Cassini SOI
CASSINI/MAPS Workshop 2010
Meudon Observatory, 7-9 April 2010
Participants List
Admin Access
Program - Friday
[09:00-09:30] Saturn’s Atmosphere and Ionosphere — Chairman: B. Cecconi
09:00 - Detection of visible lightning on Saturn (G. Fischer)
09:15 - Peak electron densities of Saturn’s ionosphere (G. Fischer)
[09:30-11:30] Periodicities — Chairman: P. Zarka
09:30 - Dual periodicity in the rotational modulation of Saturn narrowband emissions (S. Ye)
09:45 - The enigma of apparent symmetry in the internal Saturnian magnetic field: clues from external periodic signals (D. Southwood)
10:00 - Magnetospheric-period oscillations in Saturn's equatorial magnetosphere and open tail lobes throughout the Cassini mission (D. Andrews)
[10:15-10:45] Coffee Break
10:45 - Evidence for the occurrence of ~10.6h magnetic field oscillations in Saturn’s equatorial magnetosphere (G. Provan)
11:00 - A Preliminary Look at Saturn’s Particle Periodicities at Equinox (J. Carbary)
11:15 - Saturn Magnetospheric periodicity by plasma release, subcorotation, and ionospheric feedback — an update (D. Mitchell)
[11:30-14:30] Datasets, Tools and Future Observations Chairman: K.C. Hansen
11:30 - Saturn auroral science: connecting Cassini in-situ and HST remote observations in the Virtual Observatory (N. André)
11:45 - New Cassini/MAPS datasets for the CDPP/AMDA tool (B. Cecconi)
12:00 - RPWS/LP Proxy Density data base on IRFU website (M. Morooka)
12:15 - List of Cassini events and catalogues for the CDPP/AMDA tool (N. André)
[12:30-14:00] Lunch (Buffet, Uranie Hall)
14:00 - MIMI Data Analysis Tools that are Useful in a Larger MAPS Context (J. Vandegriff)
14:15 - Heliospheric ENA-future prospects for Cassini (D. Mitchell)
[14:30-15:00] Concluding Remarks
14:30 - Summary, perspectives and open discussions. (T. Gombosi)
[15:00-19:00] Splinter meetings
15:00 - MIMI Team Meeting
15:00 - 5 other rooms available for discussions or informal workshops, on subjects such as: 7th April Dione flyby data, periodicities, hands on AMDA...
CIAS - Observatoire de Paris - CNRS - CNES - LESIA - CESR - Univ. Michigan
Last Modification: 26-Mar-2010, 12:45 CET