Nicolas BIVER


Département LESIA

Observatoire de Paris

5 place Jules JANSSEN


Tel: (33/0)1 45 07 78 09

Curiculum Vitae

My main research field is the observation and the modelling of cometary lines at radio wavelengths. Thanks to the new millimeter to submillimeter facilities (JCMT, IRAM, CSO, SEST,...), I have participated to the first detection of several new cometary molecules, and I have mostly been working on models to retrieve production rates for some of these...

I began working on comets in early 1993, a very quiet period, to be prepared for the spectacular cometary displays of 1996-1997 !?!...

But I am also, and still, a true amateur astronomer... the kind of who sleeps with his telescope... (but doesn't really sleep!) - and since I also like drawing, I never observe without a pencil and a sheet of paper... My first astronomical drawing dates back to december 1983, when I did start to be interested in astronomy. You will find here links to several of my drawings and recent observations.

Contact:Tel: 01 39 24 07 82 (18h-6h UT pour les urgences (Astronomiques)!)
Vous etes les bienvenus pour me telephoner a n'importe quelle heure de la nuit pour des urgences astronomiques,... mais tout abus (autre) sera puni...!

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