;+ ; Contains the summary_sv procedure ; ; :Author: ; Baptiste Cecconi ; ; :History: ; 2010/04/30: Created ; ; 2012/03/06: Last Edit ;- ; ;+ ; summary_sv is a procedure that <behavior desc here> ; ; :Uses: ; high_res_plot ; ; :Params: ; datedeb: in, required, type=sometype ; A parameter named datedeb ; datefin: in, required, type=sometype ; A parameter named datefin ; ; :Keywords: ; source: in, optional, type=sometype ; A keyword named source ; ant_set: in, optional, type=sometype ; A keyword named ant_set ;- pro SUMMARY_SV, datedeb,datefin,source=source,ant_set=ant_set if ~keyword_set(source) then source='sq' if ~keyword_set(ant_set) then ant_set='2-ant' pFileList=make_file_list(datedeb, 0l,datefin, 24l, level='lis') if (ptr_valid(pFileList)) then begin FileList=*pFileList ptr_free, pFileList nfile = n_elements(filelist) for i=0l,nfile-1l do begin path = strmid(FileList(i),0,strlen(FileList(i))-15)+'pdf/'+strmid(FileList(i),10,7,/rev) day=long(strmid(FileList(i),10,7,/rev)) if ant_set eq '2-ant' then high_res_plot,day,0.,day,24.,/no_rfi,smin=1e-24,smax=1e-19,$ titreim=path+'-SVe',source=source,ant_set=ant_set if ant_set eq '3-ant' then begin high_res_plot,day,0.,day,24.,/no_rfi,smin=1e-24,smax=1e-19,titreim=path+'-SVb',source=source,$ ant_set=ant_set,vmin=1e-2,vmax=1.2 high_res_plot,day,0.,day,24.,/no_rfi,titreim=path+'-LTb',type_plot='LT',source=source,$ ant_set=ant_set,vmin=1e-2,vmax=1.2 endif endfor endif end