RĂ©sultats 1 - 10 sur un total de 65
Lestrade J.F., Augereau J.C., Booth M., Adam R., Ade P., AndrĂ© P., Andrianasolo A., Aussel H., Beelen A., BenoĂ®t A., Bideaud A., Bourrion O., Calvo M., Catalano A., Comis B., de Petris M., DĂ©sert F.X., Doyle S., Driessen E.F.C., Gomez A., Goupy J., Holland W., KĂ©ruzorĂ© F., Kramer C., Ladjelate B., Lagache G., Leclercq S., Lefèvre C., MacĂas-PĂ©rez J.F., Mauskopf P., Mayet F., Monfardini A., Perotto L., Pisano G., Ponthieu N., RevĂ©ret V., Ritacco A., Romero C., Roussel H., Ruppin F., Schuster K., Shu S., Sievers A., ThĂ©bault P., Tucker C., Zylka R..
Debris disks around stars in the NIKA2 era.
mm Universe @ NIKA2, Jun 2019, Grenoble, France. pp.00015, ⟨10.1051/epjconf/202022800015⟩.
Référence DOI : 10.1051/epjconf/202022800015
Référence HAL : hal-02475238
Marcq Emmanuel, Guignan Gabriel, Lustrement Benjamin, Montmessin Franck, Lasue Jérémie, Bézard Bruno, Vandaele Ann Carine, Helbert Jörn, Widemann Thomas, Wilson Colin, Ghail Richard.
Monitoring Venus cloud top: the VenSpec-U spectrometer on board ESA EnVision.
Europlanet Science Congress 2020, Sep 2020, Virtual Meeting, Germany. pp.EPSC2020-622.
Référence HAL : insu-02917523
Jenkins Joseph, Paiement Adeline, Aboudarham Jean, Bonnin Xavier.
Physics-informed detection and segmentation of type II solar radio bursts.
British Machine Vision Virtual Conference, Sep 2020, Virtual, United Kingdom.
Référence HAL : hal-02923001
Bonnefoy LĂ©a, Le Gall Alice, Azevedo Marie, Lellouch Emmanuel, Leyrat CĂ©dric, Janssen Michael.
Dione's leading/trailing dichotomy at 2.2 cm.
Europlanet Science Congress EPSC 2020, Sep 2020, Virtual Meeting, Germany. pp.EPSC2020-329.
Référence HAL : insu-02943256
Joshi Reetika, Schmieder Brigitte, Aulanier Guillaume, Bommier VĂ©ronique, Chandra Ramesh.
Helicity in a jet provided by transfer of twist from a sigmoidal flux rop.
European Space Weather Symposium (ESWS) 2020, Nov 2020, online meeting, France.
Référence HAL : hal-02950953
Filacchione Gianrico, Bockelée-Morvan Dominique, Altwegg Kathrin, Bianchi Eleonora, Bizzarro Martin, Blum Jürgen, Bonal Lydie, Capaccioni Fabrizio, Codella Claudio, Choukroun Mathieu, Cottin Hervé, Davidsson Björn, de Sanctis Maria Cristina, Drozdovskaya Maria, Engrand Cécile, Galand Marina, Güttler Carsten, Henri Pierre, Hérique Alain, Ivanovski Stavro L., Kokotanekova Rosita, Levasseur-Regourd Anny Chantal, Miller Kelly E., Rotundi Alessandra, Schönbächler Maria, Snodgrass Colin, Thomas Nicolas, Tubiana Cécilia, Ulamec Stefan, Vincent Jean-Baptiste.
AMBITION, the Comet Nucleus Cryogenic Sample Return mission for ESA Voyage 2050 program.
Europlanet Science Congress EPSC 2020, Sep 2020, (Virtual Meeting ), Germany. pp.EPSC2020-25.
Référence HAL : insu-02952276
Solomonidou Anezina, Neish Catherine, Coustenis Athena, Malaska Michael, Le Gall Alice, Lopes Rosaly, Werynski Alyssa, Lawrence Kenneth, Atlobelli Nicolas, Witasse Olivier, Shoenfeld Ashley, Matsoukas Christos, Baziotis Ioannis, Drossart Pierre.
The chemical composition of impact craters on Titan.
EPSC-DPS Joint Meeting 2020, 2020, Virtual Meeting, France. pp.EPSC2020-7, ⟨10.5194/epsc2020-7⟩.
Référence DOI : 10.5194/epsc2020-7
Référence HAL : hal-03007504
Coustenis Athena,, Jennings Donald, Achterberg Richard, Lavvas Panayotis, Nixon Conor, Flasar F. Michael, Bampasidis Georgios.
Evolution of the atmospheric organic content on Titan with seasons.
EGU 2020, Apr 2020, virtual, France. ⟨10.5194/egusphere-egu2020-22108⟩.
Référence DOI : 10.5194/egusphere-egu2020-22108
Référence HAL : hal-03007538
Piccialli Arianna, Rathbun Julie, Levasseur-Regourd Anny Chantal, Määttänen Anni, Milillo Anna, Rengel Miriam, Rotundi Alessandra, Taylor Matt, Witasse Olivier, Altieri Francesca, Drossart Pierre, Vandaele Ann Carine.
Participation of women scientists in ESA Solar System missions: an historical trend.
EGU General Assembly 2020, May 2020, Vienna, Austria. ⟨10.5194/egusphere-egu2020-19310⟩.
Référence DOI : 10.5194/egusphere-egu2020-19310
Référence HAL : insu-02812333
Solomonidou Anezina, Neish Catherine, Coustenis Athena, Malaska Michael, Le Gall Alice, Lopes Rosaly, Altobelli Nico, Witasse Olivier, Lawrence Kenneth, Schoenfeld Ashley, Matsoukas Christos, Baziotis Ioannis, Schmitt B, Drossart Pierre.
The chemical composition of impact craters on Titan.
22nd EGU General Assembly, May 2020, Online, Germany. ⟨10.5194/egusphere-egu2020-6131⟩.
Référence DOI : 10.5194/egusphere-egu2020-6131
Référence HAL : insu-03023551