
 Aims:    - Understand how plasma hundred times denser and cooler than the coronal plasma can exist in the corona
                    - Get important informations on the coronal magnetic field (e.g. what is its magnetic topology ?)

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                Amplitude and orientation of prominence magnetic fields
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Aulanier G., Démoulin P., Mein N., van Driel-Gesztelyi L.,  Mein P., Schmieder B.,
                3-D magnetic configuration supporting a prominence
                         III. Evolution of fine structures observed in a filament  channel,
         1999, A&A 342, 867   PS gzip
Aulanier G., Démoulin P., van Driel-Gesztelyi L., Mein P.,  DeForest C.,
                3-D magnetic configuration supporting a prominence
                         II. The lateral feet as a perturbation  of a twisted flux-tube,
         1998, A&A 335, 309   PS gzip
Aulanier G., Démoulin P.,
                3-D magnetic configuration supporting a prominence
                          I. The natural presence of lateral feet,
         1998, A&A 329, 1125  PS gzip
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               A Model for an Inverse-polarity prominence supported
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              Helical structures around quiescent solar prominences
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         1992, Solar Physics 142, 291
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              Weighted current sheets supported in Normal and Inverse
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 Démoulin, P.,  Raadu, M.A., Malherbe, J.M.,
              Linear force-free magnetic field around quiescent solar
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              The creation of the magnetic environment for
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              The magnetic field around quiescent solar prominences
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 Démoulin, P.,  Priest, E.R.,
               A twisted flux model for solar prominences.,
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               Fine structures in solar filaments.,
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