., Exoplanet search at UTR-2, SŽminaire invitŽ au Space Research Institute, Graz, Autriche, 24/11/2005.

[S41]       Cecconi, B., L. Lamy, L. Pallier, R. PrangŽ, and Zarka, P., Recent results and research program on SKR and Saturn's aurorae, N3 workshop Europlanet, Graz, Autriche, 25/11/2005.


[S42]       Zarka, P., Plasma interactions of exoplanets with their parent star and associated radio emissions, SŽminaire invitŽ, Institut dÕAstrophysique Spatiale, Univ. Paris 11, Orsay, 5/1/2006.

[S43]       Zarka, P. and the french RAR team, JUNO-WAVES-RAR : Radio Astronomy Science with JUNO, JUNO science teammeeting, San Antonio, 10/2006.

[S44]       PrangŽ, R., P. Zarka, B. Cecconi, and S. Hess, New developments in the diagnosis of planetary auroral radio emissions, N3 Strategic Workshop: Comparative Planetary Aurorae, University College London, 10-11/11/2006.

[S45]       Cecconi, B., L. Lamy, and P. Zarka, Modle dÕune pŽriode de rotation variable ˆ Saturne, PrŽsentation orale ˆ lÕAtelier PNP/PNST Ç MagnŽtosphres planŽtaires de Saturne, Jupiter et de la Terre: Structure et Dynamique È, CESR, Toulouse, 20-22/11/2006.