Some pictures of VIRTIS for Venus Express during calibration

Close view of VIRTIS-OM in the “balancelle” of the calibration chamber.
On the left VIRTIS-H FOV with cover
and on the right VIRTIS-M FOV with cover.

Another view of VIRTIS-OM in the “balancelle”
of the calibration chamber.
On the bottom is visible the VIRTIS-ME.

A picture of the VIRTIS-ME (center),
PEM-H (left) and PEM-M (right) before
the installation in the calibration chamber.


General view of the calibration facility
and the VIRTIS EGSE at IAS-Orsay
during the VIRTIS calibration activity.
VIRTIS is inside the big chamber called “Jupiter”.

Final picture at the end of the
VIRTIS calibration activity at IAS-Orsay