Mars brightness model
Version 1.3 - 100 x 100 pts - Extended to 2036

This program computes the Mars brightness temperature and flux for any frequency and date between 30-5000 GHz and year 1990-2036.
The input physical parameters are the surface roughness, radio penetration length and dielectric constant (default values are proposed). The flux is computed taking into account the telescope beam (defined at 300 GHz, and recomputed for any frequency). Modify the input parameters below as desired and click on Go.

Model Description
Year (1990-2036) :
Month :
Sample graphs and files Day :
                                              Time (UT, Decimal):
Telescope beam (HPBW) : at 300 GHz (arcsec)
Roughness (°):
Penetration length: (units of lambda):
Dielectric constant :
Frequency 1 (GHz):
Frequency 2 (GHz):
Frequency 3 (GHz):
Frequency 4 (GHz):

This page has been created by H.Amri and E. Lellouch (July 2006)
Mars modelling was done by E.Lellouch and H. Amri

©2006 LESIA