------------------------------------------------------------------------ --- read_N2SA - reading of Staff-SA (Cluster) N2 calibrated data --- --- LOG file version (2007Sep20) --- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Created on Tue Aug 5 11:39:49 2008 Fields: (N2.rec no, time) N2 file number, record number, time (C) satellite number (mode) STAFF-SA mode name (ca) calibration on (wh) Whisper transmitter active (sp) despin off (bu) burst mode on (mo) STAFF-SA mode number (zd) Z boom pair in density mode (yd) Y boom pair... (st) calibration step number 0..23 (st1) 1st DWP word (st2) 2nd status word (12345) errors in data, 5 types: 1.PSD=0, 2.auto=0, 3.PSD<0, 4.auto<0, 5.|cross_ij|^2>auto_i*auto_j; found in "B":magnetic, "E":electric, "M":mixed, "*": several different Number of STAFF-SA N2 files found: 4 STAFF-SA N2 FILE No 01: /poubelle/cluster/C1_060407_1a.n2sa STAFF-SA N2 FILE No 02: /poubelle/cluster/C2_060407_1a.n2sa STAFF-SA N2 FILE No 03: /poubelle/cluster/C3_060407_1a.n2sa STAFF-SA N2 FILE No 04: /poubelle/cluster/C4_060407_1a.n2sa N2.rec no C rec time mode ca wh sp bu mo zd yd st st1 st2 12345 Records after 2006-04-07 16:00:00.000 were not read. No data found before 2006-04-07 16:00:00.000. No output files written.