Institut national de recherche scientifique français Univerité Pierre et Marie Curie Université Paris Diderot - Paris 7

Integration of LESIA in the PLAS@PAR labex top tier laboratories

Friday 5 December 2014

(mise à jour le 30 January 2015)

The French National Agency of Research, following the recommendations of the different PLAS@PAR labex comittees, has accepted to promote LESIA as one of the labex top tier laboratories. The labex goals is to federate the teams in the Paris region working on plasmas, a subject where LESIA’s activities find naturally its place.

The Plas@par labex

Initiated with the "Investment for the future program", the Plas@par labex aims at federating the teams in the Paris region working on plasmas, whatever their origins, natural, industrial, resulting from fusion or produced in laboratory. The labex activities are organized in three scientific work packages:

  • Fundamental processes in plasmas
  • Numerical simulations
  • Laboratory experiments

Until recently, the labex members were:

With the Sorbonne University Idex for its prime administrative supervision, the labex is leaded by two persons : C. Stehlé (LERMA) and P. Chabert (LPP).

LESIA inside the labex

In the first years of the labex, LESIA was then an associated laboratory.This position allowed us to answer the calls for founding of the labex as a partner of a team belonging to the first tier but did not allow us to be involved at the level of our interest and expertise in the field of the labex.

Indeed, the research activities of the plasma and solar physics teams of LESIA perfectly match the labex project. Furthemore, LESIA has already been involved in several actions of the labex, in particular the organization and the participation of its summer school in Roscoff, of some of its scientific workshops, and of its booth during the "Fête de la Science" on the Jussieu site in Oct. 2014. Finally, LESIA is bringing a complementary expertise with respect to the other team of the labex:

  • multi-wavelength analysis, in particular in the radio domain
  • Vlasov, N-corps, MHD-3D simulations
  • kinetic physics, complementary to MHD approach

LESIA has then requested to join the labex first tier, which has been recently accepted by the labex committees (steering committee, international scientific committee and trustees committee) and validated by the National Agency for Reseach.