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Velocity distribution and generalized temperatures

Let tex2html_wrap_inline1921 be the electron velocity distribution at z = 0, which we assume for simplicity to be isotropic. This approximation is reasonable since the bulk of the electrons has been inferred to be roughly isotropic in this region: an observation made during a Voyager roll maneuver was found to be compatible with tex2html_wrap_inline1925 at tex2html_wrap_inline1875 latitude for the bulk population ([Sittler and Strobel 1987]); such a small anisotropy is expected to have negligible consequences on our results.

From Liouville's theorem, the velocity distribution is constant along particle trajectories, so that the distribution at distance z is tex2html_wrap_inline1931 with, from conservation of energy


We consider only latitudes such that tex2html_wrap_inline1919 , where the potential is attractive and monotonic (with B nearly constant), so that the isotropy of the velocity distribution is preserved and the trajectories at z connect to z = 0 (the problem of accessibility in phase space should be considered for higher latitudes, where the potential is not monotonic). We thus have


with tex2html_wrap_inline1941
The moment of order q of the velocity distribution at distance z along tex2html_wrap_inline1829 is


The density tex2html_wrap_inline1647 is the moment of order q = 0, i.e., tex2html_wrap_inline1953 . In general, tex2html_wrap_inline1955 is a decreasing function of the velocity; as a consequence, since tex2html_wrap_inline1957 increases monotonically with z, tex2html_wrap_inline1961 decreases with z. Hence, all the moments tex2html_wrap_inline1965 decrease with z; this is true in particular of the density.

In the absence of local thermal equilibrium, the concept of ``temperature" is not straightforward, and different types of measurements can give different results. So we define generalized temperatures tex2html_wrap_inline1969 as


This normalization has been chosen in such a way that all tex2html_wrap_inline1969 's are equal to tex2html_wrap_inline1979 if the distribution is a Maxwellian of temperature tex2html_wrap_inline1979 , i.e.


On the other hand, for a non-Maxwellian distribution, the temperatures tex2html_wrap_inline1969 are different. In the non-Maxwellian case, the ``temperature" is traditionally defined as the mean random energy times tex2html_wrap_inline1985 , which is just our generalized temperature of order q = 2, i.e., tex2html_wrap_inline1989 . This traditional definition is adequate when the physics and/or the measuring device are sensitive to the mean random energy of the particles. However, many ``temperature" measuring techniques are sensitive instead to different moments of the distribution, i.e., to other tex2html_wrap_inline1969 . For example, a measurement of the Debye length would give the effective temperature tex2html_wrap_inline1993 , since tex2html_wrap_inline1995 ; on the other hand, a measurement of the random flux would give tex2html_wrap_inline1997 , since the mean random velocity is tex2html_wrap_inline1999 .

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Michel Moncuquet
Mon Feb 2 16:12:15 MET 1998