Last updated: 26 Nov.2003 UT

Aurorae borealis page

LEONIDS 2003, from Hawaii:

12.642-11-2003:ZHR=13+-13 (1 leonid seen)
13.606-11-2003:ZHR=21+-21 (1 leonid seen)
15.616-11-2003:ZHR=41+-24 (3 leonids seen)
17.608-11-2003:ZHR=16+- 6 (5 leonids seen)
18.608-11-2003:ZHR=26+-11 (16 leonids seen)
19.510-11-2003:ZHR=67+-12 (30 leonids seen)
19.599-11-2003:ZHR=62+-10 (35 leonids seen)
19.634-11-2003:ZHR=82+-14 (36 leonids seen)
ZHR plot 12-20 Nov. 2003

LEONIDS 2002, from Pico Veleta:

16.18-11-2002:ZHR=22+-10 (5 leonids seen)
17.21-11-2002:ZHR=18+- 6 (10 leonids, 12 seen in total)
18.15-11-2002:ZHR=21+- 5 (15 leonids, 16 seen in total)
19 nov. 2002 (between clouds/fog/...preliminary):
1:24 UT: ZHR= 330+-135 (6 leonids in 15min.)
3:40 UT: ZHR= 810+-151 (29 leonids in 15min.)
4:02 UT: ZHR=1568+-340 (21 leonids in 10min.)
4:27 UT: ZHR=1115+-394 (8 leonids in 10min.)
4:53 UT: ZHR= 854+-257 (11 leonids in 10min.)
5:22 UT: ZHR= 541+-140 (15 leonids in 10min.)
6:12 UT: ZHR= 434+-177 (15 leonids in 10min.)
20 nov. 2002: 5:52 UT: ZHR= 74+-33 (5 leonids in 20min.; cloudy before)

I usually do not go out to observe weak meteor showers, but I do see many meteors while observing comets (even through my telescope), and for major showers, I may spend some time counting them...


... but nobody around..., hidding in the trees!
This 06 Feb. 2000 at 08:32 UT, from dillingham airfield, a very bright (mag. -11 +-2, rather -12) fireball disrupted my observations of comet C/1999 L3, lighting up the sky. I then saw (3-5sec. after) the end of the fireball, with 3-4 flashes around mag. -6 to -7, rather reddish at the eastern horizon, endding up in the trees.
Estimated (observed) path: R.A./dec = 11h40/-2 to 12h25/-4
....................... or Az./elev.= 100/+18 to 98/+7 (roughly initially estimated to Azimuth = 95, Elev.=15 to 5... so that's plus or minus 3-4, plus or minus less than 1min. for the time)

A few bright fireballs that I remember: one around mag. -10, during the HAS 1999 Oct. 10.3 UT (?) Star party, that illuminated the ground and I had just time to turn back 180 to see it had split into 3 green fireballs...

A bright mag. -7 Geminid (to the N-N-W) on December 14.6, 1999 UT


  • Perseids 2002

  • Counts converted in ZHRs 10-14 Aug. 2002
  • Perseids 2001

  • Counts converted in ZHRs 10-13 Aug. 2001


  • Leonids 2002

  • Leonids 2000

  • Leonids 1999

  • Leonids 1998

  • Leonids 1997


  • Geminids 2000

  • Geminids 1999

  • Geminids 1998


  • Quadrantids 2002